Trinity Rising

“Getting the ammunition from the trunk. Did you want me to grab my bag while I’m out there?” I hadn’t brought anything in and we were all in need of changing out of the blood-soaked clothing.


She glanced down at her sodden outfit and nodded. Her stomach had grown enough to stretch the wet fabric. I wondered if my sweats would be enough and then swept the thought aside and swung the door open, stepping out into the quiet night.


I didn’t mosey. In fact, I sprinted and popped the trunk when I was still a couple of paces away. Sweeping my hand through handles, I hauled the duffel bags over my shoulder and reached for the boxes of ammunition, sweeping them into one of the smaller environmental-friendly shopping bags. I reached for the top of the trunk and a low growl froze me in place. The feral sound rumbled from behind me and I held my breath, closing the trunk slowly before turning to face whatever was in the driveway.


“Fuck,” I whispered as I stared at a beast that looked like a cross between a hellhound and a grizzly. I couldn’t back up, so I took a step in the direction of the house. The thing bared its teeth, snarling. A gunshot rang out and the thing yelped. I didn’t wait for it to react; I turned and sprinted toward the open door.


Steve stood on the front step aiming at the thing behind me. I scanned the front of the house making sure there wasn’t another one of these creatures waiting to pounce. The ground shook, followed by another gunshot. My heart pounded in my chest and I wished for my vampire speed.


Inside. The thought ripped from my mind and Steve took another shot, before retreating and holding the door wide. I dove the last few feet, flipping myself into a break-fall and the door slammed closed before I rolled to my feet. I dropped everything and grabbed the salt as the beast hit the other side of the door. It held and I drew a shaky line of salt across the entryway and took a step back before the tremors reduced me to a hyperventilating pile on the floor.


“What the hell was that?”


I glanced up at him, trying to catch my breath and shook my head. Instead of trying to guess, I reached into the bag and tossed him a box of ammunition. “Nice shooting,” I breathed.


Naomi stepped into view.


“I guess there are some things that are worse,” I said and sat back on my ass, leaning my forearms on my knees, still huffing. I glanced at the gun in Steve’s hand and then up at him. “That’s not mine.” I pointed my chin at the Sig Sauer in his hand.


“Tom has yours.”


Steve put his hand out and I took it, allowing him to help me to my feet. We stepped into the kitchen and I crossed to the refrigerator. I didn’t ask like I should have, instead, I opened the door and pulled the first beer within reach. I could have used scotch, but something cold that would stop my hands from shaking without clouding my mind was more appropriate for the situation.


I guzzled half the beer before turning around. A layer of shock bit at my skin. It looked like Mr. Clean had visited the family room with the exception of a two-foot diameter of blood on the floor and a few tendrils stretching across the room. CJ’s head was bent in concentration as the last of the tendrils pooled together. He exhaled and opened his eyes.


“Now all we need are showers,” he said.


I handed Naomi the duffel bags. “Women first,” I said and got no argument from anyone. Naomi hesitated, her gaze bouncing between the window behind us and me.


“Go clean up.” I didn’t leave any leeway in my command and she nodded, following Jennifer and Raven up the stairs.


Tom still held the gun aimed at the sliders, even as I approached.


“Why don’t you and CJ go clean up, as well. I think Steve and I can handle it for a few minutes.”


He turned, glancing at me, and then Steve, waiting for the okay. I glanced over my shoulder, but Steve wasn’t looking at us, he was busy loading his gun with the new bullets, his gaze jumping from the front entry to the window.


Tom brought his gaze to me. “oo o,” he said and his mind echoed the proper enunciation of “You go.”


I glanced at CJ and he gave me a nod. “We’ve got this.”


“I’ll only be a few minutes,” I said and took the opportunity.


The guest room had a private bathroom and I stepped into it, peeling off my clothing and dropping them on Naomi’s pile. She spun when I opened the door and I paused.


“You got bigger,” I said and slipped inside.


I didn’t have time to study her swollen belly; instead, I moved her out of the warm spray with a mumbled apology and grabbed the soap, scrubbing as quickly as I could. I didn’t even wait until the water ran clear before lathering up my hair and rinsing. She watched from just outside the spray, her arms crossed over her breasts in an effort to keep warm. When my hair squeaked beneath my fingers, I moved her back under the water and captured a kiss.


J.E. Taylor's books