
“Just doing my job, Miss Ferrara.”

I turn toward him, infuriated. “Do not enter this library again. Do you hear me? Unless you hear me scream, I don’t want to see you.”

He steps back, surprised by my venom. “It has never bothered you having security before.”

“Well, it bothers me now.” I open the car door and get into the back seat and slam the door hard.

The two guards get into the front seat and drive off into the night. Through tears I stare out the window as the scenery flies by.

I’m not joking…I am running away.

I want to be with him.


It’s late at night and I lie in bed with tears running into my ears.

I’m embarrassed.

Ashamed that my own family don’t trust me enough to date. I’m not asking for the world, I just want to be normal.

I’m seventeen.

I think of my beautiful Giuliano and how understanding he’s been and how he deserves so much better. I picture his face when I left him, flushed with arousal.

Hiding in a fucking library bathroom while we make out…it’s pathetic.

My body is still throbbing from his touch.

I need more. More of everything, but most of all, him.

A text comes in, the tenth one tonight.

Call me

And say what?

I’m sorry I left you in the bathroom? I’m sorry you’re dating a child.

Another text.

I’m getting worried, Chesk Call me please.

I exhale heavily and dial his number.

“Hey,” he answers softly.

Hearing his voice instantly brings tears to my eyes and I angrily wipe them away. “I’m sorry,” I whisper.

“What’s wrong, are you crying?” he whispers.

“I hate this.” I sob.

“It’s okay, baby. Don’t cry.”

“How can I not, Giuliano, I’m so embarrassed.”

“About what?”

“You know what.”

“About what we did?”

“No, not that,” I scoff.

“What are you talking about?”

“What must you think of me being treated like a child?”

“Francesca.” He sighs. “It’s okay.”

“I’m running away.”

“No. You’re not.”

“Yes. I am.”

He stays silent for a moment. “I can’t run away yet, I need my university degree to support us.”

My mouth falls open in surprise. “You would come with me?” I whisper.

“Well, you aren’t going without me.”

I smile through tears.

“Anna and I have come up with a plan,” he says.

“A plan?” I frown.

“I’m going to sneak into Anna’s house on the weekend.”


“You’re staying there, right?”


“And her parents are away.”

“But her grandmother is staying, my guards sit outside all night, there’s no way in,” I stammer.

“If Anna keeps her grandmother busy and I get there before you do, I could hide in your bedroom.”

My eyes widen, a whole night with him would be a dream. “But…what if we get caught?”

“It will be worth it.”

I bite my bottom lip as I listen to his plan unfold.

“I’d do anything to be alone with you,” he whispers.

“Me too.”

We fall silent for a while.

“Giuliano,” I whisper.


“Do you think it’s possible to fall in love with someone you hardly know?”

“I wouldn’t have thought so before…but now…maybe I do.”

I smile hopefully.

“Good night, my beautiful Cheska,” he whispers. “Dream of me.”

Always do.

My eyes well with happy tears. “Good night.”


Saturday night, I glance over my shoulder to my guards, I give them a wave and walk up the front steps of Anna’s house, she opens the door in a rush. “Hi.”

I force a smile. “Is he here?” I whisper.

“Uh-huh,” Anna smiles as she pulls me inside. “Safe and sound waiting for you upstairs. He’s been here for over an hour.”

My God….

“Where’s Grandma?” I ask.

“Watching a movie downstairs.”

“Do you think she suspects anything?” I whisper as I take off my coat and hang it up.

“Nope, I left a key out for him and then she and I took the dog for a walk and he snuck in while we were gone. I’ve disarmed the cameras, so we are all good,” Anna whispers in a rush.

Butterflies dance in my stomach. “Thank you.” I hug her, sneaking my boyfriend into her house so that I can spend some time with him really is next-level friendship. “What would I do without you?”

“Shrivel up and die I expect.”

“No doubt.” I smirk as we walk through the house and down to the basement where Grandma has her little apartment for when she stays. “Hi, Grandma,” I say.

Violet smiles over at me. “Hello, Francesca, how are you, dear?”

“Good, thanks.” I kiss her cheek and glance up at the television. “What are you watching?”

“Atonement. Have you seen it?”


“It’s great, you should watch it.”

“Maybe we will later tonight.” I look up to Anna for some guidance. “Should we get started on our assignment?”

“Yes, okay, we have so much work to do, going to be at it all night.”

“You girls run along, dinner is in an hour,” Grandma replies.

“I’ve already eaten,” I reply, half panicked, I can’t leave Giuliano upstairs alone while I eat dinner.

“That’s okay, you keep working on our homework. I’ll eat with Grandma down here,” Anna replies.

My scared eyes hold hers. “Okay.”

Oh jeez, this plan could go to hell on a broomstick. If we get caught, I know that death is near.

I’m not even joking, Enrico my brother will go batshit crazy.

Anna leaves the room and I follow her up the stairs, we walk through to the grand foyer and Anna takes my hand in hers. “What the hell do I do now?” I whisper in a panic, this plan seemed genius when we planned it, now it’s plain stupid.

“Just talk to him, you two are crazy about each other.”

“Yes.” I nod. “You’re right. This is fine, totally fine.”

“And you’re not going to get caught,” she reminds me. “I’ll text his number if there’s any sign of trouble.”

“Okay.” I nod nervously. “Make sure you do.” I think for a moment. “What are you going to do all night?”

“I’ll be doing homework with my headphones in.”

“What are you talking about?” I whisper. “You need to listen for trouble, you can’t wear headphones. What are you going to hear over headphones?”

“Oh shit, that’s right. Okay, I’m on it.”

I begin to sweat, please don’t let this go wrong, I really need this night.

We take the stairs up to the top floor, there’s a large living room and two double bedrooms, each with their ensuite bathroom. One bedroom is Anna’s and the other is mine. Not one to brag, but my room has a really cute boy waiting in it for me right now, my heart just might not be able to take it.

Anna pulls me into a hug. “I can’t believe he went to all this trouble…just to see me,” I whisper.

She smiles broadly. “I can.”

I grab the door handle and turn back to look back at my dear friend and give her a grateful smile.