Star Cursed (Zodiac Wolves #2)

Mira and I packed up the tent, and then Kaden waved us over and told us to get in his car. As he looked at me, I saw a glimmer of distrust in his eyes, like he was waiting for me to turn on him. I wished there was some way to convince him that I could be trusted, but no matter what I said, he still thought I’d run back to Jordan the moment he took his eyes off me.

Even so, it was a nice change to find myself sitting in a car instead of in the back of a van. Apparently, my words last night had gotten through to Kaden on some level, even if he was still cold with me. Kaden drove, while Mira and I sat in the backseat, with Jack in the front. Once we were on the road, Jack put on some music, and I let some of the tension go from my body.

We left Colorado and traveled north along the Rocky Mountains, heading for Canada. As we drove, Kaden stared straight out of the windshield, his mouth set in a tight line. He looked like he was wound so tight that he would pop if anyone spoke to him. I wondered if he regretted letting me travel in the same car as him. Jack was unusually quiet too, and I guessed he was still banned from talking to me and didn't dare go against the alpha's word. After a couple of hours, Kaden switched with Jack and took a nap in the front seat, and we all breathed a collective sigh and relaxed a little.

More hours passed, and we stopped to stretch our legs and grab a quick bite to eat. When we got back in the car, I made sure to sit up front with Kaden. There were still things we needed to talk about.

“You’re taking shifts driving, right?” I asked. “Mira and I can take one each, so you two can rest more."

“Absolutely not,” Kaden said, as he started the car.

"Why? Because you don't trust me? Because you think I'll turn around and drive us straight back to the Leos?"

Kaden shot an exasperated glance over at me. "Because you and Mira still look like shit after what the Leos did to you. You need more time to recover."

"We're fine," I said, though I was still pretty tired. My shifter healing had taken care of my wounds, but spending weeks in captivity had definitely done a number on me emotionally and physically. Now that I was in relative safety again, I felt like I could sleep for a week. Still, I could manage to drive for a short while.

We traveled in silence for some time, and when I glanced back, Jack and Mira were asleep, dozing after their noontime meal. It seemed like a good time to talk to Kaden since it would give us a little bit of privacy.

“Where’s Stella?” I asked quietly, careful not to disturb the two sleeping shifters.

“She didn’t approve of my plan to use you as bait, so I made her stay behind with Clayton and the rest of the pack.” He sounded more annoyed than anything at that, which made me grin.

“At least someone is on my side." My smile fell when I remembered the last time I saw her, trying to save the wolf pups from the Sun Witches. "Was she okay after the attack? How about Clayton? What about all the pups? And the rest of the pack?"

"They're all fine. The Sun Witches and Leos left the pack lands after you made your deal. We all went into hiding not long after that."

I let out a long breath, my shoulders sagging in relief. Jordan really had kept his word, and he hadn't double-crossed me or gone back later to try and wipe out the pack, all things I'd worried about while being held captive by him. "Thank the gods. I feel awful that the village was attacked. It was my fault."

Kaden shook his head. “No, the fault was mine. I set up the meeting with the Leos. I wanted a war with them, and now I have one. For better or worse.”

No matter what he said, I still felt responsible. We’d been trying to meet the Leos on neutral ground, but after they never showed up they'd somehow followed us back to the pack lands. I couldn't help but think that I'd led the Leos to us through my mating bond with Jordan. "I'm sorry you all had to go into hiding. That must have been hard on everyone."

“We survived, and we're safe. That's what's important." He clenched his hands around the steering wheel, knuckles going white. “And it won't happen again. We’re going to attack the Leos head-on once we recover and form a plan. We got some good information on how they respond to attacks in their territory the other night. Soon we'll gather a much larger force, and we'll be ready to take them down, once and for all.”

“You can’t,” I said with a sigh. “The Sun Witches are allied with the Leos, and a lot of the packs have already submitted, including former Cancer allies like the Pisces.” I glanced back at Mira, who was still asleep. “The Leos took Mira from the Pisces and threatened to kill her mate if she helped me escape. Their alpha did nothing to stop it."

Would Jordan kill Mira's mate now? Technically we hadn't escaped—the Ophiuchus had freed us. I wasn't sure if that would be enough to convince Jordan to have mercy though, but maybe knowing I was his sister would soften his heart just the tiniest bit. After all, he'd seen me leaving with Kaden and hadn't tried to stop me. Jordan could have used his Leo lion roar, or directed more shifters away from the explosion to attack us, or ordered the Sun Witches to burn us up. But he'd done none of those things.

"That's because the Zodiac Wolves are weak," Kaden said, breaking through my thoughts. "At the slightest hint of conflict, they back down, tails between their legs. They haven't had to survive on their own like our pack has."

I rolled my eyes. "Even if you think they're weak, you'll need their help if you want to take down the Leos. It's the only way you'll stand a chance."

His mouth twisted as if the idea physically repulsed him. “I won’t work with any of the other packs. They don't recognize the Ophiuchus, and last time I spoke to them at the Convergence, they threatened and mocked me. Besides, the other packs would never ally with us. They think we're monsters."

I shrugged, not surprised by his answer. He was right about how the other packs saw the Ophiuchus—I'd felt the same way, before getting to know them. But going up against the Leos and the Sun Witches without backup would be suicide. Kaden was too damn stubborn to listen to me on this, but I had to try. “They might be willing once they see that the alternative is being ruled by the Leos. Jordan plans to make himself a king, and I’m willing to bet there are a few packs out there who won't be okay with that. The Cancer pack, for one.”

"The Cancer pack is gone."

Elizabeth Briggs's books