UnEnchanted (An Unfortunate Fairy Tale Book 1)

Mina’s heart soared to new heights. He hadn’t run from her because he was ashamed of her or didn’t see a future with her. He ran because he wanted to protect her. This time it was Mina who felt protective of Brody. “I’m sorry that I doubted you,” she said quietly. “You confuse me.”



“What is there to be confused about?” Brody asked.


“I thought for sure you had ended our friendship or relationship or whatever this is.” Mina looked into his deep blue eyes and felt herself begin to drown.


“So you started to build up that wall between us again. I can tell. You like to hide behind that wall, locked inside that tower.” Brody cupped Mina’s face and whispered softly, “I guess I’m going to have to work on tearing down that wall, brick…” He kissed her eyelids, “…by brick…” He kissed her pert little nose, “…by brick.” Brody continued to kiss her cheeks, her chin, and finally her lips.


Mina knew it was coming but was still startled by the feel of his lips on her mouth. It was glorious, sweet, and beautiful. She went lightheaded with joy. When he pulled away from their gentle kiss, she felt saddened by his parting, until he placed another quick kiss on her lips. “By brick,” he whispered.








The rest of the day at school, Mina floated along. She had never felt so wonderful, and for now, nothing, not even Jared, could ruin her mood. He noticed the change in her behavior and tried to make a comment that would rile her, but she blew it off. Everything would turn out right, because Brody was there for her. She could feel it.


Mina was supposed to meet Brody by his locker after school, and as soon as the bell rang she practically skipped down the hall toward him. But a rough hand on her elbow stopped her. “What do you think you’re doing?”


She turned and wasn’t the least bit surprised to see Jared on the other end of her elbow. “Let go of me.” She tried to shake him off, but Jared squeezed tighter.


“Come with me, and I’ll tell you what you want to know.”




He was silent.


“I can’t,” she said, happy to blow him off. “Brody’s giving me a ride home. Maybe later?” she asked, smiling.


It was the wrong thing to say to him, because his eyes darkened dangerously. “You don’t know who you’re dealing with here. I was going to help you, tell you information to help you stay alive, but it seems you’ve picked your model boyfriend over your life.” He dropped her elbow and strode away.


Mina waited ten seconds, thinking through her options, and then chased after Jared into the parking lot. He must have been expecting her, because he was already astride a black motorbike. It was sleek, exciting, and dangerous, just like Jared himself. She hesitated. Was this really wise? He held out an extra helmet to her.


“You knew I would come, didn’t you?” Mina demanded angrily. “You could have at least let me tell Brody where I’m going so he doesn’t worry.”


Jared shook his head. “This is a one-time deal, expiring soon.” He kick-started the bike. “Like now.”


Mina sighed and really wished she had a cell phone to text Brody that she wasn’t in danger.


But as soon as Jared peeled out of the parking lot and sped along the road, Mina had to rethink her last thought, gripping onto Jared’s waist so she wouldn’t fly off the bike. Maybe she was.






Chapter 16




Jared sped along the interstate, and fifteen minutes later he was pulling up to Emerald Lake. He turned off the motorcycle and removed his helmet, laying it on the seat. Turning, he held out his hand for Mina’s helmet as well.


“What are we doing here?” Mina asked, pulling off her backpack.


“Practicing,” Jared answered.


“Practicing what?”


“How to stay alive.”


Mina thought he was joking, but one look at Jared’s set face, and she knew he wasn’t. “Okay. Why now?” she had to ask.


“Why not now? Do you have anything else planned?” Mina started to open her mouth, but Jared cut her off. “I do, so it’s now or never.”


Annoyed, Mina followed Jared out to the water’s edge. He stopped by a maple tree and broke off a short branch. Jared closed his eyes, and the stick began to glow.


Mina’s eyes opened wide, and she stared in awe. She’d already figured out that he was Fae, but watching him mold and shape a branch with power was certainly impressive, and hauntingly beautiful. His eyes closed in concentration; it was almost as if he were communicating with the branch.


Chanda Hahn's books