The Invisible Library (The Invisible Library #1)

The inspector stopped, and inclined his head slightly to Silver. It wasn’t a bow. It was very definitely not a bow. It was barely a nod. ‘Good evening, sir.’ He had a perceptible accent, but an Oxford one rather than Punjabi or any of the other Indian accents that Irene recognized. ‘I understand that you’ve had some sort of minor problem this evening.’

‘A minor problem?’ Silver hissed. He whirled to point at the dead alligators and the human corpses, still grasping Bradamant’s wrist in his other hand. ‘You call that a minor problem?’

‘To you, sir,’ Inspector Singh said coldly. ‘I am sure that it was far more serious to the unfortunate people caught up in this, and my men are handling the casualties. I would be grateful if you could inform me exactly what took place.’

As Silver filled him in, in melodramatic but fundamentally accurate detail, Irene took a silent breath of relief. He hadn’t seen who controlled the electricity that took out the alligator threat. She noticed Bradamant relaxing a fraction as well.

‘. . . That is all,’ Silver concluded. ‘You may inform me when you have any further details.’ He turned his back on the inspector.

‘Actually, sir,’ Inspector Singh said, ‘we are aware of the identity of your aggressors.’

Everyone stared at him.

‘The Iron Brotherhood.’ He turned another page in his notebook, and deliberately made a note before proceeding. ‘Of course, sir, we are most interested in why they should try to attack your party in such a way.’

‘Oh,’ Bradamant said, ‘I think I can answer that.’

Everyone looked at her.

She lowered her head demurely, batted her eyelashes, and took a cute little gasp of breath that made her bosom heave in a way that was neither cute nor little. ‘They were after a book which they thought was being kept here. In fact, I believe that this attack was a distraction—’

Silver’s eyes went wide. He flung Bradamant into Inspector Singh’s arms with a muffled curse (she bounced), and ran for the door, Johnson two paces behind him.

‘Well,’ Inspector Singh said, setting Bradamant back on her feet. ‘I’m afraid I must ask you to come down to the station with me, madam. We have a few questions.’

Bradamant rubbed the hand which Silver had mangled, the imprints of his fingers scarlet against her pale skin. ‘May I just have a word aside with my friend Irene, Inspector? If you would be so kind?’

‘Of course, madam,’ Inspector Singh said, without taking so much as one step back.

Bradamant clasped Irene’s non-bandaged hand between her own before Irene could react. Very rapidly, in the Language, but pitched low, she said, ‘I bind myself by my name, by my oath, and by my word that if I find the book I will bring it to you before returning to the Library, and that I will consult with you tomorrow morning, if I am free to do so, about what to do next.’ She dropped back to English, but kept her voice low. ‘But for the moment I need you to do something about that Fae.’

Inspector Singh stiffened, staring at the two of them from under heavy dark brows. Well, of course: to him it must have sounded as if Bradamant was talking in his native language and dialect. Irene tried to suppress an urge to feel smug about Bradamant having to explain that, along with everything else.

‘Of course,’ she said in English. ‘I will see you then. Please be careful.’

However, Bradamant had bound herself in the Language. She couldn’t break that. She might be able to evade the precise spirit of the oath. Indeed, Irene could think of several ways to get around it, the first one being that ‘bring you the book’ was not the same as ‘give you the book’. But even so, that still brought the book a lot closer than it was right now. And, to be completely frank, she was almost too exhausted to care. The oath would do for the moment.

Bradamant nodded, and turned back to Inspector Singh. ‘I am at your disposal, sir,’ she said.

‘Perhaps we might also consider leaving,’ Vale suggested. ‘Unless you want to discuss matters further with Lord Silver, Miss Winters?’

Irene thought about having to explain things to Silver. Having to explain anything to Silver. ‘What an excellent idea,’ she agreed enthusiastically. ‘Kai, unless you can think of anything that we’ve left undone, this might be a good moment to leave.’

Kai wiped his sword with an unstained bit of tablecloth, and put it down on the table. ‘I am entirely at your disposal,’ he said. ‘Where are we going?’

Then Irene remembered that they didn’t have hotel rooms. Wonderful. One more thing to sort out.

Her dismay must have shown on her face, and Vale stepped in, almost smiling. ‘Allow me to offer you the hospitality of my rooms for the night, Miss Winters. I have a couple of spare bedrooms – and what’s more, it will allow your friend and Inspector Singh to find you in the morning.’

Genevieve Cogman's books