Lead (A Stage Dive Novel)




Three weeks later …




My head shot up, the mug of coffee jumping in my hands. Hot liquid scalded my fingers, stinging. “Shit.”


Jimmy came pounding down the internal staircase. “Where are you?”


“In the kitchen.” I snatched up a tea towel, dabbing at my pink skin.


“What the fuck?” he roared, striding into the kitchen, dripping with sweat.


I sighed as only the long-suffering can do and rubbed at the coffee stains on my green Henley. “What the fuck, what, Jimmy?”


Another set of heavy-assed footfalls followed behind the man in question. Ben the bass player came into view. Picture a sexy lumberjack with musical abilities and you’ll pretty much have him down right. He was equally sweaty—fitting, considering they’d both just been for a run.


“Hey, Ben.” I waved a hand and the big guy gave me his usual chin tip. But wait, was that a smirk lingering on his lips? He leaned against the wall and crossed his arms, obviously settling in for something.


Whatever was going on here, I already didn’t like it.


Jimmy tossed his phone onto the kitchen counter in front of me. “Why the fuck do I have some …” He picked the cell back up again, squinting at the screen. “… Tom Moorecomb really looking forward to meeting with me about the new assistant position?”


My stomach fell. “Oh. That.”


“Yeah. That.”


“I’ve been waiting for the right time to tell you.”


Brows drawn tight, Jimmy braced his hands on the counter. “Let’s try now.”


“Well, I’ve decided to leave your lovely employ,” I said, holding my head high and speaking nice and clear in a friendly professional tone. Just liked I’d practiced over and over again in the shower, in bed, on the john. Pretty much anywhere and everywhere when I got a moment. No more excuses. “Not that I haven’t valued the time we’ve spent together, but I feel I’m ready to move on to new challenges. Tom is who I would suggest you hire as my replacement. He has a background in counseling, but is—”


“You’re quitting?”


It’d never been so hard to meet his eyes. “Yes, Jimmy. I am. It’s time.”


“You organized all this behind my back.” Not a question, a statement, and a very angry one at that. His usual cool gaze fell to well below sub-zero. It was pure luck I didn’t snap freeze on the spot.


Instead, I nodded, goose bumps breaking out all over my skin.




“When did I organize it or when do I finish?”


He jerked his chin. I took it to mean ‘yes’ on both counts.


“The last couple of weeks, and in a couple of weeks,” I said. “Thought I’d spend a few days settling Tom in before I left, making sure everything was okay. Of course there were other candidates, it’s your choice whether or not you hire him.”


“Big of you.”


“But you will need to find someone to replace me.”


“When were you going to tell me, Lena?”




He raised a brow.


“This weekend … sometime, I was going to give notice. I mean, definitely well before Tom arrived for his interview with you on Monday. You would probably want a chance to prepare, so …” I gave him my most charming smile. No matter what, never actually admit to flailing. “Monday morning at the very latest.”


Color suffused Jimmy’s face.


I cleared my throat. “Back to Tom’s previous experience, which I think it’s important to note, unlike me, he actually has some in a relevant field—”




I blinked. “What?”


“No. You’re not quitting.”


“Ah, yes. I am.”


He shook his head just the once, but it was a fierce shake, brutal even. I’m surprised he didn’t give himself whiplash. And while I’d known he probably wouldn’t embrace my decision, I hadn’t expected this level of obstinacy. “I’m a secretary, Jimmy. Not an addiction counselor. Fact is, I never should have taken the job in the first place. I’m not qualified, nor am I particularly good at it.”


“I think I’m in a better position to make that call. Hell, Lena. This is ridiculous, what is it you want me to say?”


I shrugged, surprised by his response. “Goodbye, I guess. And if you wouldn’t mind, a letter of recommendation would be nice.”


For a moment he said nothing, just let his head fall back so he could stare at the ceiling. The muscles in his neck were thick, veins stark beneath the skin. “What’s the real issue here? You want more money?”


“No. To be honest, you’re probably paying me too much as it is. Not that I’m volunteering for a decrease.”


“Then what?” His gaze bored into me, eyes a lighter shade than his brothers. Jimmy’s eyes were like a cloudless sky, the perfect blue. They were beautiful, but rarely serene. And God help me for even noticing, let alone getting poetic.


“Why do you want me to stay so badly?” I threw up my hands. “Most days you barely tolerate me. Last week you stopped speaking entirely and just grunted at me for three days.” Suddenly you can’t bear for us to be apart? Come on.”


Kylie Scott's books