Broken Wings (Dark Legacy #1)

I coughed a laugh and tried to ignore the fact that my cheeks were heating. Damn fair skin made blushing impossible to hide. “I thought you said Beck was off limits?”

“He is. But that doesn’t mean you can’t knock him down a few pegs.” She winked at me then produced a tight, black bandage dress. “Valentino. Perfect.”

Rolling my eyes, I took the hanger from her. I wasn’t even going to pretend I didn’t like the idea of seeing Sebastian Beckett drooling.

It took a bit of wiggling and a lot of sucking in, but when I was finally outfitted in the little black dress and had sky high metal studded stilettos to complete the look, I had to admit Eddy knew what she was doing. I looked sexy and dangerous all at the same time, and somehow my black wrist brace wasn’t even out of place. It almost looked like a fashionable accessory, especially after Eddy decked it out with a ton of thick gold bracelets.

“I’m going to freeze in this,” I said, even though I was definitely not taking it off.

Eddy laughed. “No way, alcohol is a warm friend.”

She wasn’t wrong about that. I studied my reflection again. “My first Ducis Academy party,” I murmured. “This ought to be fun.”


The party was hosted by none other than Jimmy—ball cap wearing, race organizer Jimmy. When he saw me walk through the door to his impressive home, he let out a low whistle and shook his head.

“Damn, new girl.” He grinned a greasy grin at me. “You clean up well.”

“Back off, Jimmy,” Eddy snapped, shoving him in the chest. “She’s a Delta successor now.”

Our host visibly paled under the brim of his ball cap and swallowed a couple of times before just nodding and walking away. Eddy snatched my hand and dragged me through the rabbit warren mansion until we reached the back of the house, where the main party was set up. We stopped in front of a full bar that was decked out with what looked like every type of alcohol in the world. Plus a bartender.

Rich kids really knew how to throw a party, I could admit it.

“What are you drinking?” my friend asked, yelling a bit to be heard over the loud music. When I took too long to reply, she ordered for me, shouting the name of a drink I’d never heard to the bartender.

The man understood her though, and after throwing around a few liquor bottles and occasionally pouring some liquids in a cocktail shaker, we were presented with two iridescent blue drinks.

“Dare I ask?” I arched a brow at Eddy, and she snickered as she took a sip of her own drink.

Shaking her head, she shoved my drink into my hand. “Nope, don’t ask. Just drink. You look like you could do with letting your hair down.” She flapped a hand at my silken locks lying loose over my shoulders. “Metaphorically speaking. Come on, let’s see who’s all here.”

Back home I’d never really been into the party scene. Dante as my closest, and only real friend, was not a fan of dressing up and shaking his ass, so we tended to avoid them. I realized then that I’d forgotten to phone him back, and I decided to try to remember before the night was over. It was too loud to chat on the phone right now.

Eddy knew a lot of people here, stopping for hugs and fake air kisses. But it was all superficial, clearly none of these people gave a fuck about her. It was like, kiss her ass, ask about the guys, and then brush her aside.


My drink disappeared far too quickly, and I lifted the empty glass to Eddy, and she nodded, leading us back the way we’d just come. Before we reached the bar though, there was a commotion near the entrance, and I spun around to find a familiar face pushing his way toward me.

“Dante!” I screamed, the alcohol already heating my blood. I rushed for my friend, not quite registering how odd it was that he was even here. I mean, not only was he supposed to be back in Jersey, but how the hell did he even know about this party.

Still, in that moment, all I cared about was getting a hug.

I slammed into him, and he hauled me up into his arm, the scent of that rich, spicy aftershave he loved so much washing over me. That smell took me back to a million memories. Fun nights. Family dinners. Everything that was now tainted in pain, because my parents, who had been part of both of our lives, were gone.

That was what I needed the alcohol for. To forget. To not hurt for one night.

“What are you doing here?” I yelled when he dropped me down.

Dante leveled a look on me, it was almost exasperated. “You never phoned me back. I was checking on you.” His lips twitched. “Are you drunk already, Riles?”

Shaking my head, I swung my hips in time to the beat. “Not yet, but if this night goes to plan, it won’t be long.”

Concern knit his brow together. “What have I told you about losing control around strangers? We don’t know these people, and from the little I’ve learned, they’re definitely not the sort you should trust.”

“Don’t play stupid with me, Dante. You and I both know it’s Delta. Seriously, you don’t have to tell me twice that they’re bad news. All rich people are.”

Something dark flickered across Dante’s eyes, but it was gone before I could really discern the reason. “Just watch your back,” he pushed. “Delta did not become a global leader by playing by the rules. They’re big business, and there is always corruption in big business.”

“Is there something else about this situation I should know?” I pushed him. “I mean, you had Catherine’s phone number, so clearly you have been doing a lot of research on them.”

Dante shook his head. “That was pretty much all I could get. One lousy contact. I’m getting a lot of run around in my normal circles. No one wants to incriminate themselves and rat out Delta, seeing as it’s a massive, corrupt, rich as fuck corporation, and they can destroy anyone. But I’ll keep digging. Stay vigilant. No trust.”

“I don’t trust any of them except Eddy. She’s my friend,” I said stubbornly. Speaking of…

I spun to find her standing almost awkwardly behind me. Reaching out, I hauled her in closer. “Dante, you remember Eddy, right?”

Dante’s green eyes were dark as they leisurely rested on Eddy. “No way I could forget someone as beautiful as Eddy,” he said softly, with a rumble in his words.

Eddy smiled at him. “I remember you too, big man. Hard to forget all of that ink…”

She drawled the last few words, making them sound almost naughty.

Dante’s return smile was predatory, and I knew that I was not going to be able to stop these two from screwing each other very soon. There was an attraction between them. It was fucking clear as anything.

All I cared was that neither of them dumped me when they inevitably got sick of each other.

Eddy reached out and grabbed my hand and Dante’s before she started pulling us toward the bar. “I wanna dance,” she said with a pout. “And I need more of the delicious alcohol now.”

“You like to drink, girl?” Dante asked, watching her closely.

She shrugged. “If you were in my position, you’d like to drink too. Trust me.”

We were almost at the bar, when a familiar voice had Eddy skidding to a halt. “What have I told you about dragging in the trash, sis?”

Jasper was not alone, as he leaned on a nearby pillar right beside the bar, dressed in designer jeans and a black shirt that molded to his muscles. Beck, Evan, and Dylan were all there as well, and none of them looked happy. Beck had his serial killer eyes locked on me, or … maybe on Dante’s hand which was wrapped around my arm.

Eddy shot Jasper a glare. “Fuck off, Jay. I told you last night, I won’t interfere in your fucked up shit, as long as you stay out of my life. You don’t own me. I’m not Delta. So back the fuck up!”

Beck surged forward then, moving so fast and smooth I almost missed it completely. He edged himself between Dante and me. The pair sized each other up as they faced off. They were virtually the same height—stupid giants towering over everyone else.