
‘Yes. And I would like to talk to Keeper Shawms.’ I lowered my voice. ‘I know everything about Ellen now, Hob.’

The keeper was in his office. I sat down without asking. Shawms stared at me, a calculating look on his fat, stubbly face. He had on the same stained jerkin he was wearing when I had left. I wondered, where does he spend all the money he gets?

He grunted. ‘Metwys has been to see me.’

‘Let me guess what he said. Ellen is now under the protection of the Queen, who will meet her fees from now on.’

He nodded. ‘That’s right. How d’you swing that?’

‘By finding the truth about who raped Ellen nineteen years ago. It was the one who paid her fees, Philip West. He is dead. Another man was involved, but he can do her no harm now she has the protection of Queen Catherine. Did Metwys tell you who he is?’

‘No. And I don’t want to know. Will Ellen leave now?’ he asked. ‘I don’t mind, she can go when she likes if the Queen wishes. There’s no – ’

‘No order of lunacy, nor ever was. I know that too. Beatrice West must have paid the warden well to take her in, all those years ago. Arranged by Sir Quintin Priddis I have no doubt. You would like her out of your hair now, I dare say. Well, I would like her to leave too, but I doubt she will.’ I leaned forward. ‘Make sure that she is well treated, and pay her, too, for the work she does, or I will ensure the Queen hears about it.’

He looked at me, shook his head. ‘You’re a persistent devil, aren’t you?’

‘Yes.’ I stood. ‘And now, where is she?’

‘In her room. Look, I don’t want you upsetting her again. That doesn’t do anyone any good.’

‘She needs to know where she stands. Goodbye, Master Shawms.’

I LOOKED THROUGH the bars of Ellen’s door. She was sitting on her bed, quietly sewing. Her expression was sad, but composed. I remembered the terror in her face the last time I had seen her. I would not bring her to that again, I swore.

I knocked and went in. She looked up. Her face went hard and cold.

‘Good day, Ellen,’ I said.

‘You have returned,’ she answered evenly.

‘Yes. This morning. Have you been well treated while I was away?’

‘Yes. Gebons has been unusually friendly. I wondered if you had paid him to be.’

‘I wanted to see you were not mistreated while I was away.’ She did not reply. I asked, ‘Has Master Shawms said anything to you?’

‘No.’ She looked apprehensive. ‘About what?’

I drew a deep breath. ‘Ellen,’ I said gently, ‘I do not want to rake over the past again.’ A tense watchfulness came into her face. I continued, ‘But I have been to Sussex. You are safe now from those men.’ I had decided to say nothing of the discovery of her father’s body. ‘The Queen herself has taken responsibility for your fees. And if you ever want to leave here, you can. You are free, Ellen.’

She looked at me, intently, fearfully. ‘What has happened to him? To – Philip?’

I hesitated again. She said, ‘Tell me!’

‘He is dead, Ellen. He went down on the Mary Rose.’

She sat very still, staring into space. Then she said, quietly, with cold, whispered anger, ‘He deserved it.’ It was the same phrase Emma had used standing over Abigail’s body, and David about what had happened to him.

‘He did a terrible thing to you.’

She looked at me, her expression utterly weary. ‘And the man who was with him that day? What of him?’

I hesitated. ‘Do you know who he was?’

‘I only remember a skinny little fellow.’ She shuddered, her whole body trembling. I realized the depth of emotion she had been holding in, all these wasted years.

‘He is now a high official of state. It is better you do not know his name. But he can do you no harm now.’

‘Because you told the Queen what was done to me?’ I heard anger in her voice now.

‘It was the only way to protect you.’

She stared into space, hands trembling above her sewing. Then she put her work down, turned and looked me full in the face. ‘I was content here,’ she said, ‘content as ever I could be. You should not have interfered.’

‘I have freed you from a great threat.’

She laughed bitterly. ‘To do that you should have been at Rolfswood nineteen years ago. You talk as though I cared one whit what happens to me now. I am past that. I did care for a while, when I thought you loved me. I see now that is impossible. Do you know who made me understand that?’


‘Your friend Guy. Oh, he said nothing directly, but somehow he made me realize. He is clever,’ she said bitterly. ‘But you let me go on believing there might be hope for two years. You did not have the courage to tell me the truth. You are a coward, Matthew.’

‘I could have been killed trying to find out the truth about you!’ I burst out.

‘I never asked you to!’ She took a couple of long, deep breaths, then said in tones of bitter contempt, ‘Have you ever loved anyone, I wonder? Can you?’

C. J. Sansom's books