The Silver Stag (The Wild Hunt #1)

“If I’m Supergirl, then I fear for the state of the world. Look at me.” I slipped out from beneath the covers. I slept naked most of the time, and I wasn’t embarrassed. Angel had seen me plenty of times without my clothes, given we traded backrubs now and then. Not to mention we had lived in the same room together for three years as kids and had been roomies in college.

I stared down at my body. I was covered with bruises, most of them bright purple although a few were already turning yellow, which meant they were starting to heal. I also had a nice assortment of cuts and scrapes, and I suspected a bruised rib, though it didn’t hurt enough for me to go to the doctor.

“You sure got rough and tumbled. I suggest you buy a gallon of Icy Balm. Meanwhile, why don’t you take a hot shower and I’ll rustle up some waffles.” She paused. “By the way, Ray Fontaine called again on the landline. He left you a rather long message, and I have to say I don’t like the tone of it.”

I sighed. I kept a landline for clients to reach me on before I accepted their cases. Most often, I didn’t give them my cell number. It kept my private life, private.

“Yeah, he’s a problem I’m going to have to deal with pretty soon. I should never have gone to see him the other day. It seems to have rekindled his undying devotion to me. Either that, or an unhealthy obsession.”

As she headed back into the kitchen, I climbed into the shower and turned it on full blast, as hot as I could handle it. I had taken a shower when I had come home the night before, but my muscles were protesting their stiffness, and the only thing I could think of was to soak the ache out of them. I washed my hair while I was at it, and finally, reluctantly stepped out of the water. Toweling off, I padded into my bedroom.

Just then I heard Angel let out a shriek and, before I realized what I was doing, I raced out to see if she was okay, buck naked. I skidded to a halt, my hair still slicked back against my head, dripping down my back, only to realize I was staring at Herne, who was definitely staring back at me. Angel was picking up a pan from the floor and staring at a dozen eggs that were splattered all over the linoleum. She gave me a speculative look.


“I heard you shout. Are you okay?” I didn’t bother covering myself, since it would only draw more attention to the fact that I was standing there nude.

“I dropped a dozen eggs and the pan when I saw a spider on the counter. Um, Herne’s here, if you haven’t noticed.” She turned away, and I swear she was suppressing a laugh.

“Yeah, I noticed. I’ll just go get dressed and be right back.” Feeling incredibly exposed, I started to turn, though the smirk on his face made me want to smack him.

He waved me off. “Don’t bother on my account, but if you feel like it, knock yourself out.”

I stomped back to my room, where I yanked on a pair of jeans. I fastened my bra, then slid a V-neck tank top over my head. As I threaded my leather belt through the belt loops, I couldn’t decide whether I was more angry with him or myself. Actually, I couldn’t decide whether I was really angry or just embarrassed.

By the time I returned to the living room, Herne had taken a seat at the table, and Angel was setting out plates filled with waffles, eggs, and bacon. My stomach rumbled as I slipped into a chair.

“Any chance you—”

“Latte coming up. I taught myself how to use the machine. Quint shot, just the way you like it. What flavors you want?”

“Chocolate peppermint.”

As she slid the iced drink in front of me, Herne bit into his waffle.

“These are so good,” he said, his mouth full. A moment later, he added, “You two fit right in. I can’t tell you how happy we all are to have you. Viktor, Talia, and Yutani all think you’re great.” He glanced at me. “How are you feeling this morning?”

“A little roughed up, but nothing that time won’t heal.” I paused long enough to take another bite of my waffle. As the maple syrup drained down my throat, tickling my taste buds, I let out a contented sigh. “We really need to look for a better house with a full kitchen. I want you to make everything you ever wanted to bake.”

Angel snorted. “You just like the fact that I cook.”

“True that. But I also like that we can drive into work together. Plus, there’s the fact that there’s nobody I’d rather have for a roommate than you.” I meant every word. Then, looking at Herne, I said, “So what brings you over today? Besides to see me naked?”

“Oh, that wasn’t my intent, although I must say, I consider it a bonus.” A twinkle sparkled in his eye. But then he sobered. “Actually, two things brought me over. According to your contracts, now that you’re both settled in, you’re required to get the company tattoo.”

“Both of us?” Angel said. “I thought just Ember.”

“No, this marks you in the field as protected. And it shows that Cernunnos and the Wild Hunt claim you as one of his bounty hunters. Since that’s what we do. We may be peacekeepers in one sense, but in reality we’re hunters.”

“So when do we do this?”

“When we finish eating. Talia is a licensed tattooist. We’ll go down to the shop and she’ll take care of you.”

I let out a long breath. “If I’ve got the mark of the silver stag on my ass, I should have a tattoo for the Wild Hunt on my arm. It seems like this was destined for me from the beginning, even though I hate the concept of destiny. I don’t like anybody controlling my actions.”

“You’d better get used to it. You’re living in my world now.” Herne held my gaze. “My mother and father are lenient to a degree, and so am I, but the moment you signed that contract… No, the moment you were born, Ember, and you too, Angel, you belonged to the gods. Trust me, they aren’t interested in controlling all of your actions. But you will answer to Cernunnos and Morgana, and you will answer to me.”

“What about the receptionist before me, the one who left?” Angel asked.

“She asked permission to leave and start a family. We relocated her and her fiancé to a safe place. Because of the work she did, though, she’ll always be in danger. Once you leave the Wild Hunt, we can’t protect you. If you leave, the tattoo will vanish and you’ll be open to any retaliation the Fae choose to pay out. Only when you’re under our umbrella are you truly safe.”

Angel and I glanced at each other. There wasn’t much to say. Neither one of us had chosen for this to happen, but there was no other option than to make the best of it.

“Oh, speaking of my mother,” Herne added. “She wants to see you today, Ember. After you get your tattoo.”

We finished our breakfast in silence, and as we slid into our coats to go back to the agency, I felt like I was spinning. Life was changing so fast that it felt like I didn’t know where my roots were, anymore.

MY ARM STUNG as I looked down at the fresh tattoo. The blade was exquisite, beautiful, and green vines wound around it. The tattoo was the same one Viktor had, and Yutani and Talia and Herne, only somehow on me it looked prettier, I thought.

Angel had gone home after she got hers. Herne told her he would bring me back after I talked to Morgana. I was surprised that Angel had acquiesced to the tattoo so quickly. It didn’t seem in her nature, but as Talia inked it onto her skin, the image seemed to flow along, to become part of her as it had me.

Now, I was sitting in the break room. I had expected to be taken somewhere, maybe deep into the forest, or into some other dimension to meet the goddess. But Herne had insisted that his mother would be coming to the agency.

It suddenly occurred to me that, perhaps, I should have dressed up. Shown some respect for Morgana. But shoulda, woulda, coulda.

At that moment, the door opened and I yanked my head up.