Untouchable Darkness (The Dark Ones Saga, #2)

A large tree with heavy branches twisted around the shield and then suddenly started to grow from the shield as roots grew into the snowy ground. I took a step back as the tree spread its branches from East to West, its trunk doubling in size, only to stop growing once it reached at least thirty feet into the air.

“The tree of life.” Sariel spoke reverently. “We watched. But we didn’t just watch… we watched over something very specific. My gift was life. I was to watch over life.” He hung his head. “So when I helped create it, it was not just an abomination that was created, but something that was never supposed to be.” He motioned to the tree. “Humans were supposed to born with limited knowledge of the unexplainable. When you were created you were born with both. Humanly, your brain cannot morally comprehend your angelic side, and as an angel, the human side not only fascinates you, but disgusts you, goes directly against everything you’ve ever fought for. So how, do the two co-exist? It will always be a battle. To kill you…” He sighed. “To kill a life that the Angel of life has created—would not only kill an entire race of Demon—or fallen.” He shared a look with me. “But humans as well.”

The heaviness of his words stunned me.

“But to tell you of your own importance… of how you, Cassius, keep the balance of good and evil within the world right along with your mate—what risk would I be taking? To give you knowledge that part of your soul will never understand? Part of your body may reject? It was not my place, nor did I see this far into the future to know that had I possibly told you sooner—war could have been avoided.”

The tree dissipated in front of me as twelve thrones grew up from the ground. They were made of pure gold. And like Sariel’s shield, each throne had a different tree.

“Bannik watched over death and destruction,” Sariel whispered. “And because of me—it consumed him.” He turned his head in my direction. “Even angels are given a choice. Do we give in to the darkness? The comfort of knowing that we can selfishly do whatever we want using the powers we’ve been gifted with? Or do we follow? I’m sad to say, because of me, Bannik was bitter, bitter enough to allow the darkness to turn him into a completely fallen angel, a powerful Demon who has abilities that far surpass anything you’ve ever seen.” He licked his lips. “So, son, today, today will not be the day that I take your life from this world. Today I gift you with more than you could possibly imagine—in hopes that you will do what I could not.”

“I don’t understand.”

Sariel’s eyes filled with tears. “A sacrifice, must always be made, my son. Blood, must always spill. It is the way of the earth. The way of the heavens.”

“Father!” I reached for him. “What are you saying?”

Sariel closed his eyes as a silver tear ran down his strong face. “All I wanted…” His white filled eyes blinked up at me. “Was to be worthy of that word, just once.” He smiled. “And today… I hope, that you remember the way you effortlessly released the most beautiful of words into the air, giving me a peace I’ve been waiting for, for millennia.” He smiled. “The test of your humanity was twofold. Yes, you needed her love, but you needed to also see that without all of this…” He spread his arms wide. “You still had something to offer.”

The thrones disappeared into the ground as the earth started to tremble around my feet.

“Save my brothers, my son. Finish the work.” He nodded his head at me and walked toward the middle of the valley just as five thousand angelic beings descended out of a silvery mist onto the ground.

They were in full gold armor.

Hands placed on their swords.

Facing every direction of the earth. North, South, East, and West.

They parted down the middle.

And a little boy, made his way slowly toward Sariel.

Sariel nodded at him and then swiftly passed him and took his place in the middle of the cavalry.

But the little boy approached me.

The same one from Sariel’s visions.

He stopped a few feet away.

“Rules have never been easy for you to follow, Dark One.”

I hung my head. “Yes. I’m aware.”

He smiled brightly. “It seems to be hereditary.”


“Where there is Dark, there will always be Light…” he whispered. “And where there is light… power exists, for things that have been hidden will be visible. And there is so much power within your sight.” He stepped away. “I will take good care of him.”

“I won’t see him again.” The thought stunned me, made me want to chase after the father I’d always despised but the only family I’d ever known other than my mother. “Will I?”

“We all have our time. This is yours. His was ending. And a life must always take place of a life. He is simply sacrificing his—so that you will have yours.”


“I love you,” Sariel whispered in my head, as his normally light-infused body turned strangely human.

The little boy lifted his hand and pressed it to my chest. “Use his power well. Love fiercely. End this war.” His eyes turned an eerie silver. “I see many futures for the immortals.”