Wicked Ride

Kellach nudged open the door to his penthouse and fought the urge to sweep Alexandra up in his arms. The second he’d heard about the attack, he’d nearly gone berserk. God only knew how many traffic laws he had violated getting from the flat to Grizzly territory in order to reach his mate. Night was falling with a gathering of storm clouds, and thunder rumbled in the distance.

If this was love, he didn’t like it one fucking bit. If not, the woman was still his mate, and thus his responsibility. Deep down, she’d already burrowed into him, becoming part of him. All he had to do was convince her of that fact.

He’d never, in his life, been so frightened until he’d seen for himself that she was all right. By the time he’d arrived, Bear had carried her safely to the office, and his men had already buried the witches who’d attacked them. In fact, by the time the bears had shifted, Garrett and Logan had apparently already taken care of business. Bear had wanted to get Alexandra to safety and out of visual before his people shifted, protecting her from a reality that was now her own.

She walked into Kell’s flat and instantly kicked off her boots. “I can’t believe we’ve missed the existence of so many other species,” she mused.

He shut the door, surprised by how much he wanted to engage the lock and keep her there forever. “Humans see only what they want, and we do try to remain under the radar.”

“Why?” she asked, turning around, her gaze direct.

He smiled at his stunning warrior. A bruise marred her jaw, another had almost faded along her cheekbone. She’d apparently stood in front of Bear, facing two known immortals, so brave and determined. It would be his great honor to find her a haven of safety and peace where nobody could bruise her. She’d probably love Ireland.

“I find you stunning, Alexandra Monzelle.”

She blinked. Her eyes softened to a lighter blue, and she shook her head. “Why are you a secret, Kellach?”

He shrugged and grasped her hand to lead her into his immaculate kitchen. “If humans found out about us, it’d be war.”

“War?” she gasped. “Why?”

He nudged her onto a bar stool at the breakfast counter. “Humans would love to be immortal. We’d be a threat, one they needed to figure out in order to keep themselves from dying. We just don’t want to deal with it, and we don’t want to eradicate them from the earth. So we live apart.”

She rolled her eyes and leaned her elbows on the granite countertop. “That’s silly.”

“That’s our law.” He reached for a pan to place on the stove.

She grinned. “You’re cooking for me?”

He turned to face her fully. “You’re my mate.”

A very pretty pink blush wandered up from her spectacular chest and slid over her face. He expected her to roll her eyes or to protest.

Instead, she met his gaze levelly, a new vulnerability framing her face. “I don’t know how to be anyone’s mate.”

That quickly, that smoothly, that unintentionally . . . she stole his heart. Her fierceness aroused him, and her intellect intrigued him. But that sweetness in such a warrior? Yeah. That owned him. So sweet that she’d had to tamp down on her natural abilities just to live among humans.

He forgot the pan and moved toward her to grasp both hands. “Neither do I, but I’d like to try. There’s something between us, Alexandra. Something strong and something real.”

She drew in a deep breath and then slowly nodded. “I know.”

His chest warmed. “There’s a method to getting unmated—it’s untried and possibly dangerous—but I need you to know that it’s possible. You’re not trapped.”

“I don’t feel trapped.” Her fingers danced restlessly beneath his hands. “I’m not making promises here, though.”

Nothing was wrong with taking things slow. “I want to stay mated to you and figure this out.” Hell, that was the mildest way he could put how he felt, and trying to dampen his natural possessiveness forced him to bite back a growl. His woman was a modern cop who had no problem fighting. Oh, he’d win a fight with her, but forcing her to do anything she didn’t want wasn’t who he wanted to be. She had to stay with him of her own accord, regardless of his natural inclinations.

For now, anyway. If his people went to war again—it was entirely possible sometime in the future—if he had to lock her down to keep her safe, he’d do it. But she had to decide to be his first.

At the moment, peace ruled his world, and they all had freedom.

His phone dinged from the counter, and he lifted it to his ear. “Dunne.”

“Hi, Kell. This is Emma.” The Queen of the Realm didn’t believe in formality, yet he snapped to attention anyway.