Zodiac (Zodiac, #1)

I hold my exhale until the crowd explodes in guffaws, and the threat is over.

It takes a minute for Charon to settle everyone down, and I keep glancing up at the ceiling, imagining ways Ochus might attack us. The Dark Matter has set off explosions, burned the atmosphere with acidic rain . . . what else can he do with it?

I search for Mathias again but find no sight of him.

“Final question,” Charon booms, making me jump. “We know from eyewitnesses that you were visiting Empress Moira when her orbiting lab exploded. Is it true you fled in your stolen ship without offering a ride to a single man, woman, or child?”

My feet go numb, followed by my legs, stomach, chest, until my whole being is submerged in an inability to feel. It’s like even my body is jumping ship and abandoning me. I let those people die. I brought Ophiuchus to them, and then I didn’t save a single soul.

“It’s true.”

Now the crowd noise grows to a clamor, and I feel tears welling up. Once more, Morscerta rises to his feet and takes the speaking staff. Beneath his courteous manner, he has a potency that commands attention, and the arenasphere falls so abruptly quiet, I hear myself breathing.

“Guardians, Excellencies, this whimsical episode has clearly charmed us.” Again, the Aquarian’s silken voice startles me. “But on this last day of our session, let us settle down and turn to more serious topics before we close.”

When the others nod assent, Morscerta speaks to me in a sweet, almost tender tone. “Rhoma Grace, thank you for your fascinating comments. You are dismissed.”

He bangs the staff on the floor, and the subject is closed.


MY FRIENDS ARE ON THE STREET, waiting behind a barricade—Hysan, Sirna, and all three Thaises. Hysan’s still a little woozy from the Taser sting, and Egon is keeping him steady. I run up to him. “Are you okay?”

“Never been Tasered before,” he says, smiling lazily. “It was electric.”

We’ve all been banned from the Plenum, and soldiers are guarding the entrance to make sure we stay out. There’s no sign of the students who welcomed me before. I take off my coronet and give it back to Sirna. “Keep this safe.”

She accepts it with a solemn nod, and while Mathias scans the nearby buildings with his field glasses, she whispers to her brooch to call the car.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t there, Rho,” says Mathias, coming up beside me. “They tricked me with an urgent call from Agatha, then wouldn’t let me back in.”

“It’s okay.” Ochus seems to be doing everything he can to isolate me.

People from the audience are starting to come out. They’re all Scorps, and soon one of them spots me. “There she is.”

Hysan draws a pistol, and Mathias steps in front of me as the Scorps yell insults. When they move toward us, Mathias fires a blue-white arc of electricity from his Taser.

The men fall back a few steps, out of range, but they don’t leave. Hysan pulls my veil collar from his tunic and fastens it around my neck, activating it. And I disappear.

The Scorps encircle us, and Mathias and Hysan fire their weapons to hold the crowd back, both guns set to stun. After two tense minutes, Sirna’s car arrives, and we jump in.

“Guardian, our safe house might no longer be secure,” she says as soon as we’re all inside and I’ve taken off the collar. “We need to find a new place.”

“She can stay at the Libran embassy,” offers Hysan. “They won’t think to look for her there.”

“Thank you,” I say.

Mathias turns quickly. “No. We don’t know who’s trustworthy—”

“Rho can trust House Libra,” says Hysan, glaring.

To my surprise, Sirna says, “The Guardian has made her choice. We each have our duty.”

I study Sirna’s inscrutable face. Is she taking my side? Or hoping I’ll be eliminated from her list of nuisances?

When we get to the village, we group together outside the Libran embassy. “I’ll make sure you all have access to visit Rho at any time,” says Hysan, his eyes on Mathias. “You’re welcome to spend the night here as well.”

Mathias looks taken aback by Hysan’s generosity. But instead of answering him, he turns to me. “I’m going to help the Royal Guard while you get settled in. I’ll swing by soon.”

Sirna gives me a quick bow, though I still can’t read her expression. “The Plenum has insulted our House. This will be rectified.”

“I hope so,” I say.

She and the Thaises wait to leave until Hysan and I step inside the Libran embassy. Given the degree of surveillance technology and armed Zodai surrounding the starscraper, I’m expecting to encounter a series of metal doors and biometric body scans inside. Instead, we walk into a creaky wooden courtroom.

Romina Russell's books