UnEnchanted (An Unfortunate Fairy Tale Book 1)

That had been eight hours ago.


Now, Mina had only been wearing heels for an hour and was already eager to kick them off and scandalize the school with her bare feet. She could never understand women’s obsession with high heels. Sure, they made make you look taller and slimmer, but was it worth it to have to limp around the whole night from blisters? Mina didn’t think so.


Just as she was about to find a pair of flip flops in her closet, Charlie started waving and knocking on the glass. Mina looked down into the street and was surprised to see a stretch SUV limo appear, with a familiar blonde head poking through the sun roof. Nan was waving like a maniac, and a minute later the dark head of Jared appeared next to her, looking somber as ever.


From the angle of the window, Mina saw a limo door open and close, and knew that Brody was on his way up the stairs.


“Mom! How do I look?” Mina called out, hoping to fix any last-minute curls that had come loose from their bobby pins.


“You look beautiful.” Sara came over and gave her daughter a kiss on her cheek. “Please, Mina, be careful tonight.”


“I will.” Mina knew her mother was worried. She wasn’t the only one. Tonight she was more grateful than ever that the Grimoire was so slim, as she was able to tuck it between her body and the corset, cinched tightly but within easy grasp. She had whispered and coaxed the book into an even smaller, slimmer form to fit in her bodice.


A knock came at the door, and Charlie ran to open it. His mouth dropped in shock, and he backed away, pulling the door open so Brody could step through. Mina froze mid-step as his tall form entered the kitchen. Brody looked deadly. He hadn’t taken any shortcuts in designing his costume, and now wore leather bracers, a leather vest, and brown pants tucked into tall leather boots. Strapped to his chest she saw a belt of knives, and on his back, an actual bow and arrow. Brody was literally armed to the teeth. And incredibly hot.


Brody stumbled when he caught sight of Mina in her red dress. She felt herself blushing, but he quickly composed himself, and reached for her hand so he could bring it softly to his lips.


“Are they real?” Mina asked, reaching out to touch the daggers in the bandolier. She was a little disappointed when they bent easily.


“No, unfortunately not. I wouldn’t be able to get real ones past security.” He chuckled.


Mina felt another familiar tingling sensation spread throughout her body, reminding her that tonight would have a storybook ending, one way or another. The Story was already at work.


When Brody and Mina were on the landing and had shut the door, he stopped her from walking down the stairs.


“Why did you stop?” Mina held onto Brody’s arm, her other hand gripping layers of her dress so she wouldn’t trip going down the stairs.


“I wanted a moment with you alone.”


“Is something wrong?” she asked. She worried that he knew something was coming as much as she did.


Brody reached up and caressed her face. “No, nothing’s wrong. Everything is perfect. But with the way Nan talks, this may be our only quiet moment for the rest of the night. Even if we have to suffer Jared’s presence.”


Mina was once again surprised by how often Brody seemed to read her mind. She had been nervous about being in the back of a limo alone with Brody, given their new relationship status. More than anything, she was nervous that she would somehow resort back to the awkward stage of their friendship, and not be able to remain calm, cool, and collected.


“No, that’s fine. I’m happy that you invited Nan.” Mina’s shoulders slumped at the thought of facing Jared and being shunned.


“But not Jared?” Brody could read the strain in her voice.


“No, I’m glad. Really I am.”


“He was part of the deal. I knew you would want to have Nan close to you, and he was just the carry-on luggage. If he makes you uncomfortable, just let me know.” Brody rubbed his finger along Mina’s jaw and leaned down to kiss her sweetly on the mouth. Mina reached up and drew him closer. He tasted of richness and warmth. Brody wrapped his arms around her, and Mina felt safe and secure—until a loud horn blared from downstairs.


Mina pulled back from the kiss and grinned. “That would be Nan. Her timing is usually pretty terrible.”


Brody helped Mina down the stairs and opened the door onto the street. As soon as she popped out the door, Nan jumped down out of the driver’s seat and over to Mina. “Oh, my goodness, you look beautiful. I never imagined red looking that good on you, but wow!”


Nan’s own hair had been piled high and sprayed with white, with white ringlets falling down the back of her neck and around her face. She had a flowing white dress and red, red lips; she was obviously the Snow Queen.


Chanda Hahn's books