Wolves' Bane (The Order of the Wolf, #3)

“Come on, Morgan,” Candy called as she easily caught up with Lance. “There’s nothing to worry about. They can’t get past the barrier.”

I eyed the border a moment longer before the urge to run pulled me into motion. It had been so long since I’d been motivated to do anything for myself that I couldn’t pass it up. Also, fuck Cal and his overprotective bullshit. He couldn’t have it both ways.

I sprinted, a short burst of energy to get me in line with Lance and Candy, then fell into an easy jog, loving the feel of my lungs working, my legs pumping and the soft grass beneath my shoes, cushioning the impact.

I made it a lot longer than I’d thought I would, keeping pace with them for at least two miles before I started slowing down. Candy called to me, slowing as well, but I waved them on. I was developing a nasty cramp in my side and knew that before long I’d have to stop altogether. I didn’t want to hold them back.

“I’ll meet you guys at the house,” I called.

Lance backtracked to me, then turned on his heel to run backward as he kept pace with me. “You’re not getting out of it that easily.”

I forced a smile but slowed even more, the stitch in my side turning into a deep burn. “Trust me. I just need some time for my body to adjust. It’s been a while since I’ve been jogging. Just give me a week and I’ll be able to keep up with you. You’ll be watching my back.”

Lance smirked as he craned his head as if to check out my butt. “And it’s a nice back if I do say so myself, but I think Cal might kill me if I stare too long.”

I hissed out a long breath and slowed my pace even more, resting my hand on my side as I did, grateful for the flush of exercise to disguise my embarrassment. “What does he care? Fuck Cal.”

Lance snorted, his eyebrows raised. “Ah yes, fuck Cal. That is definitely what he wants.” His gaze swept my body once again. “Who wouldn’t?”

I stopped and doubled over, my hands resting on my knees as I sucked in deep lungfuls of air. “I don’t think that’s really the problem.” I stared up at him as he continued to jog in place. “It’s not the wanting part that I have an issue with. It’s what comes after—or doesn’t come after, in Cal’s case.”

Lance’s eyebrows shot high once again before his expression returned to the usual cocky grin. “He has his reasons.”

I nodded, scowling. “Yeah, so I’ve heard.”

Lance shook his head, and for once, the smirk was gone. “No really. Has he told you why? The whole story?”

I frowned. “What, about not wanting to fall in love with me?”

Lance nodded. “Has he told you why he can’t?”

I forced myself to stand, ignoring the knot of pain that burned in my side. “He doesn’t want to get hurt if I die.”

Lance snorted. “So, no, he hasn’t told you. You know, he might act like an ass sometimes, but there’s more to Cal than meets the eye. The bonding of a Hunter to a Huntress is a big deal in our world, maybe more so than even Cal realizes. I can’t say that I agree with the stand he’s taking, but I certainly understand why he’s doing it. Maybe you should ask him what the real reason is, then perhaps you’ll understand his motivation a little better.” Lance turned and started off to catch up with Candy. Over his shoulder, he called, “Get something to eat then meet us in forty-five minutes in the training room. You’ve got some weapons training to do.”

I slowly shook my head. Weapons training? What the hell have I gotten myself into?