Three, Two, One


JA Huss is the USA Today bestselling author of more than twenty romances. She likes stories about family, loyalty, and extraordinary characters who struggle with basic human emotions while dealing with bigger than life problems. JA loves writing heroes who make you swoon, heroines who makes you jealous, and the perfect Happily Ever After ending.






Welcome to The End of book Shit. We call them the EOBS now. I write these chapters at the end of every book. They sort of have cult status these days. Sometimes they are a little controversial, sometimes not. They are never edited. So if you see a typo, oh well. I wait until the last minute to write them—like right now it’s 1 AM Monday, January 26, 2015. I have to send this to my formatter tonight. Like now. So she can get it back to me before Tuesday so I can upload with enough time to get the book live before the 28th (the official release day).


So fuck. (I swear a lot in these) I’m not sure how much I should tell you about where this all came from. It started out pretty dirty because it came right out of a porn video. I saw this video about a year and a half ago. It was a guy who made these reality videos for an online site. But that was not what captured my attention.


So here’s how it went… this was in Eastern Europe somewhere, it was all in subtitles. It was the dead of winter. The guy with the camera was in a train station or something. And he must’ve seen this girl. She was tall, not too thin, nice curvy figure underneath her huge coat and winter clothes.


But she was very pretty. Black hair. Dark eyes. Perfect face. Beautiful actually, but in a very poor way. Like, you could tell she had normal everyday problems on her mind. Her clothes were ordinary. Nothing special. And she looked tired. She was coming home from work, I think.


So this camera guy was filming his approach to her. Telling her she’s pretty, does she want to let him take her picture? She ignores him for a long time—at least ten minutes of that movie is just this guy practically begging this girl to give him some attention. He follows her all the way out to her car, and then he gets down to business. If you show me your bra, I’ll give you this money. I don’t know how many Euro he said. One hundred maybe.


Her eyes bugged out, but she said no.


But the guy knew he could persuade her if he just kept upping the amount, So he gets to five hundred Euro, holds the money out, makes her take it. And then asks her, Where do you work?


She’s a cashier.


How much do you make in a week?


She tells him some small amount, not in Euro, some other currency. So a small amount.


And he tells her, Just show me your underwear and that five hundred is yours.


And you could see her face as she worked through what this money might mean.


You could pay rent with this. You could buy food. Clothes. He says all this to her as she bites her lip and takes deep breaths.


Ok, she says. But not in public.


He says, OK, let’s go to my place.


So gets in his car, and he’s filming this whole time. And he actually says to the camera, I can’t believe she got in my car!


And the girl is clearly nervous, but she trusts him for some reason.


They get to his place and she lifts up her shirt and shows him her bra.


He says, Come on. I paid five hundred Euro. Take off your clothes and stand in your underwear.


She’s got a shitload of clothes. It’s like the dead of winter in some horrible wintery nation somewhere in Eastern Europe, right? She she’s taking off her coat. Her sweater. Her scarf tucked inside her sweater. Her boots, her pants, her socks. Her shirt.


Finally she’s in her underwear. Just some ordinary underwear.


He’s like, You’re so beautiful.


And it wasn’t a lie. You could just tell in his voice (even though it was not even in English), he was mesmerized by her. Like he just met his soulmate.


And she was totally beautiful. But in a very sad way. Like her life just sucks and that beauty hasn’t gotten her anywhere, so who cares. She’s got problems. But she politely whispers, Thank you.


And then he says, You’re here. I have all this money to get girls to do things on camera for me. I’ll give you all of it, three thousand Euro, if you let me fuck you.


And she takes a deep breath, turns around a little, like she can’t believe this is happening. And then turns back and says, OK.


So she fucks him. She does whatever he wants, and he films the whole thing from his point of view as he comes in her mouth.


And when they’re done, he gets up and looks into the camera. And in the background you see her walk into the bathroom, turn on the sink water, lean over, and spit out his come. Probably puking a little while she was at it.


And the guy, I really don’t think he knew. Because he looks into the camera and says, I have never paid so much for sex before in my life. But it was worth it.


I was transfixed by this story. It was like thirty minutes long and only about five of it was the actual sex. But that girl’s face told so much more about what was going on in her head. And the guy sorta fell in love with her for some reason. Like he wasn’t after the sex, not really. You could tell he wanted her. He probably didn’t even want to fuck her at that point. He just didn’t want her to leave—he wanted a date. So he made her an offer she couldn’t refuse.


And this guy is kinda big in the porn world. He’s got a website with hundreds of videos like this, but none were like this at all.


And I thought to myself, no one who watches this video gives a shit about the fucking. It’s all about this guy who buys girls for ten minutes a pop, pulling out his A-game to get this one tragically beautiful and sad girl to give him a few minutes of her time.


That’s a story. And from there I started imagining who these people were. And what if there was someone else there. One guy running a camera, one guy doing the acting.