Wickedly Dangerous (Baba Yaga, #1)

The queen looked down her patrician nose at Baba’s gift. “A Rusalka? Impossible. They are weak creatures, only capable of killing and minor mayhem. We discussed this.”

“I’m afraid this one has been trading Human children to some of your most powerful subjects in exchange for a portion of their power, Your Highness,” Baba explained. “And using it in the Human world to exact revenge for the Human destruction of the water system, which has begun to affect even these lands. I cannot tell you if that was her main goal, or if it was primarily the power she gained from stealing innocent children and bringing them here through the doorway she found. Either way, the result has been dire, as you well know.”

“Indeed I do,” the queen said, the tiniest hint of a wrinkle creasing her high pale forehead. A diamond-covered crown sat on the top of her pale, silvery hair. She ignored the comment about her court. “So, you have found this door for me, as I commanded?”

“Yes, Majesty. And reclaimed her latest victim, as you can see.” Baba indicated Petey, who hung on to to Liam’s leg as he gazed around the room with openmouthed wonder.

The queen actually smiled when she saw the child looking at her, although the expression faded like falling leaves in autumn as her glance moved to the one-eyed giantess standing behind them.

“And you, Zorica, what do you have to do with this mess?”

The giantess threw herself down in front of the throne, making the tiles underfoot quiver and shake until her weight settled. “I was a fool, Your Majesty! This creature came to me and offered me a child in exchange for a portion of my magic. I was so lonely. It was selfish, I know, but I had no idea it would cause so much harm.” She began to cry, huge globules of viscous tears that stained her ragged dress a pallid blue-gray.

The queen aimed a steely glance at the large woman, and then sent it out to encompass the surrounding courtiers, who had all gathered to see what the fuss was about.

“You are not excused from your part in this, Zorica. You knew perfectly well that stealing Human children has been forbidden here for centuries.” The queen’s scowl caused nearby flowers to droop and leaves to fall off the trees. A few nobles looked as though they might follow suit.

“You may not have been aware that this Maya intended to use her ill-gotten magical powers outside these realms, but all who abide here know that such actions could throw the entire Otherworld out of balance, as has clearly happened.” She took her consort’s hand, as if to gather strength from him in the face of such betrayal. “I assure you, we shall be getting to the bottom of this.”

The queen raised an eyebrow again, this time looking from Baba to Liam.

“My apologies, Highness,” Baba said, quickly taking Liam’s arm and leading him forward one step. “This is Liam McClellan, a Human who has aided our cause at great risk to himself and to his position back in the mortal plane. He is what they call a sheriff; it is his job to enforce the laws there.” She gave Liam a mischievous smile. “He only arrested me once, so I think I can safely say he has been very kind.”

The queen inclined her head gracefully in Liam’s direction. “She is quite trying at times, our Baba. You clearly used great restraint.” Courtiers at either side of the throne snickered, but she quelled their mirth with a glance.

Baba held her breath as she waited to see if the queen was angry about her bringing Liam along. Technically, it was against the rules, but he had helped Baba to fulfill the task the queen had given her. Hopefully that would excuse them both.

“So, what do you think of our world, Sir Sheriff?”

Liam looked around him at the amazing glory of the Otherworld. “You have a very beautiful land, er . . . Your Majesty. As remarkable as its queen. Can the damage be fixed?”

The queen nodded benignly, and Baba started breathing again. “Indeed it can. Once I take back all the extra power Maya has been hoarding, and close the door she has been using to travel back and forth between the worlds, the balance will slowly begin to restore itself. Another millennia or two and you will never be able to see the difference.” She seemed to run out of patience for chitchat and snapped her fingers at a nearby impish-looking creature, clearly some kind of servant.

“Wake her,” the queen commanded.

The bat-eared manikin fetched a bucket, filled it from the fountain, and threw it on Maya’s prone form. The Rusalka woke with a sputter and jumped to her feet, looking around with wide eyes when she found herself in the throne room. But she regained her poise rapidly and curtsied low to the queen, casting a vicious sideways glance in Baba’s direction.