










I opened my eyes, blinking away the sleep, and shot up in bed when I saw Addie staring down at me.


“Addie. What the hell?” I adjusted the sheets to make sure I was covered.


This was fucking awkward.


Like she didn’t know what was going on, anyway. I was naked in Fallon’s bed for Christ’s sake, but still. Addie hadn’t seen me naked since, well . . . last New Year’s when I got drunk and jumped in the freezing-ass pool on a dare from Tate.


“Where’s Fallon?” I asked, looking around.


“Honey, I don’t know what’s going on, but Fallon is gone, and your father is downstairs. He wants to talk to you now.” She nodded and gave me the crazy eyes which meant that I needed to get my ass up.


Shit. I threw off the covers, and I heard a tsk behind me as I’m sure Addie didn’t appreciate me stalking across the room buck naked.


“Where did Fallon go?” I shouted as I crossed the hallway into my room.


“I have no idea. She was gone when I got up.”


No. No. No. I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head as I threw on some boxer briefs, a pair of jeans, and a T-shirt. Grabbing my socks and keys, I had no intention of dealing with my father for long.


I was going to find her and drag her back by her hair if I had to. What the fuck?


Running downstairs, I grabbed my shoes where I had dumped them near the stairs and walked into my father’s office.


“Where’s Fallon?” I demanded, plopping down in the chair opposite his desk and putting my socks and shoes on.


My father was sitting on the edge of his desk with a drink in his hand, and I did a double-take. Now I was actually a little worried. My father was controlled and responsible. If he was drinking in the morning, then . . . I don’t even know. I’ve never seen him drink in the morning. I just knew it was odd, and my father lives by his routine.


“She’s gone,” he answered.




“I wouldn’t know. She left of her own accord, Madoc. And you’re not going anywhere. We’ve got to talk.”


I laughed bitterly and finished tying my shoes. “Say what you have to say, and make it quick.”


“You can’t have a relationship with Fallon. It’s just not possible.”


His bluntness threw me for a loop. I guess he knew we’d started up again. Did I want a relationship with her?


I stood up, ready to leave. “You’ve had two failed marriages. You don’t get to give me advice about this kind of stuff.”


He reached behind him and snatched a folder off his desk, shoving it into my chest. “Take a look.”


I sighed but opened the folder anyway.




My heartbeat echoed in my ears as I sifted through picture after picture of my father and Jared’s mom, Katherine. Photos of them entering his apartment together, hugging and kissing in front of his window, him helping her out of cars . . .


“You’re having an affair with Jared’s mom?”


He nodded and headed around his desk to sit down. “Off and on for eighteen years now. There’s nothing you can tell me about wanting something you can’t have that I don’t understand, Madoc. Katherine and I have had a lot of history, a lot of struggles, and bad timing. But we love each other, and I’m going to marry her as soon as possible.”


“Are you serious?” I gasped and laughed at the same time. “What the fuck?”


I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Hey, I’m having an affair with your best friend’s mom. Hey, we’re getting married. And he talked about it as if he were commenting on the weather. That’s my fucking father for you. He does what he wants, and you roll with it, or you don’t. He was just like . . .


“Wait.” My gut knotted up. “Eighteen years? You’re not Jared’s dad, are you?”


He looked at me like I was insane. “Of course not. She’d just had Jared when we met.” Rubbing his hands over his face, he changed the subject. “I got this envelope from Fallon. Along with this and one of my business dealings, because for all intents and purposes, she’s blackmailing me, Madoc.”


The file folder crumpled in my fist. “You’re lying.”


Penelope Douglas's books