Wolves' Bane (The Order of the Wolf, #3)

I felt my blush grow deeper. “Ah, nothing.” I bit my bottom lip and cringed, knowing by his expression that my answer was not going to cut it. I blew out a long breath. “You kind of, well, in your sleep, you sort of touched me a little. You know, a little cupping action.”

Caleb groaned and rolled his head back to stare straight up. When he brought his head back down, his expression was conflicted, guilt warring with… “It’s inexcusable. I’m sorry.”

I frowned. “It’s okay. No harm, no foul.”

Caleb’s expression changed in an instant, his eyes hooded as he moved his head closer to mine. “Really? You’re not angry?”

I swallowed, a wave of arousal washing over me. “Nope.” I shook my head and slid my eyes down to gaze at his lips. Nope, didn’t mind it one bit.

He moved even closer, his hand trailing from my shoulder to my waist. “No?” He pressed my body against his, and I could feel the hard bulge of his erection prodding me through his black army fatigues.

Oh, wow!

I tilted my head up, my lips almost touching his, then closed my eyes and waited for him to kiss me.

“Cal? Are you two coming in or what? The girl needs some sleep, man,” Lance shouted, his tone teasing.

“Shit,” Caleb grunted as he jerked away, leaving my heart fluttering and my body quivering. “I guess we’d better get inside.”

I released the breath I’d been holding and opened my eyes. Caleb was already darting around me to retrieve my duffle bag from the back of the truck. Another close call. I slumped my shoulders in defeat. How did he do it? My lusty excitement deflated as I followed him into the house, determined to keep my thoughts in check and my gaze off his ass.

Chapter Six

The Oracle

Cal was annoyed with both Lance for his tactless interference and himself for groping Morgan while he slept. Luckily, Morgan didn’t seem too bothered by it, but really, he needed to get himself under control. This was all new to her—the last thing she needed was some Neanderthal move like cupping her breast. He might have been sex deprived, and Morgan might have been marked as his mate, but that didn’t give him a green light for frat-boy shit.

“The Oracle wants to see you,” Ken said as he poked his head out from the kitchen, a huge deli sandwich halfway to his mouth.

Cal brushed his fingers against Morgan’s lower back, fighting the urge to spread his hand over the tantalizing curve there. “I’m going to get you settled in your room. You need some sleep.”

Morgan nodded as she rubbed her eyes. “Yeah, I’m pretty exhausted—too exhausted to bug you about who the Oracle is.”

He motioned for her to go up the stairs. “I’ll give you all of the details you want and need to know. I promise. But first you must get some sleep.”

Morgan gasped and grabbed his left arm, halting him mid-step and pulling him down to examine his tattoo. “It’s a wolf. Of course, it’s a wolf.”

He closed his eyes for half a second, reveling in her touch as she traced the design. Under her fingers, the symbol came to life, shooting jolts of pleasure through his body with such intensity he thought he might come right then and there.

So much for keeping things under control.

He dropped her duffle bag to the floor and laid his other hand over hers so he could gently pry her fingers away, clearing his throat as he did.

“It’s the symbol of the Order and it’s imbued with magic. I can use it to find you. When you trace it…well…it just feels really damn good.”

Morgan looked up at Cal, eyes going wide with understanding. “Oh,” she said as she looked down at his arm again. “So, you like it when I touch you?”

When she looked back up at him, it was through her eyelashes, a coy gesture that did nothing to hide a sparkle of interest there.

Does she want me? Now?

He cleared his throat again as he quickly bent down to retrieve her bag. “We have a lot to talk about, Morgan, but first rest.”

She watched him as he straightened and secured the bag over his shoulder, staring for a moment longer before blowing out a burst of breath that lifted her bangs from her face. Cal motioned for her to move ahead of him with a shrug, she finally nodded and slowly began her trek up the stairs, her exhaustion evident in every dragging step. He might have been a horny fool, but he knew the need for sleep when he saw it.

They continued in silence down the long hallway, their feet barely making a sound on the plush carpet. Their room was located in the west wing, the part of the grand estate that boasted large suites, space reserved for each bonded couple. At the moment, there were three couples—including him and Morgan—only one of which was bonded.

But that will be remedied as soon as Morgan gets some rest.