Untouchable Darkness (The Dark Ones Saga, #2)

“Touching.” I answered simply. “Biting.” Her pert ass jerked as I ran my hand down its curve. “Learning.”

With a deep moan she relaxed against my hand as it pressed against her hip and slid between her legs.

“I don’t think—”

“Good,” I interrupted. “Don’t think… It’s extremely unhealthy to think in a Dark One’s presence. Who knows…” Thoughts swirled around her head of me touching her, pleasuring her. “…what a Dark One may do with those thoughts?”

I fired back more thoughts of my own, my mouth covering every one of the spots she pointed out until she screamed so loud the room shook. “I guess he may do that.” I moved my hand then flipped her over again. “Or he may do this.” I sent her images of what I would do right before I did it, doubling her pleasure, making her slick with sweat only to have it evaporate within seconds. “But this,” I whispered, envisioning my mouth on her core. “This I think you will like best.”

She whimpered before each movement of my tongue only to cry out after.

And suddenly my vision turned to her pleasuring me. I could barely keep my composure.

“Two—” she panted. “—can play that game.”

“I adore games,” I fired back with a wicked laugh, in the vision I entered her hard and fast, only to go so slow that the air around us exploded. “Care to play one or two? I have time…”

“Cassius, I swear—”

“No swearing.” I pulled her to her feet and pushed her against the wall, her back was to me as I pressed up behind her. “You can always end the game… concede to the winner.”


“Too bad,” The vision shifted as I kissed around her neck, while I kept her pinned to the wall.

“Fine!” she yelled, “Just please… please Cassius.”

With a growl I turned her around just as she jumped into my arms, we staggered back against the wall and then fell to the floor in a heap of arms and legs as she straddled my body then moved against me.

Our white eyes locked, and a knowing smirk crossed her face.

Oh yes, being human had been worth it.

For this? I would serve a sentence of a thousand years.

For one night with my true mate? Perhaps, a million.

“Yes.” She hovered over me, slowly allowing me to enter her. Stephanie’s slow movements nearly killed me as I lingered between ecstasy and greediness. I moved faster and faster, gripping her hips, holding her in place as the air between us cracked and sliced like lightning in the sky.

I moved tentatively, and she matched the movement, but the slowness was destroying me, so I imagined us against the wall, and there we were, against the wall. Using it to my advantage I pressed her back against it and moved her body in perfect cadence to my heartbeat—to hers, only to have her explode around me, tiny pieces of crystals exploded in front of my face as the air stilled.

Slowly, I dropped her to her feet.

We stared at one another, both exhausted.

The darkness surrounded us.

But we.

We were light.


I SHOULD BE EXHAUSTED. Instead, it felt like someone had just zapped me with adrenaline. It was an odd sort of balance, to experience a beautiful moment with Cassius only to have it dampened by the darkness that being mated to him had unlocked.

It crept.

Like a slow choking blanket… it tempted, told me that if I’d just give in to the evil side of myself, I’d be complete.

And then, Cassius would smile in my direction and bring me back.

How long had he been trying to exist like this? Constantly battling the innermost darkest parts of himself? Alone?

“A very long time,” he answered. “Eva helped.”

“I would have liked her, I think.” I led Cassius back to the bed, we both lay down and stared at one another.

“She was strong.” Cassius touched his fingers to my face. “Like you.”

I kissed his fingertips.

The door burst open.

Ethan stood there with Mason on one side Alex on the other and Genesis in the back trying to peek over their shoulders.

“The hell?” Ethan roared. “What did you guys do to my house?”

For the first time since we’d lain down, I glanced around the darkened room.

All of the lights were completely shattered. The walls were lined with ice, the window was completely frosted over, and the walls had cracks running up and down them as if an earthquake had occurred.

“We, um, had a…” I elbowed Cassius. “Fight.”

“Is he dead?” Mason wondered aloud. “What I mean to say is, did he survive this… er, ordeal?”

“Yes, did the King last his first bout of lovemaking or shall I call the time of death?” Alex joked.

Cassius swore under his breath then in an instant rose to his scary full seven-foot height and glared down at them.

Ethan and Mason took a cautious step back while Alex stood there with a stupid grin on his face. “So, sex heals all, hmm?”

“I made myself a promise Alex, care to know what it was?”

“Sex before your old as hell anatomy falls off?” he guessed.