He shivered, thinking of what had been done to them. “Turned”? Was that the word she’d used? Light. It seemed unfair. Not that the Pattern is ever fair, Perrin acknowledged, quickly searching through the hut.
He found the dreamspike driven into the ground under the table. The silvery piece of metal looked like a long tent spike, carved with designs down its length. It was similar to the other one he’d seen, but not exactly the same. He pulled it free, then waited, hand on his hammer, expecting Slayer to come for him.
“He’s not here,” Lanfear said.
“Light!” Perrin jumped, hammer raised. He turned. “Why do you keep appearing like that, woman?”
“He searches for me,” she said, glancing skyward. “I’m not supposed to be able to do this, and he’s grown suspicious. If he finds me, he’l know for certain, and I wil be destroyed, captured and burned for an eternity.”
“You expect me to feel sorry for you, one of the Forsaken?” Perrin snapped.
“I chose my master,” she said, studying him. “This is my price—unless I can find a way free of it.”
“I think you have the best chance,” she said. “I need you to win, Perrin, and I need to be at your side when you do.”
He snorted. “You haven’t learned any new tricks, have you? Take your offers elsewhere. I’m not interested.” He turned the dreamspike over in his fingers. He had never been able to figure out how the other one worked.
“You have to twist it at the top.” Lanfear held out a hand.
Perrin eyed her.
“You don’t think I could have taken it on my own if I’d wanted?” she asked, amused. “Who was it who put M’Hael’s little pets down for you?”
He hesitated, then handed it over. She ran her thumb from tip to midlength, and something clicked inside it. She reached up and twisted the head about. Outside, the faint wal of violet shrank and vanished.
She handed it back. “Twist it again to set up the field—the longer you twist, the larger it will grow—then slide your finger in the reverse of what I did to lock it. Be careful. Wherever you set it will have ramifications in the waking world as well as this world, and it will stop even your al ies from moving in or out. You can get through with a key, but I do not know it for this spike.”
“Thank you,” Perrin said grudgingly. At his feet, one of the slumbering men grunted, then rol ed to his side. “Is there .. Is there real y no way to resist being Turned? Nothing they can do?”
“A person can resist for a short time,” she said. “A short time only. The strongest will fail eventually. If you are a man facing women, they will beat you quickly.”
“It shouldn’t be possible,” Perrin said, kneeling. “Nobody should be able to force a man to turn to the Shadow. When al else is taken from us, this choice should remain.”
“Oh, they have the choice,” Lanfear said, idly nudging one with her foot. “They could have chosen to be gentled. That would have removed the weakness from them, and they could never have been Turned.”
“That’s not much of a choice.”
“This is the weave of the Pattern, Perrin Aybara. Not all options will be good ones.
Sometimes you have to make the best of a bad lot and ride the storm.”
He looked at her sharply. “And you imply that’s what you did? You joined the Shadow because it was the ‘best’ option? I don’t buy it for a moment. You joined for power.
Everyone knows it.”
“Think what you will, wolf pup,” she said, eyes growing hard. “I’ve suffered for my decisions.
I’ve borne pain, agony, excruciating sorrow because of what I’ve done in my life. My suffering goes beyond what you could conceive.” “And of all of the Forsaken,” Perrin said, “you chose your place and accepted it most readily.”
She sniffed. “You think you can believe stories three thousand years old?” “Better to trust them than the words of one such as yourself.”
“As you wish,” she said, then looked down again at the sleeping men. “If it helps you to understand, wolf pup, you should know that many think men like these are kil ed when the Turning happens. And then something else invades the body. Some think that, at least.” She vanished.
Perrin sighed, then tucked the dreamspike away and shifted back to the rooftop. As soon as he appeared, Gaul spun about, drawing an arrow. “Is it you, Perrin Aybara?”
“It’s me.”
“I wonder if I should ask for proof,” Gaul said, arrow still drawn. “It seems to me that in this place, one could easily change one’s appearance.” Perrin smiled. “Appearance isn’t all. I know that you have two gai’shain, one you want, one you do not. Neither seems content to act as proper gai’shain. If we live through this, one might marry you.”
“One might,” Gaul agreed, lowering his bow. “It’s looking like I’ll have to take both or neither. Perhaps it is punishment for making them put away their spears, though it is not my choice that makes them do so, but their own.” He shook his head. “The dome is gone.”
Perrin held up the dreamspike. “It is.”
A Memory of Light
Robert Jordan's books
- Bared to You
- Beauty from Pain
- Beneath This Man
- Fifty Shades Darker
- Fifty Shades Freed (Christian & Ana)
- Fifty Shades of Grey
- Grounded (Up In The Air #3)
- In Flight (Up In The Air #1)
- Mile High (Up In The Air #2)
- Not Today, But Someday
- Point of Retreat (Slammed #2)
- Slammed (Slammed #1)
- Tatiana and Alexander_A Novel
- The Summer Garden
- This Girl (Slammed #3)
- Bait: The Wake Series, Book One
- Beautiful Broken Promises
- Into the Aether_Part One
- Loving Mr. Daniels
- Tamed
- Holy Frigging Matrimony.....
- MacKenzie Fire
- Willing Captive
- Vain
- Reparation (The Kane Trilogy Book 3)
- Flawless Surrender
- The Rosie Project
- The Shoemaker's Wife
- A Christmas Carol
- A High-End Finish
- Always(Time for Love Book 4)
- Rebel Yells (Apishipa Creek Chronicles)
- TMiracles and Massacres: True and Untold Stories of the Making of America
- Rising Fears
- Aftermath of Dreaming
- The Death of Chaos
- The Paper Magician
- Bad Apple - the Baddest Chick
- The Meridians
- Lord John and the Hand of Devils
- Recluce 07 - Chaos Balance
- Fall of Angels
- Ten Thousand Charms
- Nanny
- Scared of Beautiful
- A Jane Austen Education
- A Cliché Christmas
- Year Zero
- Lord John and the Brotherhood of the Blade
- Colors of Chaos
- Rising
- Unplugged: A Blue Phoenix Book
- The Wizardry Consulted
- The Boys in the Boat
- Killing Patton The Strange Death of World War II's Most Audacious General
- It Starts With Food: Discover the Whole30 and Change Your Life in Unexpected Ways
- yes please
- The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry
- An Absent Mind
- The Pecan Man
- My Sister's Grave
- A Week in Winter
- The Orphan Master's Son
- The Light Between Oceans
- All the Light We Cannot See- A Novel
- Departure
- Daisies in the Canyon
- The Bone Clocks: A Novel
- Naked In Death
- Words of Radiance
- A Discovery of Witches
- Shadow of Night
- Written in My Own Heart's Blood
- The Magician’s Land
- Fool's errand
- The High Druid's Blade
- Stone Mattress
- The Assassination of Margaret Thatcher
- Die Again
- A String of Beads
- No Fortunate Son A Pike Logan Thriller
- All the Bright Places
- Saint Odd An Odd Thomas Novel
- The Other Language
- The Secret Servant
- The Escape (John Puller Series)
- The Atopia Chronicles (Atopia series)
- The Warded Man
- Return of the Crimson Guard
- The Source (Witching Savannah, Book 2)
- Dragonfly in Amber
- Assail
- Return of the Crimson Guard
- Authority: A Novel
- The Last Town (The Wayward Pines Trilogy 3)
- The Man In The High Castle