Kaleidoscope Hearts

A myriad of emotions flash in his eyes before they settle on determination, and I’m forced to take a step back—away from his scent, away from his warmth.


“Why not?”


I sigh and finally look away, back down at his naked feet. “I just can’t.” He knows why not. He shouldn’t ask me that question. “What’s Vic doing, anyway?”


His body moves into mine so quickly that I don’t have time to react, as his large hands clutch my arms and his face drops, bringing his nose to mine. I just stare, wide-eyed, waiting for his lips to close the distance, but they don’t. He just looks at me . . . breathes on me . . . lets me breathe on him, and then he groans. And that fucking groan bridges the distance between us and crawls into the core of me, draping over every fiber of my being.


“What do you want, Oliver?” I whisper against his lips. “What do you want from me? You want to kiss me? You want to fuck me? You want to come into my life like the hurricane that you are and tear down everything I’ve rebuilt before you disappear again?”


His lips brush lightly against mine—just a breath of a touch—yet he’s crowding me like he’s about to devour me. He won’t though. He never goes in for the kill. He just casts the lure, reels me in and then cuts the line. As expected, his hands drop, and he pulls away from me as quickly as he’d approached. I feel a pang deep inside me that I desperately wish wasn’t there.


“I’m sorry,” he says quietly, shaking his head in a movement that makes his hair sway back and forth. His eyes are soft on mine now, and I can almost hear his thoughts: I should never have kissed her. I should never—


My brows rise in surprise at the apology, though. There are so many things I can say to him, but the sudden, defeated look in his eyes keeps my mouth shut. Finally, I exhale and push off the wall to stand in front of him, keeping enough distance between us to discourage us from reaching toward the other.


“It’s okay just . . . don’t do it again. The kiss the other day was a mistake . . .” I stop talking and walk past him, putting the bra away and sorting through my underwear drawer, like I’m unearthing hidden treasure or something. This time when I feel him come up behind me, I drop my head and exhale. He really needs to stop sneaking up behind me.


“Oli—” I start, and gasp when I feel his lips on the back of my neck, soft and warm. My heart thunders and I freeze in place, my shaking hands still inside the drawer. I close my eyes and focus on breathing, as he drops another kiss right beside that spot. I never knew the back of my neck was so sensitive. The feeling sends a ripple of sensation down my arms and through my body.


“It wasn’t a mistake,” he says in a husky whisper that makes my flesh break out in goose bumps. “You’ve never been a mistake. You want me to tell your brother that I want to date you? Is that what it would take?”


I pull my hands out of the drawer to clutch the edge of the dresser, and a moan escapes my lips.


“That sound,” he growls, as he pushes his body against my back. I can feel the hardness of his chest . . . of him . . . against me. “That fucking sound drives me crazy, Elle,” he says, sucking the side of my neck. I’m starting to pant, and I don’t even care. I don’t know what I want anymore. I don’t know what I need. I don’t know if it matters—if anything matters—when Oliver is making me feel this way. I don’t even have time to let guilt sink in, because even that’s a foreign feeling right now. A storm of lust rises inside me, and my heart continues to trip over itself as his lips descend on me over and over.


“I can’t do this again,” I whisper shakily. “I can’t . . . oh God, you need to stop.” I moan as he drags his hands down my sides, the tips of his fingers grazing my already pert nipples.


He presses against me again, pushing me into the dresser. “Was I a mistake to you?”


“Oliver,” I plead in a soft whimper. My eyes roll back as his hands begin a sensual tease—up and down, squeezing and kneading—unhurried . . . as if we have all the time in the world for his seduction. As if we both don’t know that as soon as he walks out of this room, whatever we’re doing is over . . . like it always is.


“What do you want, Elle? You want me to kiss you? You want me to fuck you? You want to pretend that I’m the one who hurricanes through your life?” His voice is guttural as he grinds against my ass. Another moan escapes me.


Suddenly, his words sink in, and my eyes snap open. That’s the moment I slip out of his hold and turn to glare at him. His eyes are hooded as he looks back at me, his hair all tousled and sexy. Hell, everything about him is sexy. Oliver Hart is the definition of sexy in my book, but I’m too pissed off to be distracted right now.


“I’m the hurricane?” I say, pointing at myself. “Me?” I glance at the clock on the dresser and realize I’m already late, thanks to this . . . whatever we’re doing.


“You think you’re not?” Oliver counters, now looking at me through narrowed eyes.


“You’re delusional.” I walk back to the closet and, with my back to him, I pull the shirt I’m wearing over my head. I hear his sharp intake of breath, and I don’t relish it like I normally would. Right now, he’s officially back on my shit list.


“No. You are delusional, Estelle,” he says, stepping forward so he’s behind me again, his voice near my ear. He doesn’t touch me this time. “You are so damn crazy, and I want to touch you so bad right now and fuck the insanity out of you.”


A shiver runs down my entire body as I pull another shirt over my head. “Not going to happen.”


“Not right now, but it is going to happen. Don’t go on this date,” he says. The soft plea in his voice thaws me a little, and I turn to face him.


“Why? Why shouldn’t I go on a date?”


“Because,” he breathes, running a hand through his hair. His eyes scan my room quickly, as if he’s looking for the answer on my goddamn walls. Just when my anger is bubbling up because this feels like déjà vu all over again, his eyes flash back to mine, and the look in them is so potent that it freezes me. “Because I don’t want you to. Because it’s my turn. Because I’ve let you go a million times before, and I don’t want to miss this chance with you. Let me take you out. Let me show you how good I can be, and I’m not talking about fucking, I mean me. One date, Elle.”


When my heart starts beating again, I let out a rushed breath. “One date.”


Oliver smiles. It’s the one that makes me swoon—the wide grin that shows off his dimples. “One date.”


“Our definitions of dates are wildly different,” I say, looking around the room. My eyes glance over everything—anything—so that I don’t have to look at Oliver, but then he moves closer, and my eyes snap to his so that he’ll stop moving.


“Okay, we’ll define it so we’re both on the same page.”


I let out a small laugh. “Okay, I’ll think about it. But if I decide to say yes, I have rules.”


He chuckles. “Text me the rules.”


“I will.”


When I head downstairs, I hear him and Vic in the kitchen and pop my head in to say goodbye. Oliver’s eyes take me in slowly, as if I’m the slice of pizza he’s about to dig into, and I look away quickly before I get lost in his gaze.


“You’re going to Felicia’s, right?” Vic asks.


“Yup. I’ll be back early. Bye, guys.”


“Felicia?” Oliver asks, when I’m already halfway to the door.


“Yeah, Wyatt’s mom,” Vic responds.


“What?” Oliver asks, bewildered.


I laugh all the way to my car, and when I get there, I see a text message from him.


You played me.


I laugh, but don’t respond.


What are the rules?


1-No touching. 2-No kissing . . . If I think of any more, I’ll let you know.


Is Friday good for you?


I haven’t agreed to this yet.


But you will.


I don’t respond. I wonder if he would really ask Vic if he could take me out. For some reason, it makes butterflies ignite deep in my belly. Then I groan, remembering where I’m going and why. Maybe Mia is right. Oliver is the last person I should play this game with. He invented the fucking game. I’m just a newbie hoping for a win.





Claire Contreras's books