The Conquering Dark: Crown

She brightened and pulled a coil of rope from her backpack. “Simple. Only two floors. We could shimmy down a pipe if need be.”



“I’ll use the rope.”


“Are we taking him with us?” Penny indicated Mr. Somerset, who had closed his eyes and appeared to be dozing.


“Let’s find Jane first.”


Penny flung open the window and tied off the rope to an overhang outside. Without further pretense, she slid over the sill and scampered down as if she did such things every day.


Shaking his head in amazement, Malcolm turned back to Mr. Somerset. “I’ll find Jane and come back.”


Mr. Somerset opened his eyes wearily and nodded, trusting Malcolm at his word. He didn’t bat an eye at their odd behavior. “Close the window after you leave, if you would please, Captain Perry. It’s a bit drafty otherwise.”


“Of course, sir.” Malcolm followed after Penny.


The grounds surrounding the house were adequately tended, with green grass a bit higher than proper and numerous marble benches. They could have been strolling the institutional landscape of any health spa south of London. They made their way to the chapel and cautiously pushed open the door. The inside had a familiar Presbyterian plainness except that at the far end was a large ornate altar that didn’t belong to any denomination. A woman knelt in prayer before it. If she heard them enter, she did not give any sign.


Malcolm hesitated a moment, not sure why. Seeing the small form kneeling in supplication, he again fought back shame and guilt for not protecting her. There was no telling what she had endured at the hands of Gaios. He took a step forward and called softly, “Miss Somerset.”


The woman didn’t react at first and he wondered if she had heard him. He called out again and finally she rose to her feet and took several breaths as if recovering from exertion. When she turned, she uttered a gasp of astonishment. “Mr. MacFarlane!”


Malcolm nodded with awkward formality. Relief flooded him that she appeared well. She looked tired, her eyes a trifle dark behind her glasses. Her porcelain skin was dotted with beads of perspiration although it wasn’t hot inside the chapel. Still dressed the same, modest to the point of prudish, complete with a white bonnet tied over her honey hair. She was as thin and drawn as ever but seemed stronger and strangely vigorous rather than frail as she had before.


“Why are you here?” Jane’s mouth was round with surprise, particularly when she stared at the heavy guns he wore. Then her eyes strayed up to the grey scarf looped around his neck, the very scarf she had given him, and her pleased smile assured Malcolm he had reached her in time. “How are you here? I didn’t think visitors were encouraged yet.”


“I’m here for you.”


Jane pressed a hand to her breast. “Oh, Mr. MacFarlane, you astound me.” She glanced at Penny with a quizzical expression.


Malcolm waved hurriedly back at Penny. “That’s my partner, Miss Carter.”


“Miss Carter. A pleasure.” Jane nodded a polite greeting to the engineer, who was heading for the altar, then turned a confused but eager face back to Malcolm. Her petite mouth lifted into a genuine smile. “I can’t believe you came all this way for me, with Miss Carter. How did you know? You must have spoken with Mrs. Cummings.”


“Yes. She wasn’t quite herself.”


The slump of Jane’s shoulders was penitent. “I fear my sudden departure may have upset her. She was quite beside herself.”


Penny snorted from behind the altar. “Well, she is now.”


Malcolm took Jane’s hands in a strong grip. “We don’t have time to waste. I’ve come to rescue you.”


The petite woman started. “Rescue? I miss your meaning.”


“You’re a prisoner.”


Jane gave a confounded turn of her head as if trying to diagnose some mental failing in him. “Mr. MacFarlane, are you well?”


“Yes, I’m bloody well fine. I just want to know why you are here.”


She chided him with raised eyebrows. “Now, you are being overly forceful, sir. I would ask you to remember you are in God’s house.”


“God’s house?” Malcolm huffed with disdain. “Jane, you have no idea what you are in the middle of. I hope.”


“Well, despite your lack of confidence, I am fully aware.” Her tone was disapproving. “Wasn’t it you who told me that I should value my …” Jane glanced suspiciously toward the altar where Penny had disappeared and was busy making the grunts and toolish bangings of fascinated investigation. She leaned closer to Malcolm and whispered, “… my abilities. That is what I am doing here, along with Gaios.”


“Gaios.” Malcolm stiffened, squeezing her hands hard. “So you do know him as Gaios? I beg you to tell me you are not a willing member of his circle.”


Clay Griffith, Susan Griffith & Clay Griffith's books