Rock with Me (With Me in Seattle, #4)

So much for not getting involved. I’d been doing so well all week, keeping him at a distance. And then he had to go and look so right there in my apartment, and I just couldn’t keep my hands off of him.

But not again. No, for the sake of my sanity, and keeping my family relatively drama-free, last night was a one-time deal.

I’ll find another fuck buddy to play with once in a while and things will go back to normal.

So why does the thought of that make me sick to my stomach?

I park outside the coffee shop near Alki beach in West Seattle. We decided to meet near Nat and Luke’s place this time, which suits me just fine. The view here is amazing, even on a dark, gloomy day like today.

I wrap my black scarf around my neck and move quickly through the wind and rain to the café and immediately spot Nat, Jules and Meg at a table near the back.

“Hey!” I wave at them and order a chai tea and then join them.

“How’s it going?” Jules asks and sips her latte.

“Good. How are you guys?” I ask and take a seat.

“We’re good, we’re talking about Nat and Luke’s big move.” Meg replies and points to Natalie.

“What big move?” I ask and sip my tea.

“We’re moving.” Natalie responds and bites her lip.

“What?” What the fuck? “Where the hell are you moving to? If you say L.A., I’ll kick your ass.”

“No.” She waves me off and shakes her head, a wide grin on her pretty face. “We’re just moving to a bigger house.”

“When?” Jules asks and takes a bite of a scone. How can she eat like that and stay thin? I think I hate her.

“We just started looking. I don’t know.” Nat shrugs. “I’m hoping before the new baby comes because I won’t want to deal with it after it’s born.”

We all nod in agreement and sip our drinks.

“I’ll help you look, if you want,” I offer. “I like to shop for anything.”

“Me too!” Jules agrees happily.

“Not me.” Meg shakes her head. “I love you guys, but I hate looking at houses. It’s like buying a car. Boring as hell.”

“I’ll let you guys know when and if there’s something to look at. So far Luke hasn’t found anything he likes, so he’s making noises about having something built.”

“Sounds like my brother,” I mutter with a chuckle. “He’ll build you guys something fabulous.”

“Yeah, but I want to move in the next six months, so we’ll see how that goes.” Nat shifts in her chair and pushes her muffin away without taking a bite. “Enough about that, it makes me nervous. Meg, how’s Leo settling in? Luke mentioned he’s staying at your old place?”

Great, my turn to be nervous.

I take another sip of my tea and keep my face blank. I’m so not telling my friends what Leo and I have been up to.

No way.

“He’s good,” Meg replies and then frowns. “But he’s been really moody the past week or so.”

“Broody musician?” Jules asks with a wink.

“Not usually.” Meg shrugs. “He usually acts this way when he’s stuck on a girl. But he’s even more moody than usual. If he is seeing someone, and I meet her, I’m gonna kick her ass for making him so grouchy.”

I choke on my drink, sputtering and coughing, and Nat leans over to smack my back.

“You okay?” She asks.

“Fine,” I choke out and take another sip. “Sorry, just went down wrong.”

“So, you think he’s seeing someone?” Nat asks Meg.

Please, God, change the subject!

“I don’t know, he won’t tell me. So, I told him to stop being a moody asshole.” Meg smiles smugly.

“I think that you might be the only person on the planet who can tell Leo Nash to stop being an asshole,” Jules remarks.

“He’s my brother. Sam can relate.” She smiles at me and I nod, trying to push down the guilt.

Why the fuck do I feel guilty?

Okay, maybe because I just let her brother fuck my brains out and I’m not gonna tell her.

This only confirms for me that not seeing Leo any more is the best decision for everyone.

“It’s different when it’s your brother.”

“Do you ever tell Luke to stop being an asshole?” Nat asks me, her green eyes laughing.

“All the time.” I salute her with my cup and take a drink and we all laugh.

“How long is he in town for?” Jules asks.

“A while.” Meg shrugs and smiles. “I like having him here again. He’s staying at my townhouse for now. We actually started working on a song together last week.”

“That’s awesome, I’m so happy for you.” Nat pats Meg on the shoulder.

“Jules, how’s Nate?” I ask and effectively change the subject.

“Sexy,” she replies and flips her blonde hair back over her shoulder.

“That we knew.” Meg rolls her eyes.

“We’re good. Busy.” Jules shrugs. “Nothing really to report.”

During the next hour we gossip about mutual friends and catch up with each other, and I’m relieved that the conversation stays clear of Leo.

I don’t like lying to my closest friends, and by not telling them about Leo, I’m lying. It doesn’t sit well with me.

“Sam, how’s your job?” Meg asks.

Oh good, another lie to feel guilty about.

“Fine. The usual.” I shrug nonchalantly and smile.

I am so going to hell for lying to my family.


“Hi, baby, did you guys have fun?” Luke asks Nat as we come through their front door and greets her with a kiss, Livie perched on his hip. Livie squeals in delight and reaches for her mama, and I can’t help but smile as I watch their little family.

They’re adorable.

Nat showers her daughter with kisses and then passes her along to me and then Luke dips her low and plants a big one on her.

I have a very Jules-like compulsion to gag.

“Ew, don’t watch that, Livie. You’re too young.” I carry her to the kitchen, put her in her chair and she immediately reaches for the Cheerios spread on her tray.

“Mmm,” she grins as she sticks a Cheerio in her mouth.

“Mmm,” I agree.

God, she’s adorable.

“Did you put the pretty pink bow in her hair?” I ask Luke with a smirk.

“Uh, no.”