Three Hours (Seven Series Book 5)

“Naya, you’re always upbeat, which is great, but I want to hear what else is going on in your life. Don’t keep secrets from me just because it’s not polite dinner conversation. Did anyone call the authorities? What Breed was she?”



I poked at my meal, annoyed with the Italian music blaring from the speakers. “Most of the girls are Shifters, and I think her animal was a cougar. Well, that was the rumor anyhow. Lacy didn’t have any family, and I doubt our boss called the Council to investigate. Most clubs don’t want to attract negative attention for fear it might drive away the customers.” I set my fork down and wiped my mouth with the cloth napkin.


“What’s wrong?”


Within the past year, work had been so different after the place switched hands. The rumor floating around was that the new owner was a human, but I’d never personally met him. Humans weren’t allowed to own Breed businesses, so no one believed it. On the few occasions I’d caught a glimpse of him, he would walk briskly to his office in the back and close the door. The only person allowed in there was Dean, our manager. Dean had recently put his foot down and stopped letting things like tardiness slide. We liked Dean, but lately he looked more like a man who was afraid of losing his job.


“Nothing to worry yourself over,” I said, waving my hand. “All the drama that goes with work should stay at work. I’m sure you don’t want me to bore you with the details.”


Her fork clicked against the plate. “Bore me. I’m all ears. I’ll tell you some personal stuff if you tell me.”


My brow quirked. “Do tell, because that’s a juicy bone you’re waving in front of my curious nose.”


She nibbled on her lip and leaned forward. “I want to have a baby.”


My eyes widened and I quietly squealed. “When?”


Her lips made a funny sound as she blew out a breath. “Jesus, don’t get your panties in a riot. I’m not pregnant.”


“What’s this about then?”


“You know how humans have a biological clock that ticks near menopause? Well, mine ticks every time I go into heat. Not to mention Izzy found out last week that she’s pregnant again. All of a sudden, my wolf wants babies. That bitch. Here I am about to start up a bakery, and I can’t stop thinking about having babies with Austin.”


“I bet lots of women think about having babies with Austin.”


She grinned in agreement. “He said we should wait. He said it’s too soon, and he wants to make sure the pack will stay together and strengthen before we bring kids into the equation. I didn’t think kids were a math problem. The last time I was in heat, I was all over him and he nearly buckled. After that, he built that damn heat house out back. So the next time I hit my cycle, I have to stay locked up in there. Do you know how embarrassing that is? It would be one thing if I were single, but I feel like I’m in the doghouse with my own mate.”


I circled my finger around the rim of my glass. “So this is what goes on in packs.”


“Austin is the best lover I’ve ever had, and I really want to feel that with him while I’m in heat. Izzy said it’s intense—like nothing I’ve ever felt before. I’m getting the tingles just sitting here thinking about it.”


“Me too,” I said with a wicked laugh.


We resumed eating and I poked at my salad.


“Anyhow,” Lexi continued, “it’s been on my mind. Jericho is an amazing dad. When he found out she was pregnant, he came home that night with a stuffed guitar to put in the crib. It plays a little lullaby when you wind the key in the back; it’s so sweet,” she said wistfully.


Jericho was also doing well with his music from what Lexi had told me. His band, Heat, had gained such a following from Internet downloads that the demand for them to perform had grown exponentially.


My tilapia was so good that it took me a minute to respond. “Enjoy their baby until you’re ready for your own. You have hundreds of years ahead of you to start a family. The bakery is your time to shine, and you don’t get chances like these too often, especially if you’re taking care of a bunch of kids. Enjoy Izzy’s baby, enjoy selling your cookies, and then think about a family. This is one instance where I agree with your wolfman.”


“You’re probably right. Sometimes I forget I’m going to live for centuries; it’s still hard to get used to the fact I’m a Shifter. Austin said it’s just my instincts kicking in, but I’m serious… I really want children with him. It has nothing to do with hormones or anyone’s expectations—I just want something in this world that’s ours. To look at a little baby and see Austin’s beautiful eyes and my mouth.”


“Your big mouth?”


She snorted. “That too. I’m sure he or she would inherit my laugh and Austin’s deranged sense of humor. Poor thing.”


“Well, as often as Austin runs around shirtless, let’s pray for a boy.”


Lexi smirked and turned her plate in a circle. “He can’t help it. He’s hot-blooded.”


“You can say that again.”


Dannika Dark's books