Untouchable Darkness (The Dark Ones Saga, #2)

They ignored me.

“If she can’t control herself, she can’t stay!” Ethan slammed his fist down onto the granite cracking it down the middle. “Genesis is pregnant! She needs protection from things like that.” Pieces of granite flew into the air as Ethan pointed in my direction. I slumped low in my seat.

Mason let out a low curse. “I hate ordering new kitchen appliances. Home Depot employees are always so judgmental.”

Alex winced as the crack in the granite extended farther. Then the counter slammed into the floor. “Just tell them you got carried away with your last stripper. I’d go with it. Then once we flash them nothing but cash lean in and whisper ‘mafia’.”

Mason poked another berry with his claw. “Maybe I’ll just take you with me and tell them you’re my lover. Last time we did that we got fifty percent off.”

Alex sighed heavily. “Because she was totally into me, not you.” He scrunched up his nose. “You smelled too funny for her tastes, which is why you hung out by appliances while I took her out back.”

Ethan turned. “You did what? To a human?”

“Taught her how to saw.” Mason interjected. “At the Depot of Homes.”

I barely managed to keep my smile in as Cassius shared a confused look with Ethan.

“Lots of sharp edges.” Alex nodded emphatically. “Very dangerous… but don’t worry, none of your precious blood was spilled.”

A low growl erupted from Mason. “One day you’re going to get caught for tasting forbidden fruit.” Another raspberry flew through the air and into his mouth. “And I’m going to laugh. What’s going to happen when your tricks stop working on human women?”

Alex didn’t look worried.

“They’ll attack in mob-like fashion.” Mason nodded. “Yes, what a fantastic day that will be.”

Cassius frowned. “Do they… attack at the Depot of Homes?”

“It’s Home Depot,” I corrected. “And don’t pay attention to them, they’ve been bickering all morning.”

“Here.” Alex tossed a pinecone into the air. “Have some tree.”

“Technically, it’s a seed,” Mason grumbled, biting into his berries while Ethan slowly made his way over to the group. The tension in the room was extremely uncomfortable as his eyes blazed Vampire green.

Oh, good. He was pissed.

With a snarl, his fangs elongated. “Two days.” He jammed a finger in my direction. “She gets her powers under control in two days and she can stay. If not, then you’re on the streets.”

“And when he says streets, he means you get to shack up with Cassius so you don’t burn down Ethan’s house with his precious human in it,” Alex said.

“I thought we were beyond that?” Genesis breezed into the kitchen, immediately causing Ethan’s eyes to go back to normal as he hissed and pulled away from us only long enough to tug Genesis into his arms and kiss her neck.

“No biting in public,” Cassius mumbled under his breath. “That’s against immortal rules, not that you listen to me anyway.”

“I’ve been bitten,” Alex announced as all heads turned in his direction. “I found it extremely erotic… then she tried to kill me.”

“Surprised only one of your stories ends that way… I imagine if women were in their right minds while you seduced them they’d all want to kill you.”

“An Elk followed me home once too. Thought itself in love with me.” Alex yawned.

Disgusted, since I still thought of him as my brother, I stood and held out my hand to Cassius. “Should we get started?”

His face was void of emotion. I was almost afraid that we were going to go back to the way things were, him ignoring me, me ignoring the searing pain in my heart every time he refused to acknowledge that there was something between us.

“Outside.” Cassis gripped my hand in his then raised it to his lips. “Lesson number one… Dark Ones know no fear.”

I was about to respond when a cold blast of air slammed me against the wall. I tried to move but the air held me immobile. My breathing came in short gasps as air pushed against my mouth.

Cassius leaned in, his lips grazing my ear. “Afraid?”

“No,” I wheezed.

The pressure increased.

Why was nobody helping me?

Because you can help yourself. Cassius’s voice was a small whisper in my head.

I closed my eyes and then willed my hands to push out in front of me as I turned the wind on Cassius.

With a grunt, I had him slammed against the floor, the same wind pushing him down.

“Oh, no!” I covered my mouth with my hands and leaned over him. “Are you okay?”

His smile was bright.


A bit more erotic than I’d ever seen it.

“Oh, yes.” He chuckled darkly. “More than okay, I think.” He reached for my head tugging it down to press a hungry kiss against my mouth.

“Is that porn?” Mason whispered.

Alex let out a groan. “No, Wolf…”