The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health

By 1976, WHO scientists had successfully conjugated a functional “birth-control” vaccine. The WHO researchers reported triumphantly that their formula could induce “abortions in females already pregnant and/or infertility in recipients not yet impregnated.” They observed that “repeated inoculations prolong infertility.”112 More recently, in 2017, WHO researchers were working on more potent antifertility vaccines using recombinant DNA. WHO publications explain that the agency’s long-range purpose is to reduce population growth in unstable “less developed countries.”113

The Kenyan tetanus campaign occurred shortly after Gates made his pledge of $10 billion to the WHO with the stated purpose of reducing population with “new vaccines.” Perhaps to emphasize his commitment to population control, Gates recruited his most influential vizier, Christopher Elias, as president of Global Development at the Gates Foundation the following year. Prior to that appointment, Dr. Elias was president/CEO of Gates’s nonprofit PATH, which partners with pharmaceutical companies to distribute vaccines to poor countries by persuading rich and poor governments to fork over moolah to multinational drugmakers in which Gates is invested. Elias ran PATH’s innovative “Sayana Press” injectable Depo-Provera project designed to end-run US safety regulations while reducing fertility of Black African women. That brainchild earned Elias the Klaus Schwab Foundation’s Social Entrepreneur of the Year award in 2005. The Gates Foundation provided numerous grants to PATH, including one in November 2020 (after Elias had moved over to BMGF) “to support clinical development of COVID-19 vaccines by Chinese manufacturers.”114

Before PATH, Elias had been senior associate in the international Programs Division of the Population Council, with the responsibility of dampening fecundity throughout Southeast Asia. John D. Rockefeller III founded The Population Council in 1952 at a conference he convened for the high priesthood of population control, including the director of the new Planned Parenthood Federation of America and several well-known eugenicists. Lamenting that modern civilization had reduced the operation of natural selection by saving more “weak” lives and enabling them to reproduce, resulting in “a downward trend in . . . genetic quality,” the group agreed to create an organization devoted to the “reduction of fertility.” While Rockefeller formally launched the Council with a grant of $100,000 and served as the first president, the next two Council presidents were Frederick Osborn and Frank Notestein, both members of the American Eugenics Society. The NIH and USAID were among the “start-up” funders, and US and foreign governments soon became the Council’s largest financial backers.115

The Council does research promoting the use of artificial birth control and abortion and biomedical research to discover and develop new contraceptive drugs and technologies. It collaborated with the Ford Foundation and International Planned Parenthood Foundation to develop large-scale IUD programs abroad, despite its own research doctors warning about acute adverse side effects. Later, the Council played a key role in developing the extremely dangerous hormonal contraceptive implant Norplant.116

Historian Donald T. Critchlow wrote that the Population Council “cultivated elite connections and avoided public controversy by identifying itself as a neutral, scientific organization.”117

The US Agency for International Development (USAID) conducted a decades-long partnership with the Population Council and cultivated long-term alliances with the Rockefeller Foundation and the WHO researching the use of fertility controls to reduce world population, especially in sub-Saharan Africa.118, 119 By 2014, Gates and Elias had a reliable collaborator at the federal program: USAID Director Rajiv Shah, who had, prior to winning that appointment, worked a decade for the Gates Foundation, running GAVI’s immunization program for African children.

Dr. Shah joined the Gates Foundation in 2001 and oversaw its alliance with the Rockefeller Foundation in launching the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa. He directed the International Finance Facility for Immunization. The IFFI is a shady agency that finances Bill Gates’s global vaccine enterprises in developing nations through a diabolically innovative bond issuance scheme that runs up huge debts in poor countries to finance Gates’s self-serving vaccines. Using sleight of hand, IFFI enriches Gates’s pharma partners with Western financial bonds by passing the costs to future generations in poor countries. Shah raised $5 billion through this swindle for GAVI. At USAID, his primary responsibility was reorganizing the agency to reflect its new biosecurity direction under Obama’s 2009 executive order. Shah left USAID to become president of the Rockefeller Foundation in 2017. Shah has deep links to the intelligence agencies and the oil and chemical cartels. Shah serves on both the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations, two globalist organizations that the Rockefeller/Kissinger alliance largely defined. Shah is a board member of the International Rescue Committee, a nonprofit with long-standing CIA ties. In his 1991 book, Covert Network: Progressives, the International Rescue Committee and the CIA, University of Massachusetts economics professor Eric Thomas Chester exposes IRC as a CIA front. Bill Casey, a lifelong spy, who as Ronald Reagan’s CIA Director helped manage the Iran-Contra affair in the 1980s, chaired IRC from 1970 to 1971. IRC operates in forty countries doing “humanitarian aid.” According to its current CEO, David Miliband, the former UK foreign secretary, Shah’s role on the high-level council is to “monitor political and non-health issues related to prevention and preparedness imperatives for a potential epidemic of global proportions.”120

In 1974, USAID and WHO collaborated on the creation of a top-secret “Kissinger Report.” Henry Kissinger—whose patron was Nelson Rockefeller and whose career was deeply enmeshed with the Rockefeller Foundation—drafted the classified White Paper,121 which became official US policy under President Gerald Ford in 1975. That report, known as the US National Security Study Memorandum 200,122, 123 outlined the geopolitical incentives for reducing population growth in “less developed countries” (LDCs) to near zero by “reducing fertility” so as to safeguard the economic interests of the United States and other industrialized nations in imported mineral resources.124, 125

Kissinger observed that the industrialized West was already having to import significant quantities of aluminum, copper, iron, lead, nickel, tin, uranium, zinc, chromium, vanadium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, cobalt, manganese, molybdenum, tungsten, titanium, sulphur, nitrogen, petroleum, and natural gas126, 127 at high cost. The Kissinger Report anticipated rising prices as population growth triggered instability in African nations.128

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