Wicked Appetite

hat you want, but we need to wrap it up here and get over to Shirley's. My source said it looked like Hatchet was snatched this morning. That means Wulf could be back in the area with him by now. We need to talk to Shirley before Wulf gets to her. " "Shirley can't talk. " Diesel had me by the hand, tugging me to the door. "We'll work around it. " I dug my heels in. "I need to put my muffins in a container. " Diesel yanked me forward. "Later. " The Spook Patrol was still on the sidewalk in front of my house when Diesel shoved me out the door. They were joined by the guide from the ghost tour and four senior citizens who I assumed were with the guide. "It's the ghost man!" one of the old people said. Everyone went cameras-up and took Diesel's picture. CHAPTER TEN