Once Dead, Twice Shy

“The black wings aren’t after him,” she protested. “They’re after you! Madison, don’t go invisible anymore. You’re cracking your amulet. It’s breaking. I told you it was dangerous. It’s only Nakita’s amulet keeping them off you now.”



It’s only Nakita’s amulet that’s keeping me from going misty and this lame plan of mine from working,I thought, then hesitated. If her amulet was tying me to the present, then why couldn’t I sever my ties to Nakita’s amulet as well as my own?


“Madison, don’t!” Grace said, as if knowing what I was going to do.


“Stay with Josh,” I insisted, and her glow redoubled in frustration.


Nakita came at me and I backpedaled, scrambling for the time and space to figure out how to disconnect myself from her amulet. I couldn’t feel a connection, but it had to be there. And I couldn’t fight her and find it at the same time.


I looked to Josh kneeling on the ground with his head bowed. I thought of my dad and how I wanted to see him again. I thought of the people living their lives, moment by beautiful moment, captured by my camera, ignorant of the gift they’d been given. I wasn’t ready to leave. I had to find a way to make this work, to make a stronger connection between Nakita’s amulet and myself so that I could break it—and I had to do it without claiming the deadly thing.


Closing my eyes and praying I wasn’t making a mistake, I let her touch me.


I stiffened when her hand pinched my shoulder. Willing myself into my unconscious, I let the existence of my amulet fill my mental sight. Beside it was another, much weaker presence. Nakita’s amulet held far fewer threads to me, but as I watched, the number grew, making me more solid, more real.More dead, I thought, trying to cut the lines between us, and only succeeding in wiping out the lines from me to my amulet.


Nakita felt it and jerked, but her hand was still on me and I wasn’t invisible. I couldn’t cut the lines from her amulet to me without taking control of it, and I couldn’t take control of it unless I claimed it. Do that, and I’d be blown to dust.But her sword, I thought suddenly. It wasmade from her amulet. A direct connection to it. Maybe if I worked through that…


Nakita’s sound of surprise pulled my eyes open. Grace was above Josh, bathing him in a haze of light.


She was beautiful and savage, a harsh beauty that hurt to look at. And she was crying. Crying for me. I tried to tell her it would be okay, but I couldn’t think of the words.


Something fell on me, sending me staggering. I would have fallen if not for Nakita holding me up. I met her eyes, and they widened. Her lips opened, and horror crossed her face.


Unexpected and overwhelming pain jerked me stiff. I fell to a knee when Nakita shoved me away. In sudden terror, I realized what it was. A black wing. A black wing had found me.


Cold so deep it felt like fire pushed from my spine and into my mind. I gasped, unable to scream. It wasn’t death. It was the sensation of never having existed, of never being. The black wing was taking my memories and leaving emptiness in its place. It was destroying me, stripping my past away, moment by moment.


Instinct pushed me backward to the earth. Frantic with pain, I tried to scrape the black wing off, writhing. I reached to pull it free, but the cold sheet hung like a second, sucking skin. It was eating my soul, burning where I touched it with my hands!


I got to my feet, agony in every move. I stood, staggering as another fell on me. Shocked, I could do nothing. The pain had shifted me back to being visible—I couldn’t even see my amulet, much less the lines of connection—and, wobbling, I looked at Nakita.


I had failed. I’d made a mistake, and I was going to die. Clever, beautiful Nakita had gained my end and the stone with no trouble at all. If I did nothing, I was going to be eaten out of existence. I should be happy. I’d had an extra summer of life. But it wasn’t enough, and I refused my end even as I saw it. All I needed was her damned sword. It connected directly with her amulet, and through it, I was sure I could sever the ties it was making to me.


“You may be a dark reaper,” I said as my limbs seemed to go numb, “but you don’t know crap about human determination.”


She blinked, eyes wide and confused. Gritting my teeth, I went for her.


Two years of practice kicked in, and I planted my left foot on the ground beside her right, then spun to stand sideways next to her, my right elbow swinging with all my momentum toward her middle. I hit Nakita’s gut hard. She bent forward, muscles seizing.


Her blade hung slack, and I grabbed it above her fingers. It was mine and hers both. In my mind’s eye, I could see our two amulets and all the lines holding me to the now.


Realizing I was trying to take it, Nakita put her hand above mine that was gripping her sword. We both held it. I had to go misty. The sword would come with me if I did. But I hurt.


Kim Harrison's books