
“What?” Gemma asked. “Why is that so funny?”



“Your arrogance.” Thea subdued her laughter but smiled broadly. “You presume that you can solve a puzzle that we’ve spent hundreds of years analyzing. Do you really think me and my sisters are that stupid?”


“No, of course not,” Gemma said in a hurried apology. “Penn may be many things, but stupid isn’t one of them.”


“Then what do you think you’ll see that we haven’t already seen?” Thea asked.


“I don’t know. Maybe nothing,” Gemma admitted. “But I have to try. My only other option is giving up, and I won’t do that. Not until I’ve exhausted every avenue, and until I see this scroll for myself, I still have one more path to explore.”


Thea shook her head. “That’s not the only option. You can embrace this life. There are parts of being a siren that are truly wonderful.”


“Don’t try to sell me on it, Thea,” Gemma cut her off. “I just want to know where the scroll is.”


“Why do you think I would tell you?” Thea asked.


“You told me you would. You said you’d do whatever you could to help me.”


“If it didn’t end up with me or my sisters dead,” Thea corrected her.


“You think that if I find the scroll, it will kill you?” Gemma asked.


“Not exactly.” Thea stood up and started walking over to the kitchen. “Would you like something to drink?”


“No, I’m fine.” Gemma turned in her chair to watch Thea. “What do you mean, ‘not exactly’?”


“I don’t know how much you really know about the scroll.” Thea opened the wine fridge located in the kitchen island. She debated a few seconds before pulling out a bottle. “It’s supposed to be indestructible.”


“I had heard that,” Gemma said.


“And it is, as far as I know.” Thea pulled out a corkscrew, then shut some of the drawers that Gemma had left open. “At various times over the centuries, other mortals have tried to destroy our scroll. Even Aggie went through a phase where she tried to burn it.”


“But it didn’t work?” Gemma asked.


“Nope.” Thea uncorked the wine and pulled out a glass. “Are you sure you wouldn’t like a glass?”


“No. I make a point of not drinking anything from a siren,” Gemma said wryly, and Thea smiled.


“That’s probably a good rule.” Thea poured herself a large glass of wine and took a long drink before continuing on. “We’re not the only cursed creature in the world, as I’m sure you can imagine. And almost all of them have tried to break their curse by destroying their scrolls.”


“None of them have succeeded?” Gemma asked.


“Depends on your definition of ‘succeed.’” Thea walked back to the living room. “But very, very few have managed to destroy it.”


“So you’re saying it is possible?” Gemma asked.


Thea sat down across from her again, crossing her legs and setting the glass on the coffee table. “Have you ever heard of a minotaur?”


“I think so. It’s like half man, half bull, right?” Gemma asked.


“Sort of,” Thea said. “The original minotaur was Asterion. I never met him, but I’ve heard that he was an incredibly gorgeous young man, and Pasipha? fell in love with him. She was already married to King Minos, despite being a rather powerful goddess in her own right.


“The king found out about his wife’s adultery and threatened to behead her lover, so Asterion broke off the affair. Pasipha? became enraged and cursed him to have the head of a bull,” Thea explained.


“Why the head of a bull?” Gemma asked.


“I’m not sure exactly, but I was told it matched his other … appendages,” Thea said carefully, and Gemma wrinkled her nose. “Pasipha? went on to have many other lovers, and if they tried to end the affair, she cursed them to the minotaur form and locked them away in a labyrinth so that they could never escape.”


“That sounds terrible,” Gemma said. “But what does that have to do with your scroll?”


“It was terrible, and I’m getting to my point,” Thea said. “Eventually Pasipha? died, and someone set the minotaurs free. But it was a terrible way to live. I met one once, and they truly were hideous creatures. Monstrous bulls with gigantic horns and angry eyes. Not only that, they were all a little insane from living in that maze for so long.


“Naturally, they didn’t want to go on that way,” Thea went on. “Pasipha? had made them immortal, but Asterion was determined to get out of it. He came up with a way to destroy his scroll.


“If I recall correctly, he had to eat the scroll when the sun was shining above him.” Thea tilted her head as she thought. “I don’t remember the details exactly, but I know it was odd and very precise.”


Amanda Hocking's books