The Logan Brothers - Books 1-4 (EXPOSURE, CRASH, TWIN PASSIONS, and ADDICTED TO YOU!)

Chapter 2

A knock on the door woke me from a typically fitful sleep. I'd laid there for what seemed like hours before finally passing out, my high heart rate a constant thorn in my side.

Oh  god I felt like shit, my eyes heavy and mouth dry as I clambered out  from under my duvet.

“Alice,  Alice, it's getting late.”

It  was Tess, by best friend. She was on the same course as me and had  gotten accustomed to banging down my door when we had any early  morning classes.

“Hey,  hey, I'm coming,” I croaked through the door as I quickly  assembled an appropriate outfit.

After  a quick brush of my teeth I was opening the door, seeing the  expression on Tess's face as she eyed me up. “Another late night?”  she asked, her bright blue eyes in stark contrast to mine. Mine were  brown, although right now I guess 'bloodshot' would be more  accurate.

“You  have no idea,” I said as I shook my head and bundled a couple of  books under my arm.

“Err  Alice, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think we study Jane  Austen as part of our course.”

“Huh?”  I said, totally bemused.

She  nodded her head down at the books I was holding - Pride and  Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility.

“Oh,  right,” I said, “what is it today?”

“Advertising  Alice. What's with you, you're even more scatty than normal.”

“I'll  tell you on the way.” There was no time for chit chat right now.

A  little while later we sat side by side at the back of a white-walled  classroom, whispering in hushed tones as our lecturer droned on to  the rest of the class.

“So  what are you going to do?” Tess hissed.

I  huffed louder than I should have done. “I don't know. We've got  this damn paper due in a few days so I guess I need to get that done  first. You know my grades have been slipping - I need to ace this  one.”

“Yeah,  sure, but you need to ace your rental payment as well babe.”

She  was right, and the timing really couldn't have been worse. Rent was  coming up and I was running on fumes now, my funds all but depleted  by the latest set of textbooks we'd been urged to buy. I'd get my  final bit of pay from Mr Asim, but after that I'd be lost. I needed  a job, fast.

“Do  you know of anything?” I asked in hope rather than expectation.

“Sorry  babe,” she said, shaking her head. I didn't expect her to - she  didn't need to work after all, so why would she know if there were  any jobs going.

“That's  all right, I'll ask around.”


We  looked up to see the lecturer, and the entire class, looking at us.  I guess our conversation had been a little louder than we thought.

“Miss  Newton,” he said, his words entirely accusatory, “of all the  people in this class I would expect YOU to be listening most  intently.” His words carried a sting, and now everyone knew how  badly I was doing. Thanks for that.

I  didn't deign to respond.

“Now,  so the rest of the class can maximize their college education, would  you please keep it down. And, perhaps, listen in yourself - it might  do you some good.”

What  a dick.

As  soon as class ended I was off. I had a couple of lectures lined up  for later in the day but they were way down my priority list. I  could catch up with what I missed later, but now I had to get that  damn paper done. I headed straight for the library for the rest of  the afternoon, busily diving into my books and clicking away on my  laptop as the hours ticked on by. When it shut, I returned to my  dorm in a bid to keep the train moving.

It  was Friday night and, without my waitressing job dragging me away  from my dorm, I'd be able to knuckle down for the entire weekend and  get it done. Priority one - finish my paper. Priority two - find a  job. The sooner I could get priority one finished, the sooner I'd be  able to move onto priority two. Simple logic.

F*ck  it. Jen was back. I'd hoped to have the place to myself  tonight, see how much progress I could make.

“You  in for the night Jen?” I asked, hoping for a response in the  negative.

“Yeah,  why?” She was unusually frosty.

“Oh,  nothing, I just need to get some work done that's all. I find it  easier to work alone.” I didn't want to push her out but there was  a suggestive slant to my words that I couldn't hide.

She  hardly seemed to be listening to me, her words so quiet. “Oh,  sorry. It's OK, I'll just be sleeping anyway.”

It  was kinda weird that she was even around. She was out most nights, I  didn't know where. We weren't the closest of room-mates, even though  we got along fine, so I never tended to ask. With all my college  work and working so many shifts at the restaurant we hadn't really  bonded much. I guess I also had this lingering bitterness that I had  a room-mate in the first place.

“You  all right Jen? You seem a bit - I dunno - upset.”

She  nodded vacantly as she began to undress, pealing off layers of warm  outerwear to reveal a silky and tight-fitting dress. Wow, she looked  amazing, the fabric hugging her feminine curves, accentuating her  breasts and bum. She unzipped the dress and stepped out of it,  revealing some sexy, lacy underwear.

Ah  I see, she's been on a date....and it didn't go well.

I  unglued my eyes from her and turned my attention back to my books. I  heard her slip into bed behind me and her lamp shut off, leaving her  side of the room blanketed in darkness.

Right,  let's get to work.

L. A. Shorter's books