Recluce 07 - Chaos Balance

Chaos Balance











THEMPHI CHECKED THE saddlebags again, then mounted. The lancer officers behind followed his example. Belatedly, so did Fissar.


The white mage glanced back at the small house that had been his quarters for more than a season, frowning momentarily as he saw the green wall to the north.


“I don't understand, ser,” said Fissar, easing his mount up beside Themphi's. “His Mightiness sent us here to hold back the forest, and now that you've pushed it back here on the south, we're supposed to leave it and go to Syadtar? And let it take over everything we've won back?”


“Yes,” answered Themphi.


“One questions the lord of Cyad at great risk,” offered Majer Jyncka, from where he rode on Themphi's left. “I know.”


“You are pleased to leave?” asked Themphi, turning to Jyncka.


“It is a chance to redeem myself in battle.”


“Battle?” asked Fissar. “The dispatch ... it did not mention a battle,” he finished lamely.


“I see you have mastered some of my lessons. The ones about screeing what you could not see.” Themphi laughed. “Would you were so assiduous with all of them.”


Fissar kept his eyes on his mount's mane.


“Young magelet,” offered the majer after they had covered another kay westward and toward the Grand Canal, “one must read not only what is written, but what is meant. Sometimes, the most important words are those which are not committed to parchment.”


Fissar nodded solemnly, waiting, not glancing toward the white mage.


“Syadtar is the northernmost city in Cyador. If something is pressing enough that His Mightiness must recall your master and a disgraced lancer officer from battling the Accursed Forest, then either a great campaign is planned against the northern barbarians or they threaten us. Either way means a battle-or many battles.”


“The news is not the best,” added Themphi, “not for Cyador.”


Fissar turned toward his master.


“For its size, Cyador has not that many lancers and foot soldiers and mages. Triendar knows that the Accursed Forest will swell in our absence, yet has chosen to summon us.”


“No, that is not good news,” Jyncka agreed. “Yet Cyador has always prevailed. How could it be otherwise?”


Themphi frowned, but said nothing as they rode westward.