Kingdom of Ash (Throne of Glass #7)

A spark lit Aelin’s eyes, and both women met halfway in a tight embrace. “I want to hear the entire story,” Aelin said. “Every word of it.”

Nesryn’s subdued smile widened. “So you shall. But later.” Aelin clapped her on the shoulder and turned to the two royals still by the desk. Tall and regal, but as mud-splattered as the queen.

Chaol blurted, “Dorian?”

Rowan answered, “Not with us.” He glanced to the royals.

“They know everything,” Nesryn said.

“He’s with Manon,” Aelin said simply. Chaol wasn’t entirely sure whether to be relieved. “Hunting for something important.”

The keys. Holy gods.

Aelin nodded. Later. He’d think on where Dorian might now be later. Aelin nodded again. The full story would come then too.

Nesryn said, “May I present Princess Hasar and Prince Sartaq.”

Aelin bowed—low. “You have my eternal gratitude,” Aelin said, and the voice that came out of her was indeed that of a queen.

Any shock Sartaq and Hasar had shown upon the queen bowing so low was hidden as they bowed back, the portrait of courtly grace. “My father,” Sartaq said, “remained in the khaganate to oversee our lands, along with our siblings Duva and Arghun. But my brother Kashin sails with the rest of the army. He was not two weeks behind us when we left.”

Aelin glanced to Chaol, and he nodded. Something glittered in her eyes at the confirmation, but the queen jerked her chin at Hasar. “Did you get my letter?”

The letter that Aelin had sent months ago, begging for aid and promising only a better world in return.

Hasar picked at her nails. “Perhaps. I get far too many letters from fellow princesses these days to possibly remember or answer all of them.”

Aelin smirked, as if the two of them spoke a language no one else could understand, a special code between two equally arrogant and proud women. But she motioned to her companions, who stepped forward. “Allow me to introduce my friends. Lord Gavriel, of Doranelle.” A nod toward the tawny-eyed and golden-haired warrior who bowed. Tattoos covered his neck, his hands, but his every motion was graceful. “My uncle, of sorts,” Aelin added with a smirk at Gavriel. At Chaol’s narrowed brows, she explained, “He’s Aedion’s father.”

“Well, that explains a few things,” Nesryn muttered.

The hair, the broad-planed face … yes, it was the same. But where Aedion was fire, Gavriel seemed to be stone. Indeed, his eyes were solemn as he said, “Aedion is my pride.”

Emotion rippled over Aelin’s face, but she gestured to the dark-haired male. Not someone Chaol ever wanted to tangle with, he decided as he surveyed the granite-hewn features, the black eyes and unsmiling mouth.

“Lorcan Salvaterre, formerly of Doranelle, and now a blood-sworn member of my court.” As if that weren’t a shock enough, Aelin winked at the imposing male. Lorcan scowled. “We’re still in the adjustment period,” she loudly whispered, and Yrene chuckled.

Lorcan Salvaterre. Chaol hadn’t met the male this spring in Rifthold, but he’d heard all about him. That he’d been Maeve’s most trusted commander, her most loyal and fierce warrior. That he’d wanted to kill Aelin, hated Aelin. How this had come about, why she was not in Terrasen with her army … “You, too, have a tale to tell,” Chaol said.

“Indeed I do.” Aelin’s eyes guttered, and Rowan put a hand on her lower back. Bad—something terrible had occurred. Chaol scanned Aelin for any hint of it.

He stopped when he noticed the smoothness of the skin at her neck. The lack of scars. The missing scars on her hands, her palms. “Later,” Aelin said softly. She straightened her shoulders, and another golden-haired male came forward. Beautiful. That was the only way to describe him. “Fenrys … You know, I don’t actually know your family name.”

Fenrys threw a roguish wink at the queen. “Moonbeam.”

“It is not,” Aelin hissed, choking on a laugh.

Fenrys laid a hand on his heart. “I am blood-sworn to you. Would I lie?”

Another blood-sworn Fae male in her court. Across the tent, Sartaq cursed in his own tongue. As if he’d heard of Lorcan, and Gavriel, and Fenrys.

Aelin gave Fenrys a vulgar gesture that set Hasar chuckling, and faced the royals. “They’re barely housebroken. Hardly fit for your fine company.” Even Sartaq smiled at that. But it was to the small, delicate woman that Aelin now gestured. “And the only civilized member of my court, Lady Elide Lochan of Perranth.”

Perranth. Chaol had combed through the family trees of Terrasen just this winter, had seen the lists of so many royal households crossed out, victim to the conquest ten years ago.

Elide’s name had been among them. Another Terrasen royal who had managed to evade Adarlan’s butchers.

The pretty young woman took a limping step forward, and bobbed a curtsy to the royals. Her boots concealed any sign of the source of the injury, but Yrene’s attention shot right to her leg. Her ankle. “It’s an honor to meet all of you,” Elide said, her voice low and steady. Her dark eyes swept over them, cunning and clear. Like she could see beneath their skin and bones, to the souls beneath.

Aelin wiped her hands. “Well, that’s over and done with,” she announced, and strode to the desk and map. “Shall we discuss where you all plan to march once we beat the living shit out of this army?”


Rowan had been speaking to the captain of their ship when the ruk had flown past.

According to her mate, the ruk nearly slammed right into the ship thanks to the dense fog on the sea. A scout—from an armada to the south.

A skeleton crew had remained amongst them, though the scout hadn’t been privy to the royals’ plans. All she knew was that the khagan’s army had gone to Anielle.

Where they would go after that—to Rifthold, to Eyllwe—had not been decided.

So Aelin would help them decide. Make sure that when this business with Anielle was over, the khagan’s army marched northward. To Terrasen.

And nowhere else. Whatever she needed to do to convince them, offer them in exchange for it, she’d pay it. Even if hauling ass to Anielle had meant delaying her own return to Terrasen.

She supposed it’d be better to return with an army behind her than alone.

Yet now, standing in the royals’ war tent, Aelin still couldn’t quite believe just how many the khagan had sent. With more to come, Prince Sartaq had claimed.

They’d wended through the neatly organized tents and soldiers, both on foot and the downright awe-inspiring cavalry. The Darghan, the legendary riders from the steppes of the khaganate. The royal family’s mother-people, who had taken the continent for themselves.

And then they’d seen the ruks, and even miserable Lorcan had sworn in awe at the mighty, beautiful birds adorned with ornate armor, and the armed riders atop them. The scout had been one thing. An army of them had been glorious.

A glance at Rowan told her that shrewd mind was already calculating a plan.

So Aelin asked casually, flashing the royals a grin, “Where did you all plan on going after this?”

Princess Hasar, as shrewd as Aelin’s mate, returned her smile—a razor-sharp thing of little beauty. “Doubtless, you’re about to begin some scheme to convince us to go to Terrasen.”

The room tensed, but Aelin snorted. “Begin? Who says I’m not already in the thick of it?”

“Gods help us,” Chaol muttered. Rowan echoed the sentiment.

Hasar opened her mouth, but Prince Sartaq cut in, “Where we march will be decided after Anielle is secured.” The prince’s face remained grave, calculating—but not cold. Aelin had decided within moments that she liked him. And liked him even more when it came out that he had just been crowned the khagan’s Heir. With Nesryn as his potential bride.

Potential, to Aelin’s amusement, because Nesryn herself wasn’t so keen on being empress of the mightiest empire in the world.

But what Sartaq had said—

Elide blurted, “You mean to not go to Terrasen?”

Aelin kept still, her fingers curling at her sides.