Three, Two, One

I stare down at him. He crosses his legs like he hasn’t got a care in the world. “What the fuck is wrong with you today? I’ve never said yes because it’s not my job. It’s JD’s job. You don’t see him running the camera. He likes getting his dick sucked in public. Me, not so much. So that’s why I do what I do and he does what he does.”



“And there’s nothing more to it than that? I mean, what? You have a girlfriend? Is that who’s gonna suck your dick on film today?”


Alarms are going off in my head right now. “That’s none of your business, but no, Ray. I don’t have a girlfriend.”


“Then who is your go-to girl, Ark? And why don’t you have a real name? I’ve known you four years and never a real name.”


I laugh now, but it’s a nervous laugh. “What the hell is going on? If you’ve got a problem with me, say so. Otherwise I’m outta here. I’m gonna go make your movies and be back tonight with the product. On time. Fully edited. Ready to be uploaded. And we’re gonna be settled until next Sunday. Got it?”


He stands and walks back around to the other side of his massive desk. He shuffles some papers, making me wait for an answer. I huff out a breath and turn to walk out, with or without his acknowledgment, when he talks. “There’s something about you, Ark.”


Where is this coming from?


“There’s something strange about you. There’s always been something strange about you. You blew into town from… where again?” He lifts his eyes up from the desk and trains them on me. “Where did you come from?”


“You know exactly where I came from, Ray. Miami.”


“But you weren’t born there.”


“You know what’s funny here? I’ve worked with you for four years and now that I’m getting ready to break ties—a legitimate break that you’ve known about since the day we started business—you’re turning into an asshole. I was born in Nebraska, Ray. I ordered my birth certificate online right in front of you and had it delivered right here. To you. You fingerprinted me. You scanned my retina, for fuck’s sake. You paraded me in front of every criminal you knew at a party in LA. And none of them knew me. And no dirt ever materialized. And I’ve worked for you for four years and nothing ever happened. So what is going on? Because from my end it looks like you’re out to screw me over now that JD and I are making this move.”


“Now you see where I’m coming from.”


“No, Ray,” I shake my head. “No, I actually do not see where you’re coming from. I make porn videos. I made a shitload for you and now I’m gonna make a shitload for me. And maybe, if I’m lucky, in a year or two I’m gonna be set just like you are. Have I ever fucked with your business? And as far as that goes, when it comes to the movies, we run a legitimate business. All of us. We’re one hundred percent on the up and up. So why this is even coming up, I have no idea. Because I’ve got nothing on you. You’re an open book as far as I can see. We’re friends. More than friends. I’d never fuck you over and I expect the same loyalty back.”


He takes a deep breath and sits down in his chair. He nods to the chair in front of his desk one more time and I can sense we’re gonna set this right, so I walk back over and take a seat.


“OK,” he says after a few seconds of silence. “I get it. I’m just being paranoid.”


“Why though? I mean, if something’s happening and it involves me and JD, we need to know.”


He shakes his head. “No, I’m just worried that I’ve made mistakes. And I’ve relied on you two for years and I won’t have you anymore. Just… nervous, I guess.”


“Dude,” I laugh. “Ray, man. You’re one of my best friends. I’m not going anywhere. And if you need anything, just ask.”


He stares at me for a moment. “You can get the films for this week?”


“I can.”


“And it will be public?”


“They always are, Ray.”


“You have some secret go-to girl for this?”


“I might.”


He stares at me some more. “OK, good. Thank you. I need the Public Fuck stuff, Ark. It’s good shit. I’m sure this won’t be your best, but you’ll get me some good movies—good club movies—before you go?”


“We’ve got girls lined up for next week. All three are repeats and we got the clubs on board too. We’ll bring you in some good shit next week, I promise.”


“All right, then. If I don’t see you tonight—”


“I know the drill, Ray.”


And then we shake hands and I walk out.






I don’t know why they are being nice to me. Especially this one. The one called JD. He’s got me wrapped up in his arms against his chest. The hot water is running again, because we’ve been sitting in the tub for so long it’s gone tepid. He’s stroking my hair and his lips are pressed up against my head.


We say nothing. We just listen to the water as it barrels out of the faucet.


I start to think about things and then shake my head a little to make it stop.


“What’s wrong?” His voice echoes through the large bathroom.


I can’t say. So he gets silence.


He waits to see if I’m just taking a moment to think, and then decides I’m not. “Too much, huh? The marks? Whoever it is you’re running from did a nice number on you.”


If he only knew.


“We’ll pay you for the photos. So you don’t have to stay if you don’t want to.”


Like I have many options.


“But we won’t mind if you do stay.” His fingertips continue to play with my hair as we both think about that.


What would it mean to stay here? They can’t possibly be offering up a temporary home with no expectations.


“I think Ark likes you.”


I let out a long breath. “I don’t think so.”


“Ah, she still speaks.” JD peeks around my face and flashes me a smile. He’s very good-looking. His blond hair is wet and tousled, and a little darker now with the water. His eyes are a bright blue and they look—well, not quite kind. Neither of these guys look kind. They are rough in all the ways I need to avoid right now. But this one’s eyes tell me they are understanding, at least.