
Jared leaned against the side of the van, hands shoved in his pockets. “You weren’t the only one with a psychotic cat.”



“You think this is funny?” I snapped.


“No, I didn’t mean—” Jared’s eyes dropped to the ground, a deep crease forming between his brows.


“I get that this is a lot to take in, but you need to know the truth,” Lukas said.


I only nodded.


“Our place isn’t far.” Lukas led me to the van, and I climbed in without arguing. “It’s not like you can go back to your house.”


I hesitated for a second. “Wait. What time is it?”


“Eleven. Why?”


I was supposed to meet Elle at nine thirty. She would’ve gone by my house when I didn’t show up. I tried to picture exactly how it looked when we left—the door blown off the hinges, windows shattered, knives sticking out of the kitchen walls. Considering the number of people opening their doors as we drove away, the police had probably beaten her there.


The police meant a call to my aunt, who would have me on the next plane to Boston.


If Lukas and Jared were telling the truth, a plane ride wouldn’t stop vengeance spirits from finding me. I couldn’t risk leaving until I knew how to protect myself.


I turned to Lukas. “I have to make a call. I was supposed to meet my friend, and she’s probably freaking out.”


He slipped a cell phone out of his jacket and handed it to me. “You can’t say anything about us. We don’t want to deal with the cops.”


“I just want to tell her I’m okay.” I dialed Elle’s number. She picked up on the first ring.






“Kennedy? Oh my god! Where are you?” She was talking so fast I could hardly understand her. “Your house is totally trashed and—”


“Elle? Are you alone?”


“Yeah, why?” Her usual confidence was gone.


“You can’t tell anyone I’m on the phone. Do you hear me?”




I took a deep breath and tried to sound calm for her benefit. “Listen. I’m fine. Something happened at my house and these guys helped me.”


“What guys?” she hissed under her breath. “Everyone is looking for you. Your house is a crime scene, and I found Elvis wandering around in the street.”


“You found him? Is he all right?”


“Your stupid cat’s fine. He’s in my car.” Her voice rose, hysteria taking over. “But I’m in the parking lot at the police station. I practically had to tell them everything you ate for the last two days. They think you were abducted.”


“Hold on.” I hit Mute and turned to Lukas. “The police think someone kidnapped me. Should she tell them I’m okay?”


“No,” he said quickly. “They’ll ask her a million questions, and she might get nervous and let something slip.”


I nodded and got back on the line. “Elle, you can’t tell anyone you talked to me.”


She sniffled. “Are you running away? Is this about boarding school? You can move in with me if you don’t want to go.”


It killed me to scare her like this. “I’m not running away. It has to do with what happened to my mom.”


“Her heart attack? Sometimes those things just—”


“She didn’t die of a heart attack.”


For a second, Elle didn’t respond. “What are you talking about?”


Lukas gestured for me to hurry up.


“I have to go.”


“Call me back,” she whispered desperately.


“I will.” I hung up, wishing she was here and grateful she wasn’t at the same time.


Jared pulled away from the curb, and Lukas’ journal slipped off the seat. I picked it up and ran my hand over the worn cover, my mother’s silver bracelet sliding down my wrist. “I wish I had something like this that belonged to my mom.”


She would’ve known what to do in this situation. I missed sitting on the counter while she cooked, complaining about school and guys and the current drawing that wasn’t meeting my standards. My mom always had the answers, or at least the brownies.


Lukas tucked the loose pages inside the book. “I inherited it when my uncle died. Every member of the Legion records their experiences in a journal and passes it down to the person who replaces them. Your mom probably had one, too.”


They still believed she was one of them—that her attack wasn’t random, but retribution for our ancestor’s involvement in summoning a demon over two hundred years ago.


It was probably the reason they didn’t leave me back at my house. “She wasn’t a member of the Legion.”


Jared rubbed the back of his neck. “Your mother died exactly like the other members, and a vengeance spirit tried to kill you the same way. You need more proof than that?”


I didn’t have any proof, but it made me wonder if he did. “Was my mom’s name on a list or something in one of your journals?”


Jared shifted in his seat and pretended to concentrate on the road.


Kami Garcia's books