
Lizzy: Had an awesome prac. Off to work at book store next. Then got an assignment due.


Ben: Work all u do?


Lizzy: Pretty much. But I enjoy it. Texting u just made my day, tho.


Ben: Fuck ur sweet. Tell me something bad about u. Make it easier for me to stay away.


Lizzy: I see no benefit to me in doing this …


Ben: Go on. I’m waiting.


Lizzy: I suck at sports and I’m messy.


Ben: Can’t imagine you messy.


Lizzy: My apartment looks like a war zone. Anne always tidied. Gave me bad habits. What about u?


Ben: I flirt with girl’s I’m not supposed to. Otherwise I’m perfect.


Lizzy: All that fame and fortune and not an ego in sight.


Ben: Exactly.


Lizzy: :)


Ben: Gotta go, Jim’s waiting. Later sweetheart.


Lizzy: Later Ben


Ben: WTF is that pic?


Lizzy: U tell me.


Ben: A mash up of a lion, a beer, & a girl’s eyes (yours?) Lizzy: Right on all counts!


Ben: What’s it mean?


Lizzy: I am using my psych studies to mess with your mind. Studies show association with fear encourages romantic thoughts.


Ben: Sly. U uncovered my fear of beer?


Lizzy: Haha. The fear is the lion.


Ben: Ok. So what’s the beer?


Lizzy: You know the phenomenon of beer-goggles?


Ben: Chicks look hot when you’re drunk?


Lizzy: Right. But turns out the beer-goggler doesn’t need to be drunk. Just an association with beer will do. Even a picture.


Ben: Me looking at a pic of beer will make u seem hotter?


Lizzy: You can’t argue with science. You poor hapless male. You never stood a chance.


Ben: Liz, I think ur gorgeous. Save the beer pics for someone who needs em.


Lizzy: Damn ur smooth


Ben: U like that?


Lizzy: Very much


Ben: Good. U poor hapless female. U never stood a chance.


Lizzy: :)


Ben: What do you think?


Lizzy: I think that’s a pic of a banjo. Yours?


Ben: Deering Black Diamond. Thinking of buying it.


Lizzy: U play banjo too? Whoa.


Ben: Want to learn.


Lizzy: And I want to hear you play. You’re a musical virtuoso. Do you sing?


Ben: Ha. U do not want to hear me sing. Trust me. Think I should buy it?


Lizzy: Do it. :)


Ben: Done. :)


Lizzy: ===v=^=={@}


Ben: This another psych test?


Lizzy: No. It’s a rose. I worked on it all morning.


Lizzy: Well … a couple of minutes between classes.


Ben: Beautiful.


Lizzy: :) Why don’t we have coffee?


Lizzy: Is the lack of a response a no or are u shy?


Ben: Shy of Mal shooting me. We better just stick 2 text.


Lizzy: Fair enough.


Ben: Been thinking about u. Talk to me.


Lizzy: I’d love to. Calling.


Ben: U ok? Haven’t heard from u lately.


Lizzy: I didn’t want to seem too obvious. The stalker handbook said play it cool.


Ben: I know ur not a stalker. Ur dangerous in another way.


Lizzy: I love that u said that.


Lizzy: So do u actually have real stalkers?


Lizzy: Apart from me, I mean.


Ben: You’re not a real stalker. They camp across the street with binoculars.


Lizzy: That’s crazy. U get a much better resolution with a telescope.


Ben: You’re a goose.


Lizzy: Our honesty is beautiful.


Lizzy: Psychologically speaking, most relationships fail due to lack of constructive criticism. Obvious we’re made for each other.


Ben: You’re a total goose. Seriously.


Lizzy: See what I mean?


Lizzy: But we were talking about stalkers.


Ben: Not really for me. I’m lucky. The other guys can’t walk down the street without getting hassled. I’m less in the limelight. Not so recognizable.


Lizzy: U kidding? You’re built like King Kong.


Ben: Ha. Jimmy had stalkers that got creepy. One broke into his place a few years back stole some shit.


Ben: Mal had one that ended in a restraining order.


Lizzy: Wow. What did the stalker do?


Ben: No, the stalker had to get a restraining order against Mal. He kept showing up at the guys work, trying to hug him and leaving weird phone messages etc.


Lizzy: Lol.


Ben: Gotta go. Music breaks over.


Lizzy: I make killer cheesy cornbread.


Ben: Do u?


Lizzy: I do. & I just so happen 2 be making some right now. My plans tonight r cheesy cornbread & bad zombie films. Tempted?


Ben: Like u wouldn’t believe.


Lizzy: But ur busy w the guys?


Ben: No. Guys with their girlfriends. I’m busy killing people.


Lizzy: Online I trust?


Ben: Ha. Yes.


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