Wicked Ride

Kellach strode out of Fire’s conference room after another useless meeting, his instincts humming with an unpleasant energy. The two dead witches had been quiet and law-abiding, and yet somebody had tested Apollo on them without remorse. There were no leads to be found with the dead couple, and a quick autopsy had revealed burned organs and demolished hearts.

Apollo, the mixture of it, was deadlier than the original PK mineral all by itself. Damn it.

Now, at Fire, his gut churned. Something was up. He had to find Alexandra. His phone buzzed. “Alexandra?”

“Ah, no. It’s Tori.”

“Victoria.” He paused near his bike while Daire and Adam emerged from the building, both frowning. “What can I do for you?”

“Well, ah, I can’t find either my mother or my sister.” She sighed. “I used the gym in the building, and while I was gone, my mother left. So I tried to call Lexi, and she’s not answering her phone. Have you talked to her?”

He shot his brothers a look. “I have not. Tell you what? I’ll track her down and get right back to you.” He clicked off. “Something’s wrong.”

Daire paused in straddling his bike. “What?”

“Dunno.” His phone buzzed again, and he didn’t recognize the number. “Hello?”

“Kellach?” Alexandra asked, her voice too calm.

He held up a hand to his brothers. “Where are you?”

A scuffle sounded, and a male cleared his throat. “Kellach Dunne, Enforcer for the Nine. So nice to make your acquaintance.”

Kell lifted his head, his body going on full alert. “Yuri Demidov. I’m assuming, of course.”

“Good assumption. My friend here brought the lovely Alexandra to me, stating that she’s, ah, fucking you. Shall I clue him in to the full extent of your relationship?” Demidov asked, his voice high.

“Let’s leave the humans clueless, shall we?” Kell kept his voice level, although he realized that of course, another witch could sense he’d mated Alexandra. “You do know, if you so much as scratch her, I’ll take off your head.”

Demidov laughed, the sound slightly off. “How about a trade? I’d love to get my hands on Simone Brightston, considering how she betrayed my father. She’s one of many I plan to use Apollo on.”

Kell tsked. “Sorry, but Simone is out of reach. We’ve shut down the members of the Nine until we get a handle on Apollo.” He lied easily without a hitch in his tone while Daire walked away, phone to his ear, no doubt trying to have somebody trace the call. They did have decent sources in the Realm and those guys, especially Chalton Reese, could perform miracles.

“Well, I’ll settle for an enforcer today.” Demidov sighed. “After I play a little with your lady, that is.”

“She’s mated,” Kell said flatly. Had the allergy gene kicked in yet? God, he hoped so. “Touch her, and your skin will explode from the contact.”

“Then maybe I’ll just shoot off parts of her. Or . . . maybe we should see what Apollo does to a newly mated witch.” Demidov sniffed.

Kell frowned. “What do you want?” He nodded at Daire’s gesture to keep the jackass talking. At least this way, he knew Alexandra wasn’t being harmed as he spoke.

“Let’s see. How about I trade your bitch here for Daire Dunne? My boss would love to get his hands on Daire,” Demidov said.

Kell jerked his head toward Daire to gain his attention. “Your boss wants Daire? Why?”

“I assume that’s personal. But I’d go a long way in the organization by turning him in.”

“Sorry, but you’ll have to deal with me,” Kell said. “Daire is out of town.”

Daire shook his head vehemently.

Kell held up a hand. Exactly what kind of intel did Demidov have?

“Sorry, but I know he’s there because sweet Jennie told me he is. Apparently, she met him last night. Anyway, if you want Alexandra, I want Daire,” Demidov said quietly.

Damn it. “Fine. We’ll trade Daire for Alexandra. Who’s your boss, anyway?” Kell asked.

“Oh, you’ll see soon enough.” Demidov growled low. “Wait by your phone, and I’ll send you instructions.” He hung up.

Kell kicked a rock. “Fucking fucktard of a bastard witch.” He slid his phone in his pocket. “He’s not in charge—there’s somebody else.” Frankly, the guy sounded half off his nut. “Tell me you got him.”

Daire finished listening on the phone and then turned. “We got him.”

Alexandra settled into her chair and looked around. Masterson and Yuri had moved over by the Mercedes. They spoke quietly, no doubt planning her death.

She brought her attention closer and stared at her father across the table. “Rumor has it you’ve been running drugs in prison.”

Jennie gasped and turned even paler. “Parker? What about being a warrior?”

Parker shook his head. “You have always been the dumbest bitch around, you know that?” He leaned back, his huge barrel of a chest still significant. “I came out of prison a millionaire. How fucking amazing is that?”

Lex tried to loosen her hands under the table. “You’ll go back in the same way, then.”

Parker shook his head. “Oh, no, you ungrateful bitch. I’m not going back in. Ever.”

Jennie stood, wavering on her new hip. “You lied to me.”