Trinity Rising

“Damian,” Naomi gasped.


“I don’t want any trouble,” I said and the agent cocked his head, looking between the gun and me as if perplexed.


“Give me the gun,” he said more forcefully and I felt a tickle in my mind, followed by the instinct to give him our only weapon.


“I don’t think so,” I said, resisting the urge and another flutter caught my attention. “Why are you following us?” I asked. That was the only justification I had for him being here at the same time, after all, he was a cop.


He let out a quick laugh. “I wasn’t following you. This is completely coincidence and from the look on your faces, you know exactly who I am.”


“And you know who I am.”


He nodded. “Yes. I suggest you put the gun away before someone else comes in or John figures out he really didn’t need anything from the back room.” He glanced up at the camera in the corner and then back at me. “If you’re not going to give it to me, put the damn thing away.”


I laughed. “Why? So you can arrest us?”


The tension in the room mounted and wings fluttered yet again along with another warning directly to Agent Williams.


“What’s with the angel?” Naomi spouted and both our gazes dropped to her. She wasn’t looking directly at Steve. Instead, her gaze was over his shoulder to the right, as if a ghost I couldn’t see stood at his side.


“You can see him?” Steve said, pulling my attention back to him. He looked just as shocked as I felt.


“Sort of, but he doesn’t seem to be a dick like Lu …” She stopped and covered her mouth before she conjured the bastard by mistake.


“We have to go,” I said and stowed the gun in my pocket. The close proximity of any angel to where we were only meant trouble and I wasn’t sticking around to find out whether this man was on our side or not.


“I’m on your side,” Agent Williams said and planted his feet, blocking the only exit.


“Bullshit. You’re a cop.”


“Ex-cop,” he said. “And why would being close to an angel be an issue for you?”


A jolt zapped me, creating a prickly tickle all over my skin and I stared at him. “You … can read minds?”


The cocky smile and nod confirmed it. “I can do a hell of a lot more than that,” he said. “Gas up your car and follow me. I need some answers.”


I straightened my back. “While that sounds charming, I think I’ll pass,” I said. “Besides, I don’t give a shit what you need. We’re out of here.” I glanced at Naomi. “This was a bad idea,” I said and started for the door. If he didn’t get out of my way, I’d run him over and his gaze narrowed, reading my intentions correctly.


“I can be your best friend or your worst fucking nightmare, it’s your choice, kid.”


I ignored him but Naomi pulled back on my arm. I peeled her hand off, meeting her frightened gaze. “I’ll be fine,” I whispered and turned back to Agent Williams.


“I don’t think you want to do that,” he warned as I approached and I let out a strained laugh as every muscle in my body tightened, ready for battle.


He didn’t yield, instead he stood his ground, his hands curling into fists as well and when he shifted into ready stance, I stopped, recognizing the form.




He just nodded and for a brief instant, I thought it might be nice to spar again. I hadn’t truly sparred in years.


Agent Williams raised an eyebrow. “Years? What were you, a toddler?”


It was my turn to send a sarcastic smile. “I’m a master in a few different schools,” I said, prompting a laugh from him as he sized me up.


“You aren’t old enough,” he said with authority.


I glanced at Naomi and then back at him. I’m sure my life story would completely blow his mind, but I kept a wrap on my thoughts.


“Please move, Agent Williams,” I said. “I need to fill my car.”


He shook his head and I stepped in, throwing the first punch. When his hand closed around my fist, stopping it from connecting, the world swam in front of my eyes and I wasn’t the only one who gasped. Like a hyped up download, the man’s entire life flashed like a bizarre slide show in my head.


Everything he experienced right up to this moment downloaded into my brain and I inhaled, yanking away as if contact with his skin had produced burning blisters.


His face remained pale and his jaw slack as he stared at me. It took me a moment to understand the transference that occurred.


If I saw his entire life …


“What just happened?” Naomi whispered and I turned to her.


“Nothing,” I said and we walked past the stunned agent to the car. I helped her into the front seat and pumped the pre-paid amount into my car. I kept glancing at the store expecting Agent Williams to come out, but he hadn’t recovered from the glimpse of my life he received.


J.E. Taylor's books