Torn (A Trylle Novel)

I talked to Duncan about what Tove and Finn were researching, and how some of the papers were written in Tryllic. Duncan said he thought he’d seen a book on Tryllic upstairs in Rhys’s living room, which made sense because he’d explained that a lot of m?nks went through a phase where they tried to learn it.


I didn’t really need to learn it this second, but I wanted to get a feel for the language. As soon as we were done eating, I headed up to the living room. The door was shut, but most doors in the palace were kept closed, and I opened it without knocking.


I hadn’t been trying to be sneaky, but since Matt and Willa didn’t hear me, I must’ve been awfully quiet. Or maybe they were too caught up in the moment.


Willa was lying on her back on the couch, and Matt was on top of her. She had on a short dress, the way she always seemed to, and Matt had his hand on her thigh, pushing her hem up. Her other leg was wrapped around his waist, and she buried her fingers in his sandy hair as they kissed.


“Oh, my god!” I gasped. I didn’t mean to, but it just came out.


“Wendy!” Willa shrieked, and Matt jumped off her.


“What’s going on?” Duncan asked from behind me and tried to push past me, so he could protect me if he needed to.


“Quiet!” Willa hissed, fixing her dress so all her parts were a bit more covered. “Shut the door!”


“Oh, right.” I pulled the door shut and averted my eyes from Willa and Matt.


They weren’t doing anything particularly graphic, but I’d never seen Matt in any compromising situations before. He hardly ever dated, and he almost never brought girls home. It was bizarre thinking of him getting sexy with someone.


When I glanced up at Matt, his cheeks were red, and he wouldn’t lift his head. His hair was messed up, and he kept smoothing out the wrinkles in his shirt. Some of Willa’s lipstick had rubbed off on his cheek and mouth, but I didn’t have the guts to tell him about it.


“Wow. You two?” Duncan grinned at them. “Bravo, Matt. I didn’t think Willa would ever date anyone out of her class.”


“Shut up, Duncan.” Willa glared at him and readjusted her ankle bracelet.


“Don’t be crude,” Matt growled, and Duncan took a step back, as if he expected Matt to hit him.


“And you can’t say anything to anybody about this,” Willa warned him. “You know what would happen if this got out.”


Willa was a Marksinna, and even though her abilities were nowhere near as strong as mine, she was still one of the most powerful ones left. Matt was a human from a host family, relegating him to an even lower class than trackers and m?nks. If Matt was caught defiling Willa’s important bloodline, they’d both be exiled.


Considering they were two of my closest friends, I didn’t want that to happen. Not only would I miss them terribly, but the Vittra might go after them to get to me. They needed to stay in F?rening, where they were safe.


“Of course I won’t say anything.” Duncan crossed his heart to prove his sincerity. “I never told anyone about Finn and the Princess.”


“Duncan, shut up,” I snapped. I didn’t need Matt to be reminded of that right now.


“Please don’t be mad,” Willa said, incorrectly thinking my irritation was with her. “We didn’t want you to find out this way. We’ve been waiting for the right time to tell you, but you’ve had so much going on lately.”


“And this doesn’t change the way we feel about you,” Matt rushed to explain. “We both care about you a lot.” He gestured to himself and Willa, but he didn’t look at her. “That’s one of the things that drew us together. We didn’t want to hurt you.”


“You guys, I’m not hurt.” I shook my head. “I’m not mad. I’m not even that surprised.”


“Really?” Willa tilted her head.


“No. You’ve been spending so much time together, and you’re always flirting,” I said. “I kinda knew something was going on. I just didn’t expect to walk in on you like that.”


“Sorry.” Matt’s blush deepened. “I really didn’t mean for you to see us that way.”


“No, it’s okay.” I shrugged it off. “It’s not a big deal.”


I looked from one of them to the other. Willa’s dark eyes were worried, and her light brown waves of hair cascaded down her side. She was very beautiful, and she’d already shown how kind and loyal she could be.


“You guys make sense,” I said finally. “And I want you both to be happy.”


“We’re happy.” Willa smiled, and she and Matt exchanged a look. It was one of those sweet loving ones, and it even made Matt smile.


“Yeah, we’re happy.” Matt nodded and pulled his gaze away from her to look at me.


“Good. But you two have got to be careful. I don’t want you getting caught and banished away from me. I need you both.”


“Yeah, I know you need me,” Willa said. “Aurora would eat you alive without my help.”