The Forbidden Billionaire (The Sinclairs Book 2)

The spiral in her belly started to unfurl, tension spreading to every part of body. “Yes. Fuck me, Jared. Hard.”



He pumped into her with an intensity that took her breath away. Panting for air, she moaned as her sheath started to spasm, clamping down on his cock. She splintered as Jared pounded in and out of her unceasingly, no mercy, his fingers searching and finding her clit. He stroked over the tiny bundle of nerves as she shattered screaming his name. “Jared!”


He pulled her up and wrapped his arms around her protectively, lovingly. “I love you, sweetheart. Never forget. Never forget,” he insisted, the muscles in his neck straining as he let out a tortured groan.


Wrapping her arms around him, she dug her nails into his back as she milked him of his orgasm, her body trembling against his.


“Mark me, Mara,” he growled carnally, spearing his hand into her hair and burying his face in her locks.


Primitive instinct surrounded them, and she finally stopped clutching at his back and leaned against him, spent.


They stayed that way for moments or hours. Mara felt like time was standing still as they clung to each other, both of them gasping for breath.


“I love you,” she told him breathlessly, her voice muffled against his chest.


“I love you, too, baby. But I’ll never be able to look at this table without getting hard,” he rumbled, his voice sounding amused.


Mara laughed, hugging him harder against her body. “Are we going back to the guest house? I have no clothes here.”


“No. No more guest house. We can work there, but I want you in my bed where you belong.”


Her heart soared with joy. “Yes. Please.”


“Fuck it. I’ll bring your stuff here later. You aren’t going to need any clothes for a while.”


Lifting her off the table, her legs still around his waist, Jared carried her up the stairs and to his bed.


Mara sighed against his shoulder, knowing the emptiness and loneliness she’d felt since her mom had gotten sick were finally gone forever.


“You’re going to marry me. Soon,” Jared demanded as he dropped her gently on his bed.


Her pulse raced as she looked up at him. “I think we’ve had this discussion before. You didn’t ask.” She was teasing him just like she’d done the first time he’d gone to the market and demanded she spend the day with him, but once again she saw a quick flash of vulnerability in his intense green eyes before it disappeared. She had to wonder all over again if he demanded because he was afraid she’d say no. “I guarantee I’m a sure thing if you ask,” she told him softly.


“Well, will you?” He parroted exactly what he’d said at the market that day, a grin starting to spread across his face as he relaxed and teased her back.


She beamed at him. “I’d love to, Jared. Thank you.” She repeated the same words she’d said to him at the market.


His grin grew even broader as he climbed onto the bed and crawled toward her, stalking her. She squealed as he pounced, trapping her body beneath his powerful form.


“Now that I know you’ll say yes, I’ll ask you for real. Will you marry me, Mara? I swear I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to make you happy.” He was still smiling, but his eyes were predatory and filled with adoration. And love.


“Yes, of course I’ll marry you. I love you.” Mara’s heart was pounding as she gazed back at him, knowing her heart was in her eyes, too. “You’ve already made me happier than I ever dreamed I could be.” She reached up and smoothed back an errant lock of hair from his forehead lovingly. “You love me, and that alone gives me more joy than anything else in the world.”


She could feel his heated breath on her face as he started to lower his head. “Then prepare yourself to become completely elated, sweetheart, because I know damn well I’ll love you more and more every damn day, every time I touch you or see you smile at me.”


She smiled at him tremulously. “Lay it on me. I think I can take it.” She could more than take it; she’d be wallowing in it.


“I’m planning to start working on it right now,” he said huskily as his mouth covered hers with a tender passion that rocked her to the depths of her soul.


Mara was more than elated. She was completely ecstatic as Jared proceeded to show her how much he loved her, and she gave herself up to him completely, giving all the love he gave to her right back to him.


They both had a lot of catching up to do when it came to truly being loved, but Mara wasn’t worried as they spent the rest of the day and night together doing nothing but trying to make up for lost time. They had a lifetime now, and it would be filled with nothing but love.












Six Months Later



J. S. Scott's books