Lead (A Stage Dive Novel)

“What else have you noticed, Mr. Ferris?”


His smile was so evil. I loved it. And all the while his hands kept playing with my breasts, molding them with his fingers, driving me out of my mind. My lungs struggled to keep up, I was so overexcited. The seemed to be an ecstatic line of nerves running riot between my nipples and sex. If he kept it up, I just might come.


“What?” I asked, breathing only slightly heavily. “What is that look about?”


“Your ass when you go up the stairs. Kills me to hold back and not grab you.”


My lips parted. “That’s why you always let me go first. You bastard, I thought you were just being polite.”


“I know,” he said. “On your back.”


I lay down, every part of me tingling with excitement. His big hands covered me still, fingers playing with my tight nipples. Man, it felt good. I ached in the best possible, all-over-body way. Having him this close, feeling him touch me was its own reward, inside and out. I’m pretty certain I glowed every time he came near me. The man just had that affect.


His hands slid down my sides, tucking into the elastic of my underwear. The heat in his eyes made my sex squeeze tight.


“Need you naked,” he muttered, already dragging my panties down my legs.


And yes, it was a little nerve wracking, being totally bare in front of the man of my dreams. On the kitchen table I’d still been mostly covered by my dress. This time, however, I had nothing, not even my panties. It was all out there, on display. Jimmy Ferris, world-renowned, picture perfect, singing virtuoso stared down at me. The butterflies in my stomach went batshit. But nothing in his eyes gave me pause. Pure lust filled his face. It made warmth spear straight through me. We really needed to get busy. Now.




“Hmm?” Carefully he lifted my wounded leg, moving it out, taking the pillow too. He spread me open until there was enough room for him lay between my thighs.


“Take your clothes off too,” I said. “I want to see all of you.”


He climbed off the end of the bed, already ripping off his own T-shirt, tearing into the buttons on his jeans. Though he did pause to retrieve a condom from a pocket, throwing it onto the bed beside me.


No underwear.


Absolutely, not one single pair of boxers, briefs, or combination of same adorned him. Crap. So screwed. My breathing stopped and my heart went into palpitations. How the hell would I ever get any work done around him ever again knowing he was bare beneath only one layer of clothing? I knew my mind when it came to him, pure smut. I’d never be able to stop myself from looking for the outline of his cock every time he moved.


I was doomed.


“What’s wrong?” he asked, climbing back onto the bed, kneeling between my legs.


My mouth opened but no words came out. The hard heavy length of his dick was pointing straight at me and good god, did I want it. I melted for him, right there and then. My heart yearning to take him in, hold him tight. Someone in heaven had been truly inspired the day this man came forth. Penises had never struck me as being particularly graceful before. But Jimmy’s seemed proportioned just right and swung slightly to the left. It was definitely a size or two bigger than it needed to be, so typical of him to take it a step too far. A bead of pre-cum formed atop the dark red head and my mouth watered. I watched, rapt, as he rolled on the condom.


“Lena, focus. What was the frown for?”


I stared at his cock, mesmerized. Even incased in rubber it remained a thing of true beauty. Had I any talent with a pen, I’d have written it poems. A haiku perhaps.




I was hypnotized, helpless. Cock-struck.


Jimmy swore and suspended himself over me on his hands and knees. “Hey, my eyes are up here.”


“W-what?” Obviously, my self-control and Jimmy’s hard on could not peacefully coexist in the same space.


“You zoned out on me,” he said accusingly, his hair hanging in his face as he stared down at me.


“It’s not my fault. You got naked.”


“You liked that, huh?”




He half smiled and raised himself back up onto his knees.


“Don’t go.” My clingy hands reached for him, grabbing his wrist. “Please? Come down here, I want you on top of me.”


“You want to do missionary position with me?” He put his hands on his hips, fingers resting atop those awesome lines leading down the groin that truly fit people have. “Really, that’s your sex fantasy?”


“Yes. And next time, can we get one of those sheets with just the hole cut in it for our bits to join up in though, because I think they’re a real turn-on too.” I even gave him the fingers demonstration with one finger going through the hole made by the other hand. “You know the ones?”


The look in his eyes was less than amused. “We need a rule about no funny shit or fighting during sex.”


“Okay. Sorry. That was my fault.”


More head shaking. “Can we get back to the fucking now?”


“Yes, I just … come here. Please.” I waved my arms around, beckoning him closer.


“Just this once,” he said. “No one’s even supposed to do missionary these days. It’s considered boring.”


“You’re right, I know. I’m way out-of-date in my sexual repertoire and you’re being very kind to indulge me.”


The heat of him covered me. I quickly threw my good leg over his hip and wrapped my arms around his neck, just in case he tried to escape. His big hot body pressed me into the mattress and I was in sex heaven.


“Tell me if I’m squishing you,” he said.


“You’re not.”


He took his weight on both arms just the same, my breasts pressing into his chest. Even the light dusting of hair across his pecs running down to his belly button was a sensory delight, teasing my skin and stirring me up. His hard-on lay heavy against my sex, ready and waiting. It pretty much made it impossible not to try to attempt some sort of frenzied squirming against him. I angled my hips trying for more contact without upsetting my bad ankle. Forehead furrowed and brows tight, he stared down at me. The expression in his eyes seemed curious, almost. Like he couldn’t quite remember how I’d come to be there beneath him.


“Are you all right?” I asked.


“Yeah.” He paused, like he was going to say more, but didn’t. Instead, he angled his head and pressed his lips tentatively to mine. Once, twice, three times. How sweet. His tongue trailed across my bottom lip and a sigh slipped out of me.


“Okay?” he asked.


“Very.” I opened my mouth and he took up the invitation, kissing me deep, turning my insides to goo. Kiss-wise, he might have been a late bloomer. The man showed every sign, however, of making up for lost time fast. He was a natural. We basically ate at each other’s mouths. I’m not saying it was pretty but it was hot as hell. Tongues tangled and teeth chinked and we didn’t bother coming up for air. Breathing was for pussies. I fumbled off my glasses, tossing them aside before they got broken.


His cock rubbed against the lips of my sex, turning me on even more and making my synapses sizzle. Everything down below was throbbing and wet, ready for the taking. The feel of him, smell of him, nothing about Jimmy didn’t turn me on. I’d had hot sex before. But hot sex with someone your heart got dizzy over was another thing entirely. Once love was involved, it all changed into something entirely different.


At some stage he shifted his weight onto one arm, leaving the other free to reach down between us. The head of his cock nudged against my opening before slowly sinking inside.


“Oh god,” I sighed straight into his mouth.


His hips moved against me, pushing his dick in deep. Perfection. Absolute utter fucking perfection, that’s what having sex with Jimmy was like. In one smooth move he took me over, filling me up and igniting every last inch of me. I loved that he was more than big enough to make his presence felt. With him inside of me and over me, I got what sex was all about, what making love was for. Because every part of me was primed to take him in and turn us into a whole. Maybe David had been right about me being Jimmy’s new drug. He was sure as hell mine.


We were one hot, surging entity seeking that high. Crazy but true.


Jimmy drove his cock into me, over and over. The more my fingers dug into his sweaty skin, the further I fell into oblivion. Hands sunk into my hair, gently tugging, as his mouth sought out mine. It was an unending battle for domination where we both won. The thick length of him surged into me harder and faster. A truly piteous mewling sort of sound escaped my throat.


I lacked the will to care. If I could just come …


His mouth traveled over my jaw, stubble scratching against my neck. Teeth nipped and my * squeezed tight. Jimmy groaned and went faster, pounding into me. There was every chance I’d be bruised from top to toe by the end of things, but good god was it worth it.


Kylie Scott's books