Trinity Rising

“I’m not worried about Ted and Valerie using the place. I’m more concerned with someone finding their way in from the garage.” I shrugged, leaving the possibilities open and she slowly nodded. “Demon’s can’t get past the entry pipe—but anything else can.”



“If you lock it up...” she started and I raised my eyebrows at her, silently telling her to rethink the statement before she continued. Naomi inhaled and nodded, getting my point.


“I want to leave the garage open. That way they’ll know it’s empty and that we’ve left for good. But before we go, not only do I have to do the reprogramming magic, I also need to solder the door at the bottom of the stairs and do the same to the hatchway so nothing can get through. And, just for good measure, I’ll move the truck over the hatch to make it less obvious. Once we’re in Maine, I’ll make sure the ownership of both the property and the garage is transferred to Valerie and she can do whatever she wants with it.”


Leaving unnoticed wasn’t going to be easy, but if I could pull it off, it would give us time. How much time was the question, and I broke eye contact with Naomi, looking out at the dark settling over the back yard.


If I didn’t succeed at this, God only knew what hell we’d unleash.


Naomi yawned and stretched, pulling my attention away from the outside world and I smiled down at her. I wish I knew what she was thinking. I missed the mind reading abilities we shared as vampires and I sighed, running my fingertips over her sexy lips.


She grabbed my wrist and pulled my index finger into her mouth. Heat stirred inside me and I closed my eyes for a moment as she slowly released it. When she teased me like this, I could feel the fire between us burn bright. I opened my eyes and allowed the slow grin she adored to form.


It had the desired effect, she propped herself up to meet my hungry lips.


Her mouth tasted like caramel and she wrapped her arms around my neck, deepening the kiss. Her tongue danced slowly with mine, turning off logical thought, the animal in me reared up, carnal and wanting and I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her closer.


A distant buzz cut through my lust and I pulled away from her sweet lips, meeting her gaze before transitioning my attention to the phone on the table. It could be Ted and I sighed, pushing her aside and picked up the phone.


Any heat she’d created turned to an icy fury at the caller ID and every muscle tensed into hard knots. I inhaled, closing my eyes before bringing the phone to my ear.


His malignant chuckle drifted over the line.


“What the fuck do you want?” I growled into the phone through clenched teeth. I opened my eyes meeting Naomi’s gaze.


“I want your wife and your unborn child.”


“Not on your life.”


“My plans have changed a bit since you seemed to have already created the first pure trinity. I’ll gladly trade your daughter’s soul for your wife’s. I can’t think of anything more perfect than deflowering a virgin trinity. If you deliver Naomi to me, I’ll let you live to watch your daughter grow and become my concubine,” he purred, pushing dangerous buttons.


“You must be pretty bad off to think I’d entertain the idea of a negotiation. Why don’t we make a deal, you leave us the fuck alone and I won’t kill you,” I said and Naomi shivered in my arms. Before he could interject some more horrifying images, I continued, “Did you know when an angel dies, they get locked in heaven? I wonder what happens when the devil dies?”


Naomi’s eyes widened and she shook her head.


In the back of my mind, I wondered why the hell I was poking a sleeping dragon, but for the first time, I seemed to be in control of the conversation and it gave me the audacity to taunt him.


“I am going to enjoy watching you die,” Lucifer growled, pulling a smile from within my anger.


“Yeah, I’ve heard that before. At least three times, but it doesn’t seem to stick, now does it?” I asked and winked at Naomi, enjoying this more than I should.


A roar came over the line. “I’ll kill you both, you little shit!”


“You will never get the chance.”


“I will hunt you down and rip your heart out,” he growled.


“You’re such a sadistic bastard, you know that?” I laughed realizing somewhere along the way the tides had turned in my favor.


“You think you can hide in Greece?” he asked, his voice barely steady.


“It’s a big world, my friend, and who knows, maybe I’ll organize me a demonic hunting party. I really like killing those bastards and I’m sure sooner or later the path of dead assholes will lead me to you.”


“Damian,” Naomi whispered and I met her panicked gaze. I smiled and palmed her cheek.


“Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to make love to my wife,” I said and cut the call, tossing the phone onto the table.


“Are you out of your fucking mind?”


I raised my eyebrow at her outburst. “What?”


J.E. Taylor's books