Wicked Ride

She lifted her eyebrows and turned back to the machine to push more buttons. “I would’ve figured you could handle tequila better.”

“I usually can, but I haven’t slept in about a week, and I needed those guys to loosen up and give me the goods on Apollo.” His grateful smile as she turned around to hand him another four shots of espresso seemed almost sweet.

“Did you discover anything?”

He took a deep drink and sighed. “No. Only Pyro seems to have the knowledge, and he wasn’t there last night.” Daire rubbed his eyes. “I may have to torture him for the info, and that can always backfire.”

She put her hands on her hips. “Daire. I’m a cop.”

He focused. “Oh yeah. Sorry.”

The enforcer didn’t sound sorry. “The note on the counter said that Adam would be with my family today at the spa,” Lex asked, a little uneasy with her mother being out in public.

“Don’t worry. He won’t let anything happen to any of them, and I’m sure they checked in under aliases.” Daire rolled his neck. Slowly, his eyes began to focus and his body sat straighter.

“That coffee kicks in quick, huh?” She turned to make herself a nice steamed latte with tons of syrup.

“Yeah. Kell’s the cheerful one on the morning. Adam and I usually want to shoot somebody.”

That was true. Kell had always been cheerful early dawn. And horny. Sipping carefully, she turned back to face Daire. “Is it normal for brothers to become enforcers for your people?” It would seem that they’d want to keep a brother or two safe if one courted danger.

“It’s not unusual, to be honest. Family bonds are stronger than any others, and we cover each other’s backs well.” He took another drink, savoring this time. Then he focused on her. “How are you doing with the mating?”

She coughed and moved the cup away from her mouth. Heat climbed into her cheeks. “Fine.”

His cheek creased. “I’m now your brother, Alexandra. You can talk to me.”

Brother? “Uh.” She took a drink of the sweet brew.

He chuckled. “That disconcerts you.”

Yeah. She had enough family to worry about. “I don’t know how to have a brother.”

Lights glimmered in his odd eyes. “There’s that sweetness Kell talks about.”

She straightened. “Kell talks about me?”

“Well, sometimes he passes me a note in gym class.”

She grinned. “Smartass.”

“Aye.” Daire downed the rest of his cup. “Here’s the deal. You’re family, and if you need anything, I’m there as your brother. You’re a new mate, so if you need protection, I’m there as a Coven Enforcer.”

“My job makes that difficult,” she murmured.

“Yes, it does. You’re good at your job, and I respect that.”

She studied him. “But?”

He lifted a wide shoulder. “We both have our jobs to do.”

Right. So his job might interfere with hers at some point. “Don’t forget I have no problem arresting you.”

He grinned. “I wonna forget that.” Then he cleared his throat. “Ah, Kell feels guilty about the mating.”

She blinked. “Guilty?”

“Yes. He’s a fair guy, probably the most fair guy I’ve ever met, and he would never have mated you without your consent.” Daire snorted. “Probably in writing and with so much ‘are you sure questions’ you would’ve changed your mind.”

She lifted her chin. “He’s all possessive and protective and definitely not acting guilty.”

“Well, no. It’s done.” Daire’s eyebrows drew down in the middle. “You’re his mate, and that’s that.”

She shook her head, trying to bite back a smile. “You’re all lost in the last century.”

“No.” Daire sobered. “We know what’s out there, and you don’t. Not really.”

Maybe, but she’d fought any enemy she’d ever had and won. “I like him a lot.” Hell, that was an understatement, now wasn’t it? She smiled, feeling almost shy. “I love how he calls me Alexandra and draws out my name. I never loved my name before I met Kell.”

“Good.” Daire stood and stretched his back. “Then learn to work with him instead of against him, little sister. I’d hate to see you locked down in Ireland when you want to be here.”

Lex blinked. “Are you kidding me?”

“No.” Daire padded around the counter to rinse out his cup and set it in the dishwasher.

She put her hand on her hip. “What about you, Dunne?”

“Me?” he turned around.

“Your mate. Do you know who it is?”

He shook his head. “Nope. I’ll probably meet her in a couple hundred years, and I guarantee she won’t be a cop, enforcer, or soldier.”

“Oh really?” Why did some guys just tempt fate like that? Lex shook her head.

“Yeah. I know myself, and I know what I want. It’s enough work trying to protect the council and witch nation; I don’t need a wild mate out there.” Daire patted her shoulder and almost knocked her down. “But I think you’re perfect for Kell.”

Her heart warmed. The guy was actually kind of sweet. “I hope I’m there when you fall, and don’t worry, I’ll help you through it.”