Torn (A Trylle Novel)

“The coronation?” I asked.


“The coronation where you become Queen,” Elora elaborated.


“I’m not going to be Queen for a while, am I?” I asked, feeling nervous at the prospect. Even with as much training as I’d done lately, I still felt completely unprepared to rule. “Like a long while, right?”


“Not for a while, no.” Elora smiled wanly. “But time has a way of creeping up on you.”


“Well, I’m in no rush.” I leaned back on the couch. “You can keep the crown as long as you’d like.”


“I will.” Elora actually laughed at that, but it sounded hollow and sad.


“Wait. I don’t understand. The King agreed to peace until after I’m Queen?” I asked. “Won’t that be too late to kidnap me?”


“Oren’s always believed he can take anything he wants,” Elora said. “But he wants valuable things, and you’re far more valuable as a Queen. I imagine that he thinks you’ll be an even greater ally then.”


“Why would I be his ally?” I asked.


“You are his daughter,” she said, almost regretfully. “He sees no reason that you won’t come around to his way of thinking.” She looked up at me, her dark eyes distant. “You must protect yourself, Princess. Rely on the people around you, and defend yourself by any means you can.”


“I’m trying,” I reassured her. “Tove and I have been training all morning, and he says I’m doing quite well.”


“Tove is very powerful.” Elora nodded in agreement. “That’s why it’s essential to keep him close to you.”


“Well, he’s staying down the hall from me,” I said.


“He is powerful,” Elora reiterated. “But he’s not strong enough to lead.”


“I don’t know.” I shrugged. “He has good insight.”


“He’s scatterbrained and often irrational.” She stared off at nothing for a moment. “But he is loyal, and he will stand by your side.”


“Yeah…” I didn’t understand what she was getting at. “Tove’s a great guy.”


“I am relieved to hear you say that.” Elora exhaled and rubbed her temple. “I didn’t have it in me to fight with you today.”


“Fight with me about what?” I asked.


“Tove.” She looked at me like it should be obvious. “I didn’t tell you?”


“Tell me what?” I leaned forward, totally confused.


“I thought I just told you. A moment ago.” Her brow furrowed, showing even more wrinkles. “It’s all going so fast.”


“What is?” I stood up, feeling real concern for her. “What are you talking about?”


“You only just got here, and I thought I’d have more time.” She shook her head. “Well, anyway, it’s all been arranged.”


“What?” I repeated.


“Your marriage.” Elora looked up at me, wondering why I didn’t understand what she meant already. “You and Tove are to be married as soon as you turn eighteen.”


“Whoa.” I held up my hands and took a step back, as if that would defend me somehow. “What?”


“It’s the only way.” Elora lowered her eyes and shook her head, as if she’d done everything she could to prevent it. And considering how much she loathed Aurora, she probably had done everything she could. “To protect the kingdom and to protect the crown.”


“What?” I repeated. “But I turn eighteen in three months.”


“At least Aurora will be planning it all,” Elora said wearily. “She’ll have the wedding of the century ready by then.”


“No, Elora.” I waved my hands. “I can’t marry Tove!”


“Why ever not?” She batted her dark lashes at me.


“Because I don’t love him!”


“Love is a fairy tale that m?nks tell their children so they’ll have grandchildren,” Elora said, brushing me off. “Love has nothing to do with marriage.”


“I … You can’t really expect me…” I sighed and shook my head. “I can’t.”


“You must.” Elora stood up, pushing herself up with her arm. She steadied herself on the chaise for a moment, as if she might fall. When she was certain she was steady, she stepped toward me. “Princess, it is the only way.”


“The only way to what?” I asked. “No. I’d rather not be Queen than marry someone I don’t love.”


“Don’t say that!” Elora snapped, and the familiar venom returned to her words. “A Princess must never say that!”


“Well … I can’t do it! I refuse to marry him! Or anyone, unless I want to!”


“Princess, listen to me.” Elora gripped my arms and looked directly in my eyes. “The Trylle already think you should be shipped to the Vittra because of who your father is, and that is all the ammo Aurora needs to get you overthrown.”


“I don’t care about the crown,” I insisted. “I never did.”