Victoria's Demon Lover

Chapter Sixteen

She hadn’t heard it open but she heard it slam shut and get locked. When she turned around she saw immediately that the table and candle and chamberpot and dirty crockery had all been removed. There was a moment of confusion before Victoria realized that anything that could be used as a weapon was gone. Brigayne stood before her in a soft robe, what used to be called a “smoking jacket”. He let it drop to his feet and she saw he was naked and ready. She moved from the window and circled the room, eyeing him warily.

“Little Maggie. Let the games begin.”

“Oh no,” she murmured.

“Oh yes. You shall be the white hart and I shall be the hind. My antlers are here,” he shook his erection at her, “and John’s cuckold antlers are secure on his forehead.” He laughed at his joke. She did not. She leaped for the bed but he caught her midair and ripped at her dress. He held her down with one knee while he tore at the laces and jerked at the sash. “Usually we skin the deer after we have stabbed it.” He had her naked now. “But tonight I will skin the doe before running her through with my staff.” His cock grew larger with every word. He had her by the wrists so she kicked at him.

“Kick my little doe. Kick and buck. The hounds will bring you down.” He made a baying sound like a beagle and laughed again. He lay on top of her and bit her neck. Victoria struggled. She was able to get her hand on the headboard and used it as a fulcrum to twist her body against him. She rolled out from under him and fell to the floor.

She was able to get to her feet before he did and ran in a helpless circle. There was nowhere to go. Nothing to grab and threaten him with. He sat there on the bed, his dick in his hand now. His face was flushed with exertion and she could see how thoroughly he was enjoying himself watching her panic. His eyes glittered and his lips were wet and parted. The dick in his hand glistened with its readiness. He smeared the lubricant that oozed from the tip around the head and pushed the wrinkles of his foreskin back. “Come little doe. The stag is in rut and will not be denied.” He stood and came after her.

She darted under his arm and made to duck low and roll under the bed, but he was correct. She could not escape him. He had her by the ankle. He lifted her easily under her arms and bent her face down over the edge of the bed, buttocks high in the air. He slapped her round mounds twice and then she felt his cock ram itself up inside her folds. He grunted like an animal and she heard the sharp slaps of his thighs against her buttocks as he thrust again and again. He roared like a bear and snorted like a stag. He panted like a dog and blew hard through his nose like a stallion. Her face was pushed over and over into the mattress. She turned her head to clear her nose and mouth from the bedding so she could breathe.

Her arms and hands were free, but in this position all she could do with them was flail them on the bed. He was enjoying her desperate struggles and she realized she was crying and gasping. Her own voice sounded like the cry of a prey animal being ripped apart and eaten. His thrusts had started to hurt and the edge of the bed pressed into her belly with every jerk of his hips.

He was panting now, forcing himself in and out quickly, faster and faster. She heard him mutter under his breath, “oh, oh, oh” with each plunge. He gurgled and groaned. She cringed and dug at the bedclothes, praying for it to end soon.

“Ha! Little doe!” he cried, and his big hand came down to slap her hard on her thigh like he was riding his horse. He did it again. The bed began to side on the floor with the force of his pounding stabs. He increased the tempo and his cries of pleasure became shrill. She felt him come as his hands closed on her shoulders with a painful squeeze. He drove himself far up inside her and the pain made her gasp with every forceful thrust. He roared with every spurt and his fingers tore at her skin. He finished with a wheezing moan. She felt him bend over and bite her between the shoulders as a stallion bites a mare when he mounts her.

“Ah, God, that was good,” he panted as he withdrew.

Victoria was too sore to move right away. She had felt his soft dick slide out of her and the familiar drooling of cum down her inner thigh. She stayed bent over the bed, afraid to move, feeling the sore spots where he had grabbed her and hit her and bit her and pinched her. She would be bruised all over. Jack would see this abuse and be furious. Lord Brigayne’s cum continued to dribble down her thigh.

He murmured, “Oh. Well then. Oh shit.”

He must have had a lot of cum, she thought, for now her ankle was wet with it. Too wet. With great effort she used her arms to push herself up from the bed. She heard him putting the robe on behind her. She heard him unlock the door and heard it close behind him. She staggered to her feet, holding the bed’s footpost for balance. That is when the cramping started and she felt the gush of warm blood flow down her thigh and her calf and her ankle and soak her left foot.

Alia Bess's books