Wickedly Wonderful (Baba Yaga, #2)

Beka didn’t much like it. But she wasn’t here for herself, so it didn’t really matter.

She and Candace sat on a striped beach blanket, watching Marcus show Tito the basics of how to catch a wave and balance on a board. The guys were still practicing on the damp area toward the edge of the water; the ocean itself would wait until Tito had gotten the hang of things, and even then they would stay in the shallow bit for today. Tito looked to be having a grand time anyway.

“I suppose you think I’m crazy for letting a kid who is in the middle of chemotherapy try to learn how to surf,” Candace said. Her shoulders were hunched and she gazed anxiously at her son as he toppled over again, giggling madly.

Beka shook her head. “Are you kidding? Look how much fun he is having. I’d think you were crazy if you didn’t let him come down here today.” She took a deep breath, breathing in a moist and salty lungful. “Besides, I can’t think of anyplace more healing to be than here.”

Candace gave her a grateful smile, relaxing a little. “It sure beats hospitals,” she said, gazing at Tito sadly. “Do you have any kids, Beka?”

“No,” Beka said, watching the children racing around on the beach. As always, the sight made her heart clench at the thought of never having one of her own.

“Ah,” Candace said. “I hadn’t planned to have any, myself. Tito was a ‘whoops.’ His father never even bothered to meet him. And sometimes it has been tough, doing things on my own. But I wouldn’t trade him for anything.” Tears shimmered in her eyes, refusing to fall. “Marcus has been just great, ever since he met Tito and me in the waiting room at the chemo center. He’s a real sweetheart. You’re lucky to have him.”

Beka watched Marcus help Tito find the right stance on the board, one large hand on the boy’s narrow shoulder, the other pointing out to sea. She tried not to stare at his wide shoulders and tight butt, thankful for the dark glasses that hid her gaze. Marcus might be cranky and rigid with her, but he was patience personified when it came to Tito.

“Uh, I don’t. Have him, I mean.” Beka could feel herself flush and hoped the other woman would blame it on the heat of the sun. “That is, we’re not a couple. I’m just paying him and his father for the use of their boat, that’s all.”

Candace arched one dark brow. “Really? I thought I picked up on a vibe.”

Beka played with the sand next to their blanket, building a tiny castle complete with an impenetrable moat. Some things were only possible in fairy tales. And not the kind of fairy tales that Baba Yagas featured in; those tended not to have happy endings.

“Nope. No vibe,” she said lightly. “If you’re interested, go for it.”

Candace gave her a wide-eyed look. “Me? God, no! I mean, he’s a great guy and all, but not my type. A little too much of a good thing, if you know what I mean. I prefer my guys on the skinny, geeky side, to be honest.” She laughed. “Tito looks just like his father, minus about a foot in height and a pocket protector.”

Beka tried to convince herself she wasn’t relieved. After all, it wasn’t as though it made any difference. Hell, there was a whole beach full of women who probably all liked the tall, rugged, impossibly manly type. It wasn’t his fault he was by far the sexiest guy on the beach.

“No vibe, huh,” Candace muttered with a snort. “Better tell your hormones that, girl, ’cause from where I’m sitting, there’s vibe all over the place.”

“Mom! Hey, Mom!” Tito had progressed as far as the shoreline and waved at his mother madly. “Come see what I can do!”

Candace gave Beka a wry smile, but there was a bounce to her walk as she went down to join Tito and Marcus. It was clear that she needed this day out as much as her son did.

Beka couldn’t imagine what it would be like to have a child who was sick and not be able to do anything about it. Motherhood was a tough job. Of course, Candace struck her as a pretty tough woman, but still. Beka wasn’t sure how she’d handle things, under the same circumstances.