The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health

50 Lindsey A. O’Rourke, “The U.S. tried to change other countries’ governments 72 times during the Cold War,” Washington Post (Dec 23, 2016),

51 CDC, Research—Smallpox (Jan. 22, 2019),

52 Dr. Meryl Nass, “When mass vaccination programs are mounted in a hurry, bad outcomes and liability are invariably big issues,” (Apr.17, 2021),

53 Ibid.

54 John Doe #1 et al., v. Donald H. Rumsfeld, et al., 297 F. SUPP., U.S. Dist., (2003),

55 Yet to this day, the CDC website puts forth a favorable view of the smallpox vaccine, starting with the well-worn assurances of safety: The smallpox vaccine is safe, and it is effective at preventing smallpox disease.

56 Andrea Germanos, “Big Tech War Profiteers Raked in $44 Billion During ‘Global War on Terror,” THE DEFENDER, (Sep 13, 2021).

57 Rick Weiss and Susan Schmidt, “Capitol Hill Anthrax Matches Army’s Stocks,” Washington Post (Dec. 16, 2001),

58 Webb and Diego

59 Ibid.

60 Ibid.

61 Jerry Markon, “Justice Dept. Takes on Itself in Anthrax Attacks,” Washington Post (Jan. 27, 2012),

62 Ian Gurney, “Bin Laden Profits from U.S. Anthrax Vaccine Manufacture?,” What Really Happened (2002),

63 Webb and Diego

64 Jeffrey Lean and Jonathan Owen, “Donald Rumsfeld makes $5m killing on bird flu drug,” Independent (Mar. 12, 2016),

65 Nelson D. Schwartz, “Rumsfield's Growing Stake in Tamiflu,” CNN Money (October 31, 2005),

66 Ibid.

67 Jon Cohen and Eliot Marshall, “Vaccines for Biodefense: A System in Distress,” Science (Oct. 19, 2001): 498–501,

68 Franz

69 Cohen and Marshall

70 Paul D. Thacker, “A Continued Candid Conversation with Richard Ebright on the History of U.S. Research Funding for Biological Agents in America and Abroad That Lack Critical Safety Overview,” Disinformation Chronicle (Aug. 7, 2021),

71 Anthony S. Fauci, “The global challenge of infectious diseases: the evolving role of the National Institutes of Health in basic and clinical research,” V.6 No. 8 NATURE 745 (August 2005),

72 Shankar Vedantam, “Lingering Worries Over Vaccine,” Washington Post (Dec. 20, 2001),

73 ABC This Week (October 28, 2001).

74 Ibid.

75 “The Anthrax Vaccine: Officials are taking another look at the controversial anthrax vaccine, Betty Ann Bowser reports,” PBS (Dec. 4, 2001),

76 Ibid.

77 John Dudley Miller, “Postal Anthrax Aftermath: Has BioDefense Spending Made Us Safer?,” Scientific American (Nov. 1, 2008),

78 Frequently Asked Questions About SARS, CDC (Mar. 3, 2005),

79 Fiona Fleck, “SARS outbreak over, but concerns for lab safety remain,” Bulletin of the WHO 82 (6): 470 (June 2004),

80 “Anthony S. Fauci Reflects on the 2001 Anthrax Attacks,” RWJF (Oct. 3, 2011),

81 Franz

82 Judith Miller, Stephen Engelberg, and William J. Broad, “U.S. Germ Warfare Research Pushes Treaty Limits” (September 4, 2001),

83 Hsinchun Chen, et al. Argus, Vol. 21 Infectious Disease Informatics: Syndromic Surveillance for Public Health and BioDefense, 177–181 (July 14, 2009), doi:10.1007/978-1-4419-1278-7_13

84 “Local Challenges of Global Proportions: Evaluating Roles, Preparedness for, and Surveillance of Pandemic Influenza,” Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, US Senate 110th Congress (September 28, 2007),

85 Raul Diego, “DARPA’s Man in Wuhan,” Unlimited Hangout (July 31, 2020),

86 Ibid.

87 Donald G. McNeil Jr.,“Scientists Were Hunting for the Next Ebola. Now the U.S. Has Cut Off Their Funding,” New York Times (October 25, 2019),

88 Daszak/Callahan paper: “Diversity of coronavirus in bats from Eastern Thailand,” Virol J. 2015; 12: 57. (April 11, 2012), doi: 10.1186/s12985-015-0289-1,

89 Engineering BioTerror Agents: Lessons from the Offensive U.S. and Russian Biological Weapons Program, House of Representatives, Subcommittee on Prevention of Nuclear and Biological Attack, Committee on Homeland Security (July 13, 2005),

90 Matt Windsor, “The War on Bugs, Michael Callahan: Alumni Profile,” University of Alabama Medicine Magazine, Winter, 2013,

91 Richard Conniff, “How devastating pandemics change us,” National Geographic (Jul. 14, 2020),

92 Steve Watson, “Anthrax Coverup: A Government Insider Speaks Out,” 911 Blogger (2002),

93 Scott Lilly, “Getting Rich on Uncle Sucker: Should the Federal Government Strengthen Efforts to Fight Profiteering?,” Center for American Progress (Oct., 2010),

94 Laura Rozen, “The anthrax vaccine scandal: Why did the Pentagon allow BioPort Corp. to remain the sole U.S. supplier of a crucial weapon against bioterror, despite years of failure to deliver the vaccine?,” Salon (Oct. 15. 2001),

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