Rock with Me (With Me in Seattle, #4)

“Because apparently you need the reminder. You’ve marked me, and this tat is me showing the world that I’m yours, permanently.”

I continue to scowl at him, but holy shit, he’s mine. Permanently.

“Leo, I am committed to you, but marriage…”

“Jesus Christ,” He interrupts. “It’s not like I’m down on one knee with a ring.”

“Okay.” I frown.

He closes the gap between us and pushes his hands into my hair, holding me still. “I’m yours, sunshine. Get used to it. The rest will work itself out.”

“You are so mine,” I agree and feel my insides loosen.

“God, you’re fucking stubborn. Most women would be thrilled that their man inked himself for her.”

“At least you didn’t have my name tatted on your neck.” I shiver as he laughs.

“Not really my thing.” He shakes his head and sighs. “What am I going to do with you?”

Just keep loving me. I don’t say it aloud. Instead I stand on my toes and press my lips to his.

“Your new tattoo is pretty,” I whisper.

Chapter Twenty-Five

One Month Later

“You don’t have to walk me to the door. I remember where Jules and Nate live.” I smirk at Leo as he walks me down the hallway of Jules and Nate’s building to their door.

“I don’t mind. So, you are all going to meet us guys at the venue at six thirty, right?”

“Yes.” I nod and roll my eyes. This is the third time he’s reminded me since we left my place, and I only live four blocks away. “Why are you so worried about us being there on time?”

“Because women have a tendency to be late as it is, six of you getting ready together and getting somewhere on time? Impossible. The show starts at seven.”

“Oh ye of little faith.” I laugh and ring the doorbell. “We’ll be there in time. We have like three hours to get ready.”

“Hey! You’re here!” Jules opens the door, dressed only in short red cut-off sweats and a tight black tank. “We’re doing hair now. I already have an idea for you.”

“Thanks for the lift.” I turn to follow Jules, but Leo snags my hand and pulls me back to him, kissing me deeply and possessively, before pulling back with a smug grin.

“You’re gonna be great tonight, baby,” I whisper to him. He smirks, but I know he’s a little nervous.

“Wear something sexy for me.” He smacks my ass as I walk away.

“Yoga pants it is!” I call over my shoulder and wave as he laughs and closes the door behind him.

“Hey guys!” I call out, set my over night bag on Jules’ bed, along with everyone else’s it seems, and saunter into the bathroom. “It looks like a beauty supply store has exploded in here.”

“You’re here!” Natalie kisses my cheek happily. Stacy and Brynna are hunched over the sink, studiously applying makeup.

“This is a rock concert, you know. You’ll sweat a lot of that makeup off.”

“No I won’t.” Stacy laughs. “I don’t sweat. I glisten.”

Meg laughs. “Just wear waterproof everything, you’ll be fine.”

She looks awesome. Her hair is a riot of red and blonde curls, and she’s added purple streaks around her face.

Jules and Natalie have both gone for the long, sleek straight look with their hair.

“Sit,” Jules instructs me.

“I can do my own hair.” I scowl. “I’ve been doing it for a long time.”

“Don’t be a *. I’ll do something really awesome.”

“Gee, great. Just don’t rat it like the hair bands from the 80’s.”

Jules grins and pushes me into a chair, reaches for her flat iron and gets to work.

“Sam, how do you like your new job?” Stacy asks and smiles over at me.

“I love it.” I grin as I think of my new job at Wine Northwest, a popular magazine that showcases wines and wineries in the Northwest.

“Do you get to sample the goods?” Jules asks as she rubs some sort of gel shit in my hair.

“Actually, yes. It’s awesome.”

“Good for you.” Nat finishes her lipstick and primps her hair. She doesn’t even look pregnant yet. “We’re proud of you.”

“Thanks, it’s just a relief to be employed again.”

“Is Leo nervous about tonight?” Brynna asks, catching my eye in the mirror.

“He says he’s not, but I think he might be a little. This is their first show in almost six months.”

“Plus, it’s home turf, so it means more,” Meg agrees. “He’s probably acting all badass, but his stomach is going crazy.”

“Poor guy.” Stacy laughs. “God, I hope he goes shirtless tonight.”

“Can you arrange that, Sam?” Nat asks with a giggle. “God, those stars.” She fans her face with her hand and giggles.

“I’ll put in the request,” I respond dryly. Of course he’ll go shirtless. This is Leo Nash.

I can’t wait.

“Brynna, you look hot,” Jules comments and continues to tug on my head.

“Thanks.” Brynna winks.

Jules is right; Brynna looks great. Her curvy body looks fantastic in her skinny jeans and shiny black, low cut top.

“Sex agrees with her.” Stacy smirks and I feel my eyes go wide.

“No way!”

Brynna blushes and lowers her gaze for just a moment and then turns around to face the room with a happy smile.

“You’re getting your orgasms!” Natalie exclaims happily.

“Boy am I.” Brynna nods. “I can safely say the Montgomery men give some amazing orgasms.” Both Stacy and Meg nod in agreement and I laugh, relieved that Jules has let go of my hair so I don’t get burned.

“Oh my God! That’s so great!” Jules rushes around me to hug Brynna and then scowls. “Wait. Ew. That’s my brother. Yuck.”

“Jules, I hate to break it to you, but your brothers have sex.” I grin and pour myself a flute of champagne from a bottle on the sink.

“They have really, really great sex.” Meg applies her lip-gloss and blots her lips. “Really great.”

“If he hurts you, I’ll fucking kill him,” Jules makes a fist and holds it to her chest, like she’s going to knock someone out.