Witch Wraith

But this was a different world. The alliances of old were gone, and the possibility of the Forbidding being restored was far from certain.

She wondered suddenly of Railing Ohmsford and his companions and their quest to discover the fate of Grianne Ohmsford. Was it at all possible that anything would come of that? She had sent him away more to save his life than with any expectation that he would find a woman who by now would be well over a hundred years old.

But even so, she wondered.

Sian Aresh reappeared abruptly. “The King has agreed to a private audience. I told him I had someone who witnessed the fall of Arishaig firsthand and who could report on the size and movements of the demon army. I told him that what you have to say is for his ears alone. He does not yet know it is you.”

She smiled. “Well done. My thanks, Sian. Will you come with me?”

He laughed. “Will I come with you? I have been ordered to come! What happens to you likely happens to me, as well.”

She clapped him on the back. “Then I must make certain that we both stay safe.”

They went out of the building and down through the streets of Arborlon to the palace. Home Guards met them at every turn once they were inside the boundaries of the protected territory, but quickly gave way on seeing that it was Sian Aresh who escorted the green-cloaked lady Dwarf. If they recognized Seersha as a Druid, they gave no indication.

Once they were inside the palace, standing in a hallway that led to the reception chamber where Phaedon would receive them, Sian Aresh pulled her aside.

“Phaedon will attempt to have you locked up once he knows who you are,” he whispered. “Try not to give him an excuse.” He paused. “Whatever happens, I’ll do my best to get you out if this goes wrong.”

She fixed him with her good eye. “Phaedon will have troubles of his own before I’m done with him. Just be ready and don’t interfere.”

He gave her a doubtful look, but said nothing as he continued on, escorting her down the hall to the reception room doors.

Guards met them in force and closed about them as they entered the room. Phaedon sat in a chair at the far end of the room, smiling.

Seersha, mindful of protocol, bowed to the King in a clear show of deference. “High Lord,” she greeted him.

He beckoned her forward, then put up his hand to stop her when she was still a safe distance away. “I knew it was you, you know. You were seen and word was brought. I find it curious that you would return after having gone to such lengths to flee in the first place. Does it occur to you that coming back might be a foolish decision?”

“High Lord,” she answered, “I could do no less after seeing what has becoming of Arishaig and her people. I could do no less knowing that the enemy marches on Arborlon. All I ask is that you let me tell you what I have seen so that you can judge for yourself.”

She paused. “But first, my condolences on the death of your father. I should have stayed long enough to say this in the first place, but time was of the essence when I left Arborlon for Arishaig, even though I was too late to be of any service to that city.”

“Clever words, Seersha,” he replied, brushing off her regrets as if they were meaningless. “Druids always know what to say in the moment it needs saying. You must practice such deceptions endlessly. My dear cousin Aphenglow is equally talented in her use of this skill. Too bad she isn’t here now to lend you her support.”

“And lend it to you, as well,” she offered. “But we must make do with what we have at hand. May I speak? Do you wish me to do so in front of so many, or might it not be better if it were only one or two?”

He smiled knowingly. “I don’t wish to be alone with you, no matter the import of the news you bring. I don’t feel particularly safe with you, Lady Druid. Or with any of your kind. I will keep my guards close.”

Nevertheless, save for two standing to either side of his chair, he sent the rest to the back of the room. “A wrong move on your part will see you dead before you can think to do anything about it,” he warned. “Do you understand me?”

“Of course, High Lord,” she said. “I know your feelings and am aware of your intent regarding the Druids. I don’t come to please you. I come to help the Elven people. What you do about it is your own choice.”

He studied her long moments as if debating whether to let matters proceed. “Sian Aresh,” he said suddenly, his dark gaze shifting to the other. “Your own part in this charade will not be forgotten. Do not think I mistake what you have done here.”

“High Lord,” the Captain of the Home Guard replied, bowing slightly in acknowledgment.