Caliban's War: Book Two of the Expanse series

“Feed us what you can, when you can, but we’re not waiting.”



Amos ambled over to Holden and tapped the visor of his helmet. Prax was standing alone by the glass cube, staring into it like there was something to see. Holden expected Amos to say something about the man, but Amos surprised him.


“Been paying attention to the temperature, Cap?”


“Yeah,” Holden replied. “Every time I check it says ‘cold as hell.’”


“I was just over by the door,” Amos continued. “It went up about half a degree.”


Holden thought about that for a moment, double-checking it on his own HUD and tapping his fingers on his thigh.


“There’s climate in the next room. They’re heating it.”


“Seems likely,” Amos said, shifting the big auto-shotgun into both hands and thumbing off the safety.


Holden motioned the remaining Pinkwater people over to them.


“It looks like we’ve come to the inhabited portion of this base. Amos and I go in first. You three”—Holden pointed at the three Pinkwater people who weren’t Wendell—“follow and cover our flanks. Wendell, you cover our asses and make sure we can get back out in a hurry if things go bad. Prax—”


Holden stopped, looking around for the botanist. He had quietly slipped over to the door into the next room. He’d taken the handgun Amos had given him out of his pocket. As Holden watched, he reached out and opened the door, then walked deliberately through.


“Fuck me,” Amos said conversationally.


“Shit,” Holden said. Then, “Go, go, go,” as he rushed toward the now open door.


Just before he got to the hatch, he heard Prax say, “Nobody move,” in a loud but quavering voice.


Holden burst through into the room on the other side, going right while Amos came through just behind him and went left. Prax stood a few feet past the door, the large black handgun looking improbable in his pale, shaking hand. The area itself looked a lot like the one they’d just left, except that this one had a small crowd of people in it. Armed people. Holden tried to take in everything that could be used as cover. A half dozen large gray packing crates with scientific equipment in various states of disassembly in them squatted around the room. Someone’s hand terminal was propped up on a bench and blaring dance music. On one of the crates sat several open boxes of pizza with most of the slices missing, several of which were still clutched in people’s hands. He tried to count them. Four. Eight. An even dozen, all of them wide about the eye and glancing around, thinking about what to do.


It looked to Holden very much like a room full of people packing up to move, taking a short lunch break. Except that the people in this room all had holsters at their sides, and they had left the corpse of a small child to rot in the next room over.


“Nobody! Move!” Prax repeated, this time with more force.


“You should listen to him,” Holden added, moving the barrel of his assault rifle in a slow scan across the room. To drive the point home, Amos sidled up to the nearest worker and casually slammed the butt of his auto-shotgun into the man’s ribs, dropping him to the floor like a bag of wet sand. Holden heard the tramping of his Pinkwater people rushing into the room behind him and taking up cover positions.


“Wendell,” Holden said, not lowering his rifle. “Please disarm these people for me.”


“No,” said a stern-faced woman with a slice of pizza in her hand. “No, I don’t think so.”


“Excuse me?” Holden said.


“No,” the woman repeated, taking another bite of her pizza. Around a mouthful of food, she said, “There are only seven of you. There are twelve of us just in this room alone. And there are a lot more behind us that will come running at the first gunshot. So, no, you don’t get to disarm us.”


She smiled a greasy smile at Holden, then took another bite. Holden could smell the cheese-and-pepperoni smell of good pizza over the top of Ganymede’s ever-present odor of ice and the scent of his own sweat. It made his stomach give an ill-timed rumble. Prax pointed his handgun at the woman, though his hand was now shaking so badly that she probably didn’t feel particularly threatened.


Amos gave him a sidelong glance as if to ask, What now, chief?


In Holden’s mind, the room shifted into a tactical problem with an almost physical click. The eleven potential combatants who were still standing were in three clusters. None of them were wearing visible armor. Amos would almost certainly drop the group of four to the far left of the room in a single burst from his auto-shotgun. Holden was pretty sure he could take down the three directly in front of him. That left four for the Pinkwater people to handle. Best not to count on Prax for any of it.


He finished the split-second tally of potential casualties, and almost of its own volition, his thumb clicked the assault rifle to full auto.


This is not you.


Corey, James S. A.'s books