Wicked Ride

Oh, hell no. She sucked deep and formed another ball of fire. Her aim would be better this time. Concentrating, she drew back and threw for center mass.

The fire reached him, and he captured the ball, rubbing the flame out with his fingers, his gaze remaining on her.

Her breath caught. He held out his palm and formed a glowing, flickering, green ball of flames. Lifting it to his mouth, he blew. The mass gently, slowly, cascaded over oxygen molecules toward her.

She leaned back against the wall, ready to duck.

The flames widened, spreading head to toe, and slid into her.

She cried out, panic shutting her eyes.

The smell of smoke filled her nose, and heat licked her skin. Nothing hurt. Slowly, she opened her eyes and then gasped. Her clothing lay in a smoldering heap at her feet.

Losing any semblance of control, she launched herself at him, hitting him in the gut and plowing them both into the far wall. An original oil of Baffin Cliffs tumbled down, the frame cracking in two.

Kellach encircled her and twisted, rolling her under him while kicking the painting toward the kitchen.

She punched up, furious, the hard tiles chilling her bare ass. “You basta—”

His mouth on hers, hard and angry, shoved the words back down her throat. He kissed her deep, holding her in place, his tongue taming hers. Desire ripped through her with rough claws, awakening her every nerve.

Still, she struggled against him, kissing him back, her hands shoving at his chest, burning his shirt into ragged shreds of silk that fell to the floor.

“Alexandra,” he warned against her mouth.

She bit his lip.

His thumb brushed her clit, and heat flared between her legs, flames licking her labia.

She cried out, arching into his hand, even while trying to hold still. The flames, under his control, kissed her thighs. She spread her legs to keep from getting burned, even as need pounded into her sex.

His jeans heated, flashed, and disappeared, leaving him nude.

He fingered her slit.

“No,” she gasped, forcing herself to stop moving.

“Yes,” he murmured against her lips, his tongue sliding inside just as his finger, dancing with barely-tamed fire, slipped inside her.

Liquid heat filled her with unbearable pleasure. She cried out, her eyes closing. Fear heightened the already out of control desire, and she stopped breathing, her body rioting. He heated her internally to a craving too intense to quench.

It wasn’t possible. His ability to harness fire with such accuracy—enough to lick inside her but not damage. The burn, though. God, the burn.

Hot spasms relentlessly took her, crashing through her, throwing her into a climax so intense she screamed his name. The second she wound down, he increased the heat, shoving her high again to ride the edge between pleasure and pain.

“Kellach,” she moaned, the warmth from his skin heating hers. His mouth, his hands, his chest . . . all warmed impossibly with the fingers controlling fire inside her.

He removed his fingers and covered her, his cock shoving inside her with one merciless stroke.

Pain and pleasure melded into a sensation beyond both. She expelled a ragged gasp of raw need, any semblance of sanity shattering.

“Alexandra.” Both heated hands cupped her face, his fingers threading through her hair. He gave no quarter, gripping her scalp, holding her in place.

Vibrations shook her thighs as they quaked around his hips. His muscles bunched and knotted along his shoulders, and she dug in her fingers, flames dancing between them. There was no way to counter this.

He slid out, all heat and sparks, and powered back into her. With a fierce growl, he twisted one hand to hold her in place and reached down to grab her ass with the other, brushing her brand on the way.

Electricity zinged from the touch, and she moaned.

He lifted her, pounding into her, thrusting hard enough to shake her breasts. The slap of flesh against flesh filled the air, and tension expanded inside her, uncoiling along the way. She blinked, trying to focus. Flames morphed down his back, lighting the hallway. Carnal and savage, his expression hardened into something so masculine and beautiful, he stole her breath.

He pummeled so hard inside her, so far, flames licking the way, she truly lost where she ended and he began. Then there was nothing but climbing, so high and fast, so dangerously free.

A hard thrust, scalding her clit, threw her spiraling over the edge. She cried out, flattening her palms against his chest, riding the waves of fire. They consumed her, wringing every ounce of pleasure from her.

Finally, her legs went boneless and her mind quieted. He stiffened against her, held tight, and came with a hard shudder.

The only sound he made was the hoarse whisper of her name against her neck. “Alexandra.” And one more word. “Mine.”

Chapter 28